Nine Sun God King

Chapter 231: Wanxing Lake waves

"Teacher, Wanxing Lake has started to wave, what happened?" Qin Yun saw Du Gui's face full of surprise, and asked quickly.

The old man of the basaltic martial arts, such as the devil, has the same face, surprised and with a trace of fear.

Lan Fengqi also hovered in the air, frowning and looking at the wave of waves rising below, Shen Sheng: "Wanxing Lake waves, this is a bad sign, indicating that there is a disaster, but not recently, maybe ten In a few years, maybe a hundred years."

"Xinghu rises, Jiuyang fades away, only the meditation hangs... This is an ancient prophecy!" Du Ghost’s voice is somewhat fearful: "That is, Jiuyang will gradually disappear, and finally only the sun is in the air. , Ming Yang, it is a black sun, can swallow all things."

Qin Yun’s heart leaps and bounds, and he has a soulful soul in the body!

"Is this true?" Qin Yun looked at Lan Fengqi, and he did not know why, feeling inexplicable uneasiness.

Lan Fengqi took a breath and said: "I don't know if it is true, but this prophecy has been circulating in our Lan Lingxing Palace for a long time! That is to say, nine suns will disappear one by one, as for how long it will disappear. No one knows. And every time there is a sun disappearing, there will be a great natural disaster. Until the nine suns disappear, there will be a black yang, and the sun will devour everything in the land."

Other students and tutors heard it and suddenly became scared.

Du Ghost said: "In the prophecy, because Jiuyang has no soul, it will gradually disappear. As for whether it is true, we are not sure. Maybe, only God knows what is going on."

"In short, the Wanxing Lake is a wave, this thing is extraordinary." Lan Feng said.

"Let's go back to the Star Xuanwuyuan." The White House said.

At this time, people are already worried. If Jiuyang is fallen, then the nine wild land will fall into a darkness!

Qin Yun has a lot of troubles, and he always thinks about the words of the devil in his mind. Jiuyang has no souls... and he has Jiuyang gods in his hands, and he does not know whether it is related to the soul of Jiuyang.

In addition, there are Jiuyin gods, which is in the hands of Xie Qirou.

"Tai Shi sister, what is going on in the end? Who are you, what is your relationship with the land of the bones?" Qin Yun seems to think that Xie Qirou has a big secret.

After returning to Tianjiaoyuan, Qin Yunyi entered the small building and immediately entered the room. After closing the door, he took out the funeral figure on the table and then dripped blood on the funeral figure.

"Tai Shi sister, you can talk quickly!" Qin Yun keeps dripping blood, and his mind keeps on reading.

His blood dripped on the white funeral sacred map, and was quickly absorbed by the funeral sacred figure. After half an hour passed, Qin Yun was also very weak. He leaned on the chair and absorbed the nine-yang aura to restore blood.

"It seems that this is not going to work. I can only try Xiaomeilian, Yuelan and my funeral figure together, but Xiaomeilian is now in a retreat and she does not know when it will come out." Before Qin Yun It is known that Qi Meilian is highly valued by her teachers, has been vigorously cultivated, and has acquired a large number of resources to practice.

Qin Yun is very happy for Qi Meilian, I hope she can become stronger.

Now, he can only wait for Qi Meilian to retreat, then contact Xiao Yuelan to take a trip and put together the three funeral figures to see if they can contact Xie Qirou.

The disappearance of Jiuyang and the natural disasters have come, which will take place many years later. Now there is no use in anxious. For Qin Yun, it is the most important thing to defeat Xiao Yang Long in two years.

"I am now a martial arts bastard, Golden Soul, want to step into the nine, I must first learn to condense out of the guilt!" Qin Yun recalled that Du Gui guided him to cultivate the content of guilt.

The difficulty is to continuously release the Jin Gang internal strength, use the Jin Gang internal strength to wash the diamond bone marrow, from which the birth of suffocating gas, that is, guilt.

"Continuous release of King Kong internal strength? This consumption will be very big!" Qin Yun in accordance with Du Gui said to do, to release King Kong internal strength.

Not long after, a stock of King Kong continued to emerge from the three inner yuan, constantly infiltrated into the bone marrow, to smelt the diamond bone marrow. In order to achieve the purpose of refining, it is necessary to completely release the Jin Gang internal strength and fill the inside of the bone.

This consumption is not that big!

When fighting in the competition, it is also a moment to play a diamond inside, but even so, the consumption is very huge. Therefore, when you are not particularly sure of defeating your opponent, you will not be able to use King Kong’s internal strength at will, and it will be easy to drain your internal strength.

Now, Qin Yun will fully promote King Kong's internal strength, unrestrained release of King Kong internal strength, let it fill the bones of the whole body.

In the process of cultivation, his whole body radiated a faint golden light, which was because the inside of the bone was filled with the internal strength of the diamond, and this time was the moment when he released the strongest breath.

Half an hour has passed!

Qin Yun sitting on the bed, slowly opened, and then immediately lie down, he was too tired, the internal forces of the three inner yuan, all were hollowed out.

This is the first time he has released the internal force! Moreover, King Kong's inner strength stimulates the bones and stimulates the flesh and blood, which also makes him exhausted. After so hard quenching of bones and flesh, it takes a while to recover.

