Nine Sun God King

Chapter 230: Combat

Sun Jinhao was killed by Qin Yun, and the body was burned to ash, and he would never return.

The man heard and sneered: "Qin Yun, what do you mean, Grandpa is killed by Warcraft? Are you sure they will die? They are martial arts squad, you are dead, they are still dead. !"

Qin Yun smiled and said: "They were not killed by Warcraft, they were killed by me! Do you believe it or not?"

This made the other teams have a face to face, can't believe this is true, although Sun Jinhao was beaten by Qin Yun, but it will not be killed, because the four people are all martial arts!

"Qin Yun, you and Murong have been mixing this guy for a long time, and you like to brag! How can you kill Sun Big Brother?" The man said so, but his heart secretly believed, especially when he was Qin Yun looked at it and could not help but feel fear.

"As far as their strength is concerned, how much I will destroy! So I advise you, it is best to play less of our ideas, otherwise I will let you die very badly." Qin Yun's voice is cold and ruthless, killing the machine, scaring The man took a few steps back.

Here, there are a lot of people in Qinyun, especially those who are martial arts. Therefore, Qin Yun issued a warning to let the people here know his strength.

Uh... The door of the Blue Lingxing Palace suddenly opened slowly, and a large group of instructors came out inside.

When Qin Yun looked at it, he saw Xiao Yuelan and Yang Shiyue, and Xie Wufeng and Hou Xingfeng. Among them, they were very eye-catching.

Finally, Qin Yun’s sight fell on Xiao Yang Long.

Before they were besieged by Sun Jinhao, and then besieged by several veterans of the martial arts, these ten have **, are Xiaoyang Longgan.

When Lan Fengqi came out, he rushed to Qin Yun and asked: "Is your injury all right? We saw Sun Jinhao's bad deeds and killed beautifully!"

When I heard the words of Lan Fengqi, the teams were completely stunned!

Qin Yun, they really killed a few people in Sun Jinhao.

"It turned out to be true! We have been fighting with Warcraft, have you seen so many people?" Murong Daren looked at the hundreds of people, suddenly broken heart, he was beaten very badly, the image is very bad, It was seen by such a person.

"Qin Yun, you can rest assured that although you killed a few people in Sun Jinhao and several of the nine heavy weapons of our Blue Lingxing Palace, this is excusable, and you don't have to worry about being retaliated!"

Shui Yihui came over and smiled and said: "Your martial arts are no longer a problem? Are you considering it now, join us in the East Palace? When you practice in Donggong for a while, you will be able to enter the Holy Palace and become the Blue Spirit. Can become more powerful."

The elders of Nangong and Beigong were also cheeky and came over to open many good conditions and invited Qin Yun to join them.

However, they were all rejected by Qin Yun!

Seeing Qin Yun refused, the students of the martial arts and the disciples of the Star Palace were very puzzled, because they had to enter the Blue Lingxing Palace, which was very difficult, let alone the Holy Palace.

For them, the Holy Spirit Palace is a sacred place for them!

Unexpectedly, an elder of the West Palace suddenly came over and smiled and said: "Qin Yun, I know that you have some festivals with our Xigong, but that is only a small misunderstanding! If it is better than the bottom, We have the most powerful West Palace, you may wish to consider, enter our West Palace, how?"

The contradiction between Lanling Xigong and Qin Yun is not as big as it is. They are so cheeky and invite Qin Yun to enter the West Palace!

The most surprising thing is that Qin Yun has the intention to enter the West Palace!

"Well, I will enter the West Palace, but not now. I wonder if this elder can be the master, let me go directly to the West Palace? And give me generous conditions?" Qin Yun looked serious.

Everyone was stunned, and even the elder of the West Palace did not expect that Qin Yun had such an idea.

Xiao Yuelan hurriedly asked: "Qin Yun, are you serious?"

Qin Yun smiled slightly: "Of course I am serious! If I want to gain stronger strength, I can only enter the Blue Lingxing Palace, and the West Palace is the richest. There is no need to question this."

"Well, I am the master, when will you come!" But I also explained the words. When you come, it is normal to ensure that your martial arts are normal." The elder nodded and smiled: "You are It’s normal to attract the rich conditions of the Nishinomiya, but I still don’t believe it, you have to enter our West Palace!”

Qin Yun looked at Xiaoyang Long, and his eyes were full of killing: "That is because I want to enter the Xigong and challenge Xiaoyanglong. I want to compete for his chief disciple!"

As long as you have enough strength, you can challenge the chief disciple at any time under certain ages, provided that you must be a disciple of the West Palace to challenge the chief disciple of the West Palace.

After Xiao Yanglong heard it, he laughed happily: "Qin Yun, you are only martial arts now, would you like to challenge me? I am now thirty-two years old. As long as I am thirty-five years old, I cannot be a chief disciple. You may not be able to take away my chief disciple!"

