Nine Sun God King

Chapter 2093: Wanjie Jingting

Xiao Yuelan giggled and kept laughing, Qin Yun did not know what she was laughing at.

"Yue Lan, what's so funny? In the future, this ice mother tiger will not bite me again!" Qin Yun said.

"You are wrong! If Jing Jing is now an infatuated melancholy beauty, suffering from lovesickness, drinking alcohol all day long... her goddess of ice and snow, is also known as the **** of wine!" Xiao Yuelan laughed . Qin

The clouds lingered, and suddenly some of them felt so sad that they turned out to be like this.

"Yue Lan, is she still a goddess of ice and snow?" Qin Yun asked. "

Well, she is in the Wanshen court, but the famous goddess... In short, there is a god, almost recovered! Xiao Yuelan laughed and said: "The sorrowful **** of dragons, the dragon **** of the dragon, the dragon of the old dragon, the **** of your god, and the sister of my favorite god, are all in place!" ”

This is very unexpected to Qin Yun, he thought that the gods will be reshuffled, I did not expect that nothing changed. "

What about the gentle sister? She is Luna! Qin Yun asked again.

"She didn't go to the Wanshen court. She has her own business to do... Of course, if she reports to the Wanshen Court, she can return to her place!" Xiao Yuelan paused and said: "Yes, and the righteous father." God, thank you boss, this sword god, they all go to the registration!" Qin

Yun immediately took out his **** Tianyin, frowning: "I am the **** of the sun, the king of the gods... can I return to my place?"

Xiaoyun, you must not go! Sui Rujie said, which **** can return to the place, but you will not! Because the position of the Yangshen is very special, there are mainly no vacancies in the current vacancies! Xiao Yuelan said.

“Why can't I return to my place?” Qin Yun asked: “Who built the Wanshen Court?”

"The formation of the Wanshen court is very complicated. In short, it is led by the Shenyang community. Then we will cooperate with many realms such as Shenyuejie, Jiujiejie, Chuangtianjing, Tiandao Shenyu, Chaos and so on!" Xiao Yuelan said: "Xiaoyun, Your **** king is very important, you have to keep it!"

"Well, my sister said that she can't return to her place, then I don't think about it anymore. You are all very well, then I will be relieved!" Qin Yun put the gods in the sky.

"Xiaoyun, you have to hide a little better, not powerful enough, don't be too swaying! The gods are ridiculous, even if it is our gods, we must be very cautious!" Xiao Yuelan said. "

I know that the gods of the gods have become so big, and there is also the world of heaven and earth, sure to gather many powerful people! "Qin Yun is naturally clear.

"You have nine altars in your hand, no need to, don't expose them!" Xiao Yuelan shouted again. Qin

The cloud looked around and said: "Moon Lan, how can I see you? Is there any way to send me to someone else?"

"There is no way, in the Wanshen court, no longer set up space gods and time gods, lest these two gods use these two forces, violating the laws of nature! And that, the strange lines of space and time will be fixed. For the taboo, it is not allowed to be used publicly, only the Wanshen court can be used!" Xiao

Yue Lan’s tone is quite dignified, because Qin Yun masters this taboo. Qin

The cloud thought of the **** of space and sighed: "The **** of space, this old brother, I don't know how he is!"

Xiao Yuelan said: "Xiaoyun, you have to come to the God of the Moon, you may need to fly for decades! Only the shuttle boat of the Wanshen Court can come faster!"

How many decades? "Qin Yun stunned, this is too far."

"Yeah, even if you want to go to the Wanshen Court, it will take ten or twenty years!" Xiao Yuelan said: "The area you are in is in the area where the gods have just opened up. There is nothing in this place. You probably If you want to fly for half a year, you should be able to see the forest!"

Qin Yun sighed and could only accept the reality. It seems that he wants to go to the center of the gods and it takes a long time.

"Moon Lan, Tiens King, are they okay?" Qin Yun asked. "

Tiens King is safe and looks at the gates of Wanjie! Xiao Yuelan smiled and said: "This guy volunteers to go to the door!" Qin

The cloud thinks that the Tianshi King will go to the Wanshen Temple to see the door, and certainly have other purposes.

"That loves God? Have you heard of her? Is she still a **** king?" When Qin Yun asked about the love of God, his voice was cold for a few minutes, but this is his enemy.

"God king? Now who dares to claim to be the king of God, she is looking for a dead end, she does not dare! She is still honestly back to her love god!" Xiao Yuelan also knows that Eros has betrayed Qin Yun, so he also hates love very much. God, she snorted: "I will kill her sooner or later!"

Qin Yun Shen said: "She is a goddess, and her position in the heavenly domain is extremely high! It is not good to deal with, we must be cautious!"

Yes, even in the Wanshen Court, her status is extremely high, her popularity is very good, this hypocritical woman, she can't live for a long time! Xiao Yuelan whispered.

