Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3059: Prepare for a strong enemy

Qin Yun?

This group of cat ears has not heard of Qin Yun's name, so this is very strange to them.

In their view, this Qin Yun should be a rebel from the empire.

"I am the king of the gods of the gods. If you can, you will tell me the king of the cat kingdom, or tell the Dalu Empire. I will definitely let them pay a painful price."

Qin Yun said.

God of the gods of the gods?

These cat ears have an impression. The Yang Dawang who had previously relied on them claimed to be the great **** king of the gods. They have heard that there is a little **** king in the gods.

The little **** king is still the person to be captured by the Da Luo Empire! They did not agree at the time, thinking that the great kings of God were relying on their odd cat kingdom and the Daluo Empire. The little **** king must be a slag.

However, they finally saw this little **** king, and it was so terrible to kill the master of the empire.

"Right, the Yang Dawang, who used to be loyal to you like a dog, has already been killed by me. Unfortunately, you are late, or you can see how I crushed his head."

Qin Yun’s words made the face of this group of cat ears change greatly.

They are all left with human heads now, and they will be smashed by one foot and then die completely.

"The gods and gods are not yours. You are doing what you want here. Then I will punish you as the king of God."

You are a strange cat kingdom, in order to build the singular cat king city, enslaving my gods and gods, no matter where your cat kingdom is hiding, my Qin Yun sooner or later will find you the cat kingdom and kill you. country! ”

"Remember, I want to tell my words to the top of the Chihua Kingdom. I am Qin Yun and they are not dead."

After Qin Yun finished, he took Ba Taiyin to leave. Before leaving, he let Ba Taiyin completely destroy the Qi Wang Wangcheng.

Subsequently, Qin Yun and Ba Tai Yin went to Tianmen Gate.

He needs to use the investigative power of the heavenly gate to understand other kingdoms, and whether there is no slavery to the gods.

Qin Yun kept the heads of the cats and ears and told them to tell the other cat kingdoms and the Da Luo Empire.

If they don't listen, they are still enslaving and bullying the gods, and Qin Yun will fight against these kingdom empire in the next time.

Qin Yun is going to a quiet place to renovate the artifacts in his hands, and he wants to refine some terrible things, and to refine with the **** sky box.

It is time for him to dig the power of the **** sky box.

There is a small universe sealed inside the **** sky box. These small universes have their own consciousness and they hate the Da Luo Empire.

Qin Yun can rely on the power of the **** sky box to fight against the Da Luo Empire.

......After a few days, the news that the singularity of the singular cat king city was ruined and spread all over the world.

Within a few of the world's gods and yangs, above the gods of the gods, the old people among the ancients of the heavens have learned the news.

Qi Mao Wangcheng thousands of cat ears, more than a dozen elite, and several empire masters, actually was killed by Qin Yun and a man! This incident can be said to have sensationalized all the great gods of the gods.

Among those who are strong, they are recently heart-wrenching, because they have received news that the seven kingdoms and the Daluo Empire will come to the gods.

There are several kingdoms that have begun to fight in the wilderness of the gods, to enslave the gods and gods of the gods.

The strength of the ancient tribes cannot be countered by those in the middle and upper classes, so the gods and gods can only fend for themselves.

Nowadays, it is an exciting news to learn that Qin Yun, the **** of the gods, has stood up at the crucial moment to fight against the cat kingdom and kill many pelagics.

Some strong people, at this moment, are inquiring about where Qin Yun is. The patriarchs of these strong families want to find Qin Yun, and then they rely on Qin Yun to fight against foreign enemies.

The gods of the gods, a city.

An old cat, sitting with the patriarch of the ancient moon and the moon.

"This **** Qin Yun, killing so many people, but also dare to kill the masters of the Da Luo Empire, you open the ancients, we must assist us and arrest Qin Yun."

The old cat is very angry.

"On the other side of the empire, are you allowed to enslave God's ridiculous people?"

The head of the Tianyue snorted.

"Qin Yun is the **** king of the gods, and it is his responsibility to guard the gods!"

Taiyue’s mother-in-law said: “Don’t blame me for not reminding you, Qin Yun said this, you don’t underestimate him.”

The old cat-eared man sneered: "Jiuyang Failing did not help him. You opened the heavens and the ancients also broke off with him, and lost the help of others. What is the terrible thing in this area?"

"What about the Empire?

Is there any movement? ”

The Tianyue patriarch asked.

"The empire attaches great importance to them. They urge us to unite with you to quickly build the Imperial Palace, and then Princess Luo Shu will come."

The old cat said: "We are all tools of the empire. We must uphold the empire's rule over the gods and gods, and you must do your best to cooperate with us to capture Qin Yun!"

The Tianyue family said: "We will do our best!"

The old cat ears smiled and said: "Even if you try your best, you may not be able to catch Qin Yun. I have already thought of a trick.

Qin Yun cares about the gods and ridiculous people. Then, we will catch more gods and saviors, and enslave them to help us build the city. Hahaha... It will definitely lead him out. ”

"Wish you guys good luck!"

The Tianyue family is long.

... Qin Yun is in the door of the sky, let the little ants come out, she can still enter the dark space, but the space of the gods is really strong now, even after the small ants, it needs to consume huge, in order to bring Qin The cloud travels through the space.

Qin Yun got a lot of Shenyutian bones. The first thing he wants to enhance is Yuetiansuo.

As long as there is a super-defensive space shuttle artifact, he can quickly swim in the wilderness of the gods, and can be used against the kingdoms and empire.

Next is the sacred gun. This is a long-range attack, a highly destructive artifact, especially after it becomes bigger, like a cannon, with good shells and bullets, the power is very impressive.

The Dantian furnace is very important. This furnace can be used to refine powerful shells and must be enhanced.

Tianding Town Longding, Lock Sky Chain, Jiuyang Shen Hammer, can be enhanced later.

Qin Yun has sent Ba Taiyin to the ancient garden city and asked him to go to Gao Linqing.

Gao Linqing is an ambassador sent by the Big Blue Empire. In the eyes of Qin Yun, Gao Linqing is an understanding person. If there is enough interest for him, then he can cooperate.

Qin Yun needs to cooperate with Gao Linqing, he wants to use the resources of the Great Blue Empire.

"Xiaoyun, the cat ear person will definitely not give up."

Ling Yun came out and helped Qin Yun to sort out those gods.

"Yes, they know that I care about the gods and the desolate people, and will surely enslave the gods and bring me out."

Qin Yun said: "So this time, they will ambush more cat ears, as long as I can kill them again this time, it will form a deterrent. Other kingdoms want to enslave God's ridiculous people, they have to consider the consequences. ”

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