Nine Sun God King

Chapter 207: Late night assassination

Li Dage and his wife did not say anything. They were clearer than Qin Yun. If Yin Sheng’s few people moved their hands, they would certainly suffer. Maybe it will be seriously injured.

"When we go back, we will investigate their situation, and we must not spare them." Qin Yun's cold road.

"Well! This group of guys is too arrogant!" Li Da Ge nodded.

Soon, they are far from the wolves.

They did not enter the deep part of the town, but continued to squat outside the first town, looking for those who went out to find Warcraft.

The five devil wolves just came out to patrol. Therefore, Qin Yun decided to have a wolf group nearby, and released the spirit to force out, will be alarmed in the nearby wolves. Moreover, when they killed the five demon wolves, the movement was not small, and they were alarmed to the wolves. Qin Yun only accelerated the arrival of the wolves.

In the evening, they hid in a spacious room on a dozen floors of a tall building.

Big Brother Lee took out the flag array and inserted it in the four walls of the room, which could hide their breath.

Today's harvest is not bad, get five eighth-order magic crystal nucleus, which is five million porch.

Want to get together 200 million Xuan points, but a very long process, Qin Yun is very urgent and useless.

Meng Feiling will fly out from time to time to inspect around. At night, she is safer to fly at high altitude. The higher the place, the farther she can see.

"The wolves we encountered before should be relatively weak." After returning to Monfling, he said: "I just went out and flew in a circle. In this outside area, there is no other World of Warcraft."

Both Qin Yun and Li Da Ge and his wife understood her meaning.

There are very few Warcraft outside, which means that World of Warcraft is concentrated in the deeper part of the first town. The wolves must have been injured because they lost the ground and then ran outside.

Big Brother Li frowned: "The general named Yin Sheng, after going back to the newspaper, maybe the Tianling Empire will send powerful warriors to deal with the wolves, and they can certainly think that the group of wolves are very fragile."

Li Dazhao sighed: "It's a pity! If there is a martial art among us, maybe we don't have to fear the group of wolves!"

"It's not as good as we waited for the day to sneak back! The assassination of the demon wolf can get one end." Qin Yun said that he is very confident in his stealth ability, especially at night.

With their strength, entering the inner Warcraft-intensive area of ​​the first town is a dead end.

In the first town center group, there are certainly many people who are tragically dying inside and being hoarded as food, so there are many World of Warcraft hiding in it.

"Okay, we are approaching carefully tomorrow! Our hiding power is not bad, we should not let the wolves discover." Big Brother Li agreed with Qin Yun's thoughts.

"Oh, next time you hide in the building and shoot arrows! We have your superb archery cover, it will be very safe." Meng Fei Ling smiled and said: "I also want to learn this archery with you! ”

"Okay! I am no one to practice archery with me." Li Dazhao said with a smile: "You have a Golden Eagle martial arts, which will make your vision very good, which will allow you to shoot more farther." quasi."

They talk about the sky, do not have to rest, just relax the whole body, you can recover from fatigue, sleep in this dangerous place outside, but it is very dangerous.

It was dawn, and Qin Yun immediately went on the road and returned to the area where the wolves were infested.

The buildings in this place are very dense, and they are several dozens of stories high. They are carefully over the roof of the building and slowly approaching the wolves.

"If the lord of the demon wolf is really injured, can win the magic wolf of the World of Warcraft level, that is, 50 million porch points!" Meng Feiling whispered, then leaped gently, from a moving eight-story building The roof of the building jumped to the top of a ten-storey building.

Big Brother Li smiled and said: "It’s quite good to think about it, but it’s not so easy to play! Unless we explore the strength of the entire wolf group, if there are a few nine-order devil wolves in the wolves, then don’t think about it. ""

They feel that if they cooperate well, it is okay to kill a ninth-order demon wolf. It is not enough to deal with a group.

After half a day, they finally returned to the area where the wolves were infested. They were on a 20-story high-rise building, looking through the window and looking far ahead.

"Have you seen it? The wolves are in the building. They just enter the store on the first floor, and there should be no upstairs." Li said, pointing to the circular ten-story building in the distance.

Qin Yun nodded quickly.

After a period of observation, they found that there was a demon wolf hidden in the first floor of the building in that area, and the specific strength was not clear.

"The buildings are separated by some distance. They are sparsely distributed. If you can kill them and let the devils send any movements, we might be able to attack them." Li said.

Qin Yun thought for a moment and said: "Large brother, I passed at night! I used mental power to attack. It should be able to make the demon wolf faint in an instant. I don't know it. I haven't tried it for Warcraft... but I I think that Warcraft is similar to humans."

Big Brother Li nodded and said: "Good! The Niangzi You and Fei Ling are responsible for hiding in the building. If there is any wind and grass, you will be responsible for the support! If our actions alarm the herd, you will shoot the arrow and retreat. The wolves, Feiling are flying in the air, attracting the attention of other wolves and reducing our pressure."

