Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2092: Last pass

Qin Yun used the Huaguang Shenglu, and suddenly broke into the hole in the space.

After entering, I immediately felt how terrible the turbulent space in the god-level space was, but fortunately he was not the first time.

Entering the chaotic space, he releases powerful power, first stabilizes himself, and does not let the turbulent flow blow him away. which is

Qin Yun has a powerful nine-nature body, and at this moment, it is also turbulent in the chaotic space, tearing up the body pain.

He had to release a Tianweiba body cover to protect himself and relieve the pain. "

After the formation of the gods, the space has become stronger and the turbulence has become even more powerful! After Qin Yun came in, I realized how great this change is. When

In the year, when he was tortured by the Heavenly Divine, he was thrown into this space. But the turbulent flow of space at this time is many times stronger than what he felt in the past.

"Xiaoyun, can you hold on?" Lingyun said: "If you can't hold it, can you return to the holy land?"

It is not easy to go back! "In the chaotic space where Qin Yun is located, all around is dark. Ling

Yuner suddenly became very worried. Qin Yun just faced a **** man and faced such a powerful blow.

"Xiaoyun, how can we go to the gods and gods? You are not the way to go!" Lingyun is very anxious. "

The space wall of the gods and gods is definitely a lot stronger! I need to wait for the small ants to accumulate power! Qin Yun said: "After you contact the little ants, let her start preparing for the power! "it is good

There are still a lot of Shenyu Jinshi in his hand, which can make the small ants gather a powerful space power. Come

After the space of the dark space, the space power released is still very strong.

Even if the space wall of the gods is augmented, the space is formed based on the original space, and the space ant colon can still open the mouth in the space wall of the gods. only

However, because the small ants are too young, they cannot be easily opened, and they need to absorb more of the power of Shenyu Jinshi. spirit

After the rhyme communicates with the small ants, let the little ants start soon. Qin

Clouds protect their bodies and then let the space flow. "

Not good, I have encountered time flowing! "Qin Yun whispered: "In the space, the most hate time turbulence! Mixed

In the chaotic space, full of various tyrannical forces, or time power, is also the result of different time variations in each space. Encounter

If you rush into the space, once you get caught in the vortex of time, you will accelerate or slow down the time you have experienced.

If the space in the vortex is inverted, then Qin Yun has spent ten years, and the gods are only a few days or dozens of days. This is nothing. This time, Qin Yun is still acceptable.

What he is most worried about is spending a few days in the whirlpool of time, and the gods are in the past few years or decades.

This is equivalent to the time being stolen. This

He has experienced it before, and there is no way to change it. Time

The chaotic flow took Qin Yun away. that

The turbulent flow of stocks was very strong, and with the turbulent flow of space, Qin Yun couldn't break free. He could only watch as he was involved in the whirlpool of time. only

It didn't take long for him to feel himself, trapped in a place with strong suction, surrounded by darkness and full of violent energy.

"No matter what, I can go to the gods!" Qin Yun stabilized his emotions. Enter

In the turbulent flow of time, it will not be so severely affected by the turbulence of space. he

I don't know what kind of inverter is time. Even if I know, there is no way to change it. Qin

The cloud waited patiently, it took time for the small ant to condense the power, and in order to ensure success, she needed to consolidate more space power.

"I hope that the inverter of time does not deviate too much!" Qin Yun said, he is now calm down, and he feels that Jiuyang has died in his mind.

In the annihilation of Jiuyang, there is a chapter of space and time to destroy. Using space and time can cause terrible destruction.

For example, the space collapses, the space collapses very terrible, can lead to spatial turbulence, and draw everything into the chaotic space. and

The destruction caused by time is equally powerful.

Speeding up on one's body, letting him spend tens of thousands of years in the blink of an eye, let him die, which is more terrible than any seal. when

Of course, this is very difficult to master. Qin

The cloud is now only in the whirlpool of time and space, and can't help but think of the law of Jiuyang's demise. "

Time and space, can say the most mysterious power! Qin Yun said: "Although I have mastered many space singularities, I can't use space power myself!" "image

It is a space ant colony after the small ants, and it is natural to master the space power. and

The mastery of time and power, Qin Yun has also seen.

For example, Xiao Yuemei, she can see what happened in the next few seconds, or can predict. to

As far as she is mastered, Qin Yun has not learned about it.

Because Xiao Yuemei has a small mirror, she has a lot of power, and it is impossible to concentrate on the mastery of time.

Qin Yun waited patiently for more than ten days. small

The queen is finally finished!

The small ant can run out directly from the Jiuyang shrine. Let

Qin Yun was surprised that this little ant actually grew up. Originally she was just a white light group, but now the light group has a pair of substantial elf wings fluttering.