Even if it is very tired, Qin Yun has to come up with some monster meat to eat, otherwise the flesh and bones are not enough nutrition when they recover. Fortunately, he has Jiuyang Shenque, and in the Xingyang Baoshu, can absorb more pure aura, used to restore consumption.

One day and one night passed, Qin Yun was restored to the peak.

"It’s just half an hour of extreme cultivation. I have to rest for a whole day. It’s no wonder that the eight heavy steps into the nine-fold, hindering so many people.” Qin Yun recalled, feelings again and again.

Because it is only the first time to practice in this way, King Kong bone marrow needs to be repeatedly tempered to breed guilt. Du Ghost said that people who have just stepped into the martial arts are required to perform at least dozens of such practices in order to cultivate a little guilt.

"No, this way, you can't get into the martial arts nine years in two years! Even if you cultivate guilt, there is still a long way to go before you break through."

Qin Yun naturally understands that if he practices according to this dead method, he will not be able to break through in a short time.

Xiao Yuelan and Yang Shiyue, very young, can step into the martial arts nine-fold, certainly not using this method of death.

"Big array!" Qin Yun suddenly thought of a way, the heart secretly rejoiced: "I want to arrange a better Jiuyang Ju Ling array."

He had made one before, but the conditions were bad at the time of production, so it was not the best.

Today, he has hundreds of millions of coins, and there are many high-grade animal skins, which can definitely make a large animal skin!

Qin Yun came to the hall and saw that Lan Fengqi was guiding Huo Zhong to train them three people, mainly in the use of martial arts.

He is very skilled at using martial arts and does not need to study special. For example, in the case of Hurricane Six, he himself has achieved great perfection and can use King Kong's internal strength to display.

It is just that we cannot reach the realm of ecstasy. Some martial arts do not have this realm and can only be realized by ourselves.

"Blue sister, what is the recent trial of Tianjiaoyuan? If not, I have to do my own thing." Qin Yun asked.

"No, Tianjiaoyuan holds big events, it is three months, even if it is only three months later, you can rest assured that you are busy." Lan Feng said, she also knows that Qin Yun set out to challenge Xiao Yanglong. thing.

Qin Yun smiled and said: "That's good, I am going to exchange some of the mysterious points. I have the 9th-order magic crystal nucleus on hand, which can be exchanged for more than 200 million points."

"Qin Yun, the three major basaltic courts and the Blue Lingxing Palace, just issued a rule, if you use the magic crystal nucleus to exchange the Xuan point, you can only exchange 100 million Xuan points every year!" Murong Daren sighed.

"Hell!" Qin Yun could not help but snorted.

Xue Ziye said: "They don't need the magic crystal nucleus very much, so they only limit the exchange, but there is no limit to the Warcraft crystal egg. At least it is very difficult to get the Warcraft crystal egg."

"Well, I can still use the magic crystal core to exchange 100 million Xuan points." Qin Yun is also very helpless, he hurried out of the small building, to find other mentor.

There are some instructors who need him to engrave the space and he can complete four engravings to get four Nine-order magic cores. The space of his engraving is through his streamlined, and belongs to the space of the Chinese product space.

Even so, the tutors are very satisfied. In the morning, he successfully carved five times and got a total of twenty nine-order magic cores.

Star Xuanwuyuan Center, Xuandian store is very lively, Pan Dawei as the general manager here, from time to time will look around in the hall.

When Qin Yunyi entered the hall of Xuandian, he saw Pan Dawei.

Pan Dawei also saw Qin Yun, and then laughed and took Qin Yun into a VIP room.

"Fat old, can you get through, let me exchange more Xuan points!" Qin Yun took out sixty nine-order magic cores, piled on the table.

Pan Dawei’s round face was full of embarrassing colors, and he sighed: “Qin Yun, let me be honest, you exchanged a lot of mysterious points before, this thing let other martial arts and Lan Lingxing Palace know. And now you enter Tianjiaoyuan and exchange things with other martial they have this rule and there are reasons for it."

Qin Yun uses the storage spirit to quickly exchange for many Warcraft crystal nucleus, which means that you can easily get a lot of mysterious points! Many people think that this way will destroy the fairness of the redemption, so he has imposed restrictions on him.

In fact, the annual exchange of 100 million Xuan points, it is only limited to him, because the vast majority of students, the annual exchange of Warcraft crystal core to 30 million is not bad.

Pan Dawei said this, Qin Yun will understand.

"Well, I will exchange 100 million Xuan points!" Qin Yun originally had 100 million yuan. The trial was first, rewarding 100 million yuan. Now it is exchanged for 100 million yuan, which is 300 million yuan. This is also quite a lot.

A nine-order magic crystal nucleus can be exchanged for five million Xuan points. Pan Dawei took twenty magic crystal nucleus from the desktop and then assigned it to Qin Yiyi Xuan.

"Qin Yun, I have heard about the challenge of Xiaoyang Long! If there is no limit to your exchange of Xuan points, I am very confident that you can step into the martial arts within two years, but now, oh... can't live I can't help you with anything fat." Pan Dawei is also very helpless. He sighs and can see that he also hopes to get the 9th-order magic crystal nucleus from Qin Yun.

Qin Yun collected the magic crystal of the desktop and smiled. "It's okay, there is no road to heaven!"

Pan Dawei's eyes turned and suddenly said: "Right, you can go to the sacred temple to try. Have you ever been to the main hall of the sacred temple? The resources of the sacred temple are also many, the things that the coin can't get, they may Can get it."


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