Nine Sun God King

Chapter 208: Iron crocodile

Before Yin Sheng, I learned that there is a wolf group here. Like Qin Yun, they guessed that the wolves were kicked out, so they immediately went back to report. At that time, he was also praised by the strong martial arts. Now, he also followed the predecessors here.

Their strength is very strong, and the sneak attack is also much better than Qin Yun. However, they found that there are many eighth-order demon wolves, all of them are dead, and they are thrown out of the magic crystal nucleus!

"It's a living powder! Damn, there are other people here, we have to be careful!" The old man of Wudaojing was very angry and told others.

"It should be the **** of the Star Xuanwuyuan! But their strength is not strong, certainly do not dare to move the Wolf King, we go directly to kill the Wolf King! Here the ** heavy devil wolf, it is estimated that they have been killed almost." Yin Shengchuan Sound, my heart is very angry.

"Good!" The old man of the martial arts nodded.

They were about to leave, suddenly burst into a "bang", a building in lightning, sending out a burst of strong lightning, and then slowly collapsed.

This huge movement has alarmed the entire wolf group!


A terrifying wolverine, resounding through the dark night sky, the strong World of Warcraft murderous, instantly filled the square, covering a few kilometers.

This is the roar of the Wolf King!

"The stars of the Xuanwu Academy, they must have made it out, let's get rid of it!" Yin Sheng yelled.

"You have a conflict with that group of people? Why don't you tell us about this, otherwise we will be wary!" The old man of the martial arts was also very angry, and screamed at Yin Shengdao, then flew up.

When they just flew up, there was a demon wolf jumping into the air. When roaring, a purple beam of light was sprayed in the mouth, hitting a middle-aged man in black and blasting it into several pieces.


The wolverines are constantly, the people who are flying in the air, the furious wolf king, releasing a terrible pressure, the person who locks the air with the breath, and the eyes also shoot a purple beam, hitting the three A middle-aged man!

Three middle-aged men were instantly shredded by the purple beam. After Yin Sheng saw it, the fear in his heart was incomparable, speeding up the speed away from the sensing range of the Wolf King.

Qin Yun, they also saw this scene in the distance, they are very happy.

"This group of bastards, who made them so arrogant, but also shot the big man." Meng Feiling laughed.

"This account is not finished yet!" Qin Yun sneered: "Unless this guy called Yin Sheng died!"

Big Brother Lee nodded. They had a rich harvest tonight. Now they are very happy to see Yin Sheng and others fleeing.

"Go, let's talk away from the wolves." Li Daxiao laughed and then began to retreat from the top of the building.


Yin Sheng had more than a dozen people, and finally only six people managed to retreat. They were in a forest and their faces were very ugly.

"Yin Sheng, it's all you! Don't say anything to us, or we will not die. We will not die three martial arts nine heavy and three martial arts eight! We not only did not kill the wolf king, but also catch so many masters The loss is heavy!" The old man of Wudaojing looked at Yin Sheng and angered.

Yin Sheng is also a full-fledged fire. If it is smooth, he will be able to get the appreciation of the predecessor of the martial arts, but now because of him, the loss is so heavy.

He bit his teeth and said: "Predecessors, this is the fault of the younger generation. I must cut down the heads of the four guys and bring them back to the Tianling Empire."

"This is a must! The specific reasons for the death of our six companions, not letting the legend go out, said that we were attacked by several Warcraft groups, they sacrificed." The old man of Wudaojing said.

The person he led the team to die, half dead, if the real reason is said, his reputation is not good.


It was dawn, Qin Yun, they also went to a safe area, they were hiding in a stone building built with thick stone bricks.

"The nine-order magic crystal nucleus four, five million Xuan points one, this can be exchanged for 20 million Xuan points! Eight-order magic crystal nucleus twenty-six, can exchange for two million six Xuan points, a total of four thousand Six million! After the emergence of these Warcraft, we are getting faster and faster." Big Brother Li exclaimed.

Their husband and wife don't want these nucleus, because they promised Qin Yun, to help him get 100 million Xuan points. Of course, Meng Feiling will not want to, but she promised Qin Yun, to be with the body.

"We will go out first, if you can't meet World of Warcraft, then go deeper." Li said.

Qin Yun nodded, there is a small team to help, it is convenient and quick to hunt Warcraft. Otherwise, he still doesn't know how long it will take to get so many magic crystal nuclei.

The two storage bags were just refining when he was bored. Now, if you give it, you can exchange so many black spots. He thinks it is worth it.

"When I wait, I find a good channel and use the storage spirit to exchange the magic crystal nucleus!" Qin Yun’s heart was a whimsy. If this is the case, you can change it with a few inferior storage bags. To a lot of magic crystal nucleus.

Now, he still doesn't know how to implement it, and he doesn't want his storage spirit to flow into the hands of some wicked people. He needs to find a good buyer.