"Yue Lan, you have to leave the gods and moons, then you will arrange a person to contact me, so that I can pass through you from time to time, understand the situation, and know the gods and gods!" Qin Yun said. "

Then I let the water, like Xiao Caifeng, come to contact you... Anyway, the girl in the Guanghan Palace, you are very familiar! Xiao Yuelan smiled and said that Xiao Caifeng and Nangong Shuiru had been eaten by her.

I will become stronger as soon as possible, then go to find you! Qin Yun smiled.

"Well, come on, we miss you very much!" Xiao Yuelan said: "Xiaoyun, this is a new era, a new beginning for us!"

Qin Yun missed a hundred years, so he will be temporarily behind in all aspects, but he is also used to this kind of thing.

Subsequently, Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan talked about a lot of things.

Xiao Yuelan met her mother Xu Qing, and Qin Yun’s mother Qin mother.

Speaking of this matter, Qin Yun suddenly remembered the Tiandao **** shop!

Heavenly pawnshops can **** things every hundred years and then exchange what they have or need. he

I feel that I can make good use of Tiandao pawnshop to help him get out of this ghost place faster. He doesn't want to use another year and a half to travel, he will be bored and dead.

After Qin Yun and Xiao Yuelan disconnected, they took Yang Yang’s cute little things back to Jiuyang.

He took out the **** of heaven and began to summon the treasurer of the heavenly **** shop.

Not long after, there was a cloud of white clouds, and then an old man with a beard like a white cloud. This

The old man was full of white hair, like a floating white cloud. After seeing Qin Yun, he was very surprised: "Hey, isn't this the king of the palace?"

"Yunlong, do you really look down on me?" Qin Yun said: "I just came to the gods, it is really weak, but this is only temporary!"

"Duke Wang, you know that these gods are desolate? It seems that you know a lot!" Yunlong laughed.

"I know more things, go!" Qin Yun snorted: "Calling what the king of the palace, I feel you are mocking me!"

Long Xiao smiled and said: "No, you are a man of the future. It is said that you have nine sun altars in your hand. This is the point. You will not be limited in the future! Do you want to **** the altar now?"

Don't want my altar! Qin Yun smiled.

"Well, what do you want to be?" Yun Longyin laughed and said: "Although the heavens are nirvana, and Shenyang is born, but the business of Tiandao pawnshop is getting better and better!"

"I suddenly felt that Tiandao **** shop is like a black market!" Qin Yun said. "

We are bright and business! Yunlong said.

Qin Yun thought about it. What he needs most now is to improve his strength, but Tiandao **** shop will definitely not help.

A hundred years of pawn, Qin Yun did not know what to change for a time. "

Yunlong, are the eight Jiuyang Zongmen still there? Qin Yun suddenly asked.

"At, and they are very strong sects!" Yunlong nodded. "

Then, is my strange grain mountain, has it come to the gods? Qin Yun asked again.

Come, Shenyu Ice Dragon is also! "Yunlong laughed and said: "The king of the palace, seeing that we are all friends, I told you so many things!" "

Knowing the strangeness of the mountain, Qin Yun was relieved a lot and smiled: "Yunlong, do you think where I am going to develop now?"

You are just a **** man, but with your strength, it should be no problem to deal with the mysterious god, but in the face of the great god, you can only escape, so it is better to go to the area where the gods and mysterious gods are better! "Yunlong also advised Qin Yun. God

People, mysterious gods, and great gods, this is the first three realms of spiritual cultivation. Qin

The cloud is now only a god, and it has just come to the gods, but his strength can be comparable to the mysterious god, this is the judgment of Yunlong.

"Well, send me to the area where there are more gods and gods!" Qin Yun said: "How many gods and stones?"

"Well, twenty!" said Yunlong.

"So much? Why don't you grab it?" Qin Yun snorted. "

A lot! "Yunlong laughed."

That's it, you tell me, the place is near here, and there are people gathering, I go! "Qin Yun does not lack the 20 Shenyu Jinshi, but it can't be squandered."

A Shenyu Jinshi consulting fee! Yunlong sneered.

Qin Yunbai gave him a look and could only come up with a Shenyu stone. cloud

The dragon told Qin Yun that this desert is in the southernmost part of the gods. If you fly west for about half a year, you can go to the area where the Wanshen court passes. In that area, there is a **** who sits in the town!

As for what god, Yunlong is not very clear, only know that in that kind of squatting, at most, it is only a great god.

Although the little black scorpion claimed to be a basaltic **** all day long, the great **** is really nothing in the wilderness.

After Qin Yun and Yunlong bid farewell, they took out the Tissot and released the small ants. he

Let the little ants absorb ten Shenyu Jinshi, and let Yuetiansuo have enough power to shuttle the space.

In this way, he does not have to waste a chance to pawn, nor will he be blackened by Yunlong.

Qin Yun finally came to the area that Yunlong said.

A space shuttle, it consumes ten Shenyu Jinshi, so that Qin Yun heart hurts, but he finally came to a forest with trees. "

Yunlong said that after many evil Tianyus were merged into the gods, they were gathered here, so there are many demons! "Qin Yun is not afraid of evil spirits at all."

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