Later, they carefully discussed various tactics, and if they had other situations, how to deal with them, they all discussed.

At night, it was dark, and there were a lot of clouds in the air. From time to time, there was a large piece of the sky, which made the heavens and the earth faint.

Qin Yun and Li Da Ge began to act. They respectively resisted a building a few hundred meters away from two routes, then went in through the window and walked down the building floor through the stairs inside the building.

Qin Yun let Li Big Brother stay on it, and he used the shadow power of Mingyang Wuhun to hide himself in the darkness, and went very smoothly to the first floor!

"From this breath, it should be the 9th-order demon wolf. Do you want to start?" After Qin Yun approached, he discovered the demon wolf who was sleeping, and the breath was terrible, than the eighth order he had encountered before. Warcraft must be strong, although the size is about two or three meters long.

So he concluded that this is a ninth-order demon wolf.

When he hesitated, he suddenly saw a lot of scratches on the demon wolf. It should have been fought with other Warcraft and had been seriously injured.

"Okay, do it!" Qin Yun Shi exhibition gathers the **** to kill, condenses a powerful spiritual force, and bombards the head of the 9th-order demon wolf.

The body of the demon wolf was shocked, knowing that he was attacked, but the spirit of the brain was severely damaged, causing him to fall into a state of faintness, unable to control the body, and unable to make a sound.

When Big Brother Li saw Qin Yun succeeded, he rushed down and smashed a transparent powder to cover the ruined shop. Then he took out a knife and cut the wolf head very arbitrarily.

The transparent powder that he sprinkles can eliminate the **** smell and at the same time produce a vitality. Otherwise, the demon wolf will die, and the nearby demon wolf will certainly be able to sense its vitality disappearing, and you will know that there is a situation.

Big Brother Lee pulled out a transparent and pure magic crystal nucleus, secretly surprised, because this magic crystal nucleus is sinking than the nucleus of the previous eight-order Warcraft.

Qin Yun did not take away the body of Warcraft, stay here to simulate the breath of life, not to be discovered by other devil wolves, so that they can continue to assassinate other devil wolves.

Qin Yun rested for a moment, and after he recovered his mental strength, he continued to act with Li, and he was always ready to maintain his energetic spirit. This is also to give himself a back hand.

Their plan was very successful, and it was very easy to get an eighth-order magic crystal nucleus!

The powder that Li Da Ge sprinkled out is very easy to use, not only to eliminate the **** smell, but also to keep the Warcraft corpse alive for a period of time. It can be seen that he used to assassinate the beasts in the past, and his technique is very old.

If there is no such powder, they will be discovered as long as they kill a demon wolf. These demon wolves are very sensitive to **** smells, and as soon as a drop of blood appears, they can wake up immediately.

For a long time, they have killed ten eight-order devil wolves, two nine-order devil wolves, and in such a short period of time, can have such a huge harvest, it can be said that luck is very good.

If they did not encounter a defeated wolf group, they did not have such an opportunity.

What surprised them was that the devil wolves they killed had shocking scratches on their bodies. It was obvious that the wolves had a more terrible herd than they were, and they were defeated.

He entered the wolf group territory for two hours, killing four heads and nine-order devil wolves, twenty eight-order devil wolves.

What makes Qin Yun depressed is that the powder is used up, otherwise they can continue to kill.

Both Qin Yun and Li Da Ge are on the top of the building, just about to leave. Suddenly, a stream of air is swept from above. It is a person flying in the air.

There are only Monfiling and Li Dazhao in the vicinity, and they will not come over!

Qin Yun, they are all dressed in black, they are hiding in the air, the world is very dark, so the people who flew over the sky did not find them.

Big Brother Li took Qin Yun and returned to the building because there were several light breeze.

"It should be Yin Sheng those guys, are they also planning to attack the wolves?" Qin Yun sneered, then took out a Lei Fu from the storage space, stuck it on the wall, injecting a spirit, which can make him far away. Activate the lightning symbol.

"Go!" Li also knows that Qin Yun wants to destroy the sneak of Yin Sheng's group of people.

Qin Yun and Li Da Ge, carefully returning from the top of the building in the middle of the night, quickly resisted the tall building where Monfiling was.

Li Dazhao and Meng Feiling have been staring at the top of the building and watching the whereabouts of Qin Yun and Li Da. If there is any movement, they will immediately start.

Meng Feiling whispered: "We saw other people coming in, and there is also a martial art!"

Li Dazhao nodded. "There are ten people in total. The martial arts are all heavy and heavy. It should be the person of the Tianling Empire!"

"Okay, let's evacuate now!" Qin Yun said badly: "We should wake up the wolves!"

Qin Yun placed a Chinese product in a building where the devil wolves were resting. If the Raider is activated, the movement will be very large.


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