In the next few days, Qin Yun, their four-person squad, was very annoyed in the outside area. They didn't find any traces of Warcraft, so they decided to enter a deeper place.

The closer to the middle of the first town, the more beautifully constructed stone buildings, the more spacious the streets, and the buildings are neatly arranged.

However, this originally very busy neighborhood is now empty, and the exquisite stone building has been ruined by Warcraft, and only a few can be well preserved.

"We are only in the fourth district of the first town. We are outside the fifth district, and the middle is the first district!" Li Da Ge said: "If there is no World of Warcraft in the fourth district, let's leave, go in again. It’s dangerous.”

Li Dazhao said: "I heard that in the first district and the second district, there is a very strong aura. Many people want to live in it! Those who live in these two areas must not want to go, maybe There are living people in it and Warcraft."

The first town is very large, and it is also a good place for many wicked people to avoid hunting. The stronger the strength, the more able to be in the middle of the area, so there may be many strong martial arts in it.

If human beings unite, they can also fight against Warcraft.

"If I can, I would like to go into the first district to see if there are human beings in it!" Li Daxiao said with a smile: "If there is, I want to join them and fight against them with Warcraft."

Meng Feiling smiled and said: "Large brother, even if there is, they must have to hide in Tibet! This kind of life is not good!"

When she finished, she flew into the sky and hid in the clouds.

Meng Feiling's eagle martial arts can make her flight speed very fast, they are faster than Qin Yun and Li Da Ge, and consume less internal force. Also, her eyes can be as sharp as an eagle, flying in Among the high altitudes, you can find prey on the ground.

As long as Warcraft is not hiding in the house, she can see it.

A moment later, Meng Feiling landed and brought joy. He said: "I found that the iron crocodile with a single order is very likely to be a nine-order Warcraft. It is more than ten meters long and has a steel luster. It should be a defensive pole. Strong Warcraft, with a man's body in his mouth."

"Fei Lingjie, you are so powerful, flying so high, you can see so clearly." Qin Yun smiled and praised.

"That is of course! If it is more than the ability to fly, even the martial arts nine-strong warrior, I do not necessarily have to fly flexible." Meng Feiling is very confident, Jiao smiled.

She flies in the air and has great risks. If she encounters a powerful World of Warcraft that can fly, it is very dangerous.

After Big Brother Lee got the detailed position from Monfiling, he immediately set off.

After a while, they found the huge iron-clad giant crocodile, covered in black steel armor, the claws were full of blood, and there were human clothes on the sides of the teeth. It seemed that they had just eaten people and had a meal. The swaying swaying broke through the walls of many houses.

"This breath is indeed the 9th-order Warcraft! I don't know the attacking means of this guy." On the top of a tower, Li brother looked at the giant armored crocodile hundreds of meters away, whispering.

There are many ways to attack Warcraft, and some can attack the distance. For example, the previous devil wolf can spray a purple beam from the mouth. After being hit, the body will be torn.

"There should be other Warcraft around this, but the strength is not strong, so they are hiding in the house, worried that they will be eaten by this nine-order World of Warcraft." Li said: "Let's wait, be careful!"

He nodded to Li Dazhao and signaled that she could do it.

Their way of fighting is that Li Dazhao first shot an arrow in the distance. Li and Ge Yun immediately rushed past. In the process of running, Warcraft will be shot one or two arrows.

At that time, Qin Yun and Li Big Brother will go to Warcraft, it will be a lot easier.

Meng Feiling is responsible for watching the movements around Li Dazhao, while protecting Li Dazhao as a sharpshooter to prevent her from being attacked.

Li Dazhao's arrow is not a real arrow, nor is he worried that it will be blocked by the armor of the armored giant crocodile. She uses the arrow condensed by the diamond to have a special power. After hitting the target, it will produce a very violent explosion.

If World of Warcraft is hit by the head, it will be dizzy!


The armored giant crocodile was hit by three consecutive arrows and it was sore on the ground.

Qin Yun and Li Da Ge also arrived in time, facing the giant crocodile is a mammoth!

The armor of the armored giant crocodile is extremely strong, and it is the 9th-order Warcraft. Qin Yun hit a set of forged dragons in the head of the giant crocodile, and could not penetrate the steel armor.

The three-section stick of Li Da Ge, slammed on the steel armor, played a burst of Mars.

The giant crocodile vigorously slammed the tail and played a terrible temperament. Qin Yun and Li Dage secretly stunned to avoid, and got the temperament like a gust of wind sweeping the surrounding buildings!

Thunder and bang, dozens of buildings, instantly collapsed, smoke and smoke!

Qin Yun and Li Dage both made violent attacks in the smoke and dust, and they cooperated with each other. They also secretly worried, because the attack on this giant crocodile made the movement too big.

If you don't hurry to end the battle, maybe it will attract more Warcraft.


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