The small ants will release the cohesive space force and at the same time sense the space of the gods.

It wasn't long before the power of her cohesion used all the light and opened a gap.

"Go!" Qin Yun will use the sacred sacred sacred sacred scorpion to make himself a light and pass through the gap. Out

After going there, Qin Yun was so relaxed that he finally came to the gods!

It is a big day, and it is still noon, the sun is very fierce!

Even if he cultivated a sacred body, he was exposed to the intense sun and the skin was hot and uncomfortable. If

It is a creature that has not cultivated a god. It is just a noon, and it is burned into black charcoal. "

The sun of the gods is so strong, it is stronger! "Qin Yun looked into the air, and he had the eyes of the sky, he could not look directly at the sky of the world."

Mang was very strong and stabbed his eyes burning. Let

What surprised him was that there was a little sun next to the huge Wanyang Shenyang! that

A small sun is only relatively small compared to Wanxiang Shenyang.

The nine suns of the original Jiuyang Tianyu are as big as the little sun!

"Wangjie Shenyang gave birth to a small Shenyang?" Qin Yun surprised: "It seems that the new Jiuyang has begun to regenerate, really fast!"

"Xiaoyun, you have stayed in the time whirlpool for more than ten days. Will this be going out for more than ten years?" Lingyun shouted. "

Damn time vortex! Qin Yun whispered a few times, and he is now unable to determine how long the gods have gone wild.

But thinking that the Wanyang Shenyang gave birth to a small Shenyang, he knew that the gods had gone a long way. he

At this time, the place is a desert, the endless sea of ​​sand, no plants at all. various

The gods and gods are completely different from the gods that he was familiar with before. various

The gods and gods gathered in the heavens of the gods, the land became very vast, and the space became stronger.

Even after a small ant, it is not easy to open the space. "

Even if you fly, you have to go to the other side for more than ten years? "Qin Yun flies in the air and thinks that it takes a long time to cross the celestial domain in the outer sky. He

You can only wait for the dark, after the appearance of the gods and gods, then contact the gods and ask the situation. day

Black, the gods of the gods appear!

The gods and moons seen in the gods of the heavens are bigger and more round.

Qin Yun flew for a long time, still in the desert where the ghosts are not there, he let Momo, the small ant, Yang Yang, Xiao Yu rabbit, and the soul of Tian Ding. This

A few small things, I like the moon very much.

"Look at the moon, I will try to see if I can contact the Guanghan Palace!" Qin Yun took out a animal skin. he

When I came to the gods, I didn’t know if my curse had been punished. I couldn’t help but worry that I would be forgotten. It

He experienced it before and was forgotten by his acquaintances. Qin

The cloud sits in the animal skin, injects energy into it, and begins to sense with the gods. One

Until late at night, the animal skin array responded!

"Small cloud?" The voice came from Xiao Yuelan.

"Yue Lan, my little lady, I miss you!" Qin Yun said with joy: "Come with me, I am in a desert where birds don't pull, I don't know when I can fly out!"

Xiao Xianggong, I miss you very well! I thought I would never see you again! "Xiao Yuelan's excited voice came.

"Yue Lan, I was born when the Wanyang Shenyang was born, and I began to go to the gods of the gods... How long has it been since then? I entered the space turbulence, fell into a time vortex, and was trapped for more than ten days. I came to the gods of the gods!" Qin Yun quickly encountered himself and told Xiao Yuelan. "

Xiao Xianggong, it is not easy for you to come to the gods and gods! Congratulations, completely get rid of the curse! Xiao Yuelan laughed; "I really want to see you right away, kiss you, I can miss you!" Qin

When the cloud heard Xiao Yuelan say this, he probably guessed that the gods of the gods must have passed for a long time.

"Yue Lan, what about them?" Qin Yun asked.

"They are all out, we are Jiuyang goddess, have a **** mission!" Xiao Yuelan muttered: "I will also leave the gods of the moon!"

"Where... How long has it been since the birth of Wanjie Shenyang?" Qin Yun wanted to know how much time he had been pitned. "

More than one hundred years! Xiao Yuelan smiled and said: "Don't care, it's just over a hundred years. You are the king of Jiuyang Temple. Your soul is also very old. This time is not awkward for you!" Qin

Yun said: "But I am falling behind!"

Xiao Yuelan Jiao smiled and said: "Xiaoyun, such as Jingjie, is her emotion not being deprived?"

It’s been a hundred years, she must have forgotten me! ”

Qin Yun thought of this point, and sighed, the emotion of Xian Rujing had recovered a bit, and Xian Rujing did not see him for many years, maybe it would be harder to recover.

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