Qin Yun is full of self-confidence and sneers: "Reassured, I will definitely enter the Blue Lingxi Palace in two years and defeat you! Of course, you better live until then, don't go to death!"

Most people think that Qin Yun is somewhat confident!

Because in two years, he may not be able to step into the martial arts, and only he can enter the martial arts, in order to defeat Xiao Yanglong!

As the chief disciple of Xiao Yanglong, the prince of the Tianxiao Empire, who controls the resources of the entire empire, will have a breakthrough in the past two years. Qin Yun will not be his opponent anyway.

"Qin Yun, don't think about it, if you are too strong, it will affect you." Lan Fengqi came over and screwed Qin Yun's arm.

"Qin Yun, a little better, if you force yourself to improve because of pressure, it is easy to get mad." Du Ghost also persuaded.

Shui Yihui came over and sighed: "Qin Yun, I know that you are being ambushed outside, and your heart is very angry, but you can rest assured that the wicked will be punished. You can do it with peace of mind, don't give yourself pressure!"

"Yue Lan, I would like to talk about your husband, he is very dangerous to do so," said Hou Xingfeng.

There is only Xiao Yuelan. When I look at Qin Yun, my eyes are full of appreciation. Her cold voice: "Qin Yun, if you can't beat Xiao Yanglong within two years, I will take you off!"

Hou Xingfeng looked at the dog's look. He originally wanted Xiao Yuelan to persuade Qin Yun, but he did not expect Xiao Yuelan to add fuel and vinegar to encourage Qin Yun.

Everyone was secretly speechless, but they felt that they were very well matched.

Even Xie Wufeng did not agree with Qin Yun doing this, but he did not say anything, mainly because he could feel faintly, the terrible power in Qin Yun, but it has not yet erupted.

Xiao Yang Long Xiao smiled and said: "Qin Yun, since you are so confident, then I promise you, I will be alive, waiting for you to challenge! But I have to tell you that the competition will be a battle of life and death. Only in this way can we let go of the competition and you dare to come?"

"Don't you dare?" Qin Yun's face with a hint of laughter, full of confidence.

Xiao Yuelan looked at Yang Shiyue, who was swearing at the head. He also knew that another reason why Qin Yun challenged Xiao Yanglong was to help Yang Shiyue get rid of the marriage contract.

The elder of the West Palace sighed: "Since this is your choice, we will not interfere too much, because no matter what the outcome, we will have a good chief disciple."

"Two years later, I will go to the Blue Lingxi Palace and become a Xigong disciple, and then challenge Xiaoyang Long!" Qin Yun's plain and confident voice conveys the four sides and the powerful internal force, which makes many martial arts secretly scared.

How strong is Qin Yun’s strength? Everyone is guessing in the heart, because Qin Yun has the arm of the Tiens, has the purple gold thunder fire martial arts, or a singularist, can be said to be unfathomable!

The princes of several empire, only Xiao Yang Long has not lost in the hands of Qin Yun, if Qin Yun will defeat Xiao Yang Long, then no doubt, he will be the strongest Prince!

The white chief shouted: "Now start testing the magic core Xuanzhu! You should also find out that the more energy the magic core is absorbed, the heavier it becomes, so weighing is the best way to detect it."

"Start now!"

Think of the talents, this is the most important thing!

The strongest team is the team of Xiao Yanglong, but Sun Jinhao they are already dead. The Xiaoyang Dragon, who endured the anger, turned and walked into the Blue Lingxing Palace.

Lan Fengqi gently twisted Qin Yun's ear and whispered: "You are a dead devil, don't you know, Xiao Yang Long Shen is the disciple of the Nishinomiya? He has done so many bad things, has not been ruined, Just because there is a palace in the West Palace!"

Qin Yun’s eyes were firm and said: “It doesn’t matter, I must beat him anyway!”

If he wants to stand on the Blue Lingxing Palace, he must show enough strength to gain attention and get more inheritance.

The white chief began to weigh the magical sacred beads of each squad, and the results were shocking. Qin Yun’s magical nucleus was weighing more than one hundred kilograms, while the other squad’s magical nucleus was the most important. jin!

The first and the second, the difference is more than ten times. Such a huge gap makes the teams begin to doubt their lives.

Although Qin Yun, the four of them have known this result, they are still very happy because they got a hundred million points.

"At the end of this trial, the instructors led the team back to Tianjiaoyuan." Bai Dean shouted.

Except for Sun Jinhao, all of their squads have died. The other squads are only seriously injured and not dead.

The team that can go back now, one less, and the strongest one, it is sighing that this strongest team was not killed by World of Warcraft, but was killed.

The students and tutors of Tianjiaoyuan rushed to the Star Xuanwuyuan overnight.

At noon, they flew over the Wanxing Lake and went to the Xing Xuanwuyuan. Suddenly someone shouted: "Look at the lake!"

The Wanxing Lake, which has been very calm, has a wave today, and there is no wind now. It is very strange!


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