Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3060: Amazing news

Qin Yun must deal with this time, to fight the fear of the cat kingdom.

Otherwise, other kingdoms will certainly enslave God's savior in the wilderness of the gods for the sake of their interests.

In the end, it will lead to the loss of confidence of the gods and the forces of the gods, and no longer trust any forces of the gods, and it will be difficult to gather the gods and gods in the future.

In addition, those kingdoms are in the destiny of the gods, using their powerful power to oppress the gods and the sacred people, and help to dig the gods and golden stones, which will lead to the rapid loss of the resources of the gods.

It is very vicious for foreign pelagic kingdoms and empires to enslave the gods of the gods and ruin the resources of the gods.

The powerful humans in the middle and upper classes have entered the wilderness of the gods. This is what Qin Yun can't stop now. He must try to stop the middle and upper enslavement gods.

Otherwise, the gods are simply unable to be strong! Qin Yun wants to fight against the upper middle class. It is impossible to rely on oneself. It is necessary to unite the gods and the wild people and give the gods a growing environment.

Qin Yun began to enhance the various artifacts in his hand and joined a lot of Shenyu Tianzhu.

He intends to use most of the gods and bones to transform his artifacts.

In addition, he has a long-term plan to build a super-strong Shenyu Jiu Jiu Legion, which requires a lot of resources, time is too tight, and now it is too late.

The main reason is that there are too few gods in the universe. The gods of the gods are all nine-fold, mainly from the ancient heavens.

The Kaitian ancients are now allowed to enter the middle, so their gods are nine-fold, and they can't wait to break through. After they surpass the nine heavens, they can no longer come to the gods.

This is actually the strategy of the Da Luo Empire. This trick was used to break the wilderness between the ancients and the gods.

The Kaitian ancients guarded the gods and gods because they wanted to rely on the gods to break through their hierarchy.

The Daluo Empire allowed the Kaitian ancients to break through the hierarchy. Then the Kaitian ancients did not need to be in love with the gods. Otherwise, there would be ancient peoples, and the kingdom and the empire would have to plunder resources in the gods. It was not so easy.

The Kaitian ancients really want to break through the hierarchy, but they want to stay in the wilderness of the gods and guard the gods.

However, Jiuyang Faling allowed them to promise the Da Luo Empire, first break through the hierarchy, and there will be a follow-up.

It is obvious that Jiuyang Faring is planning for the long term.

In the door of the heavenly machine, Xuan Zangzi has let a large number of secret secret agents go out to spy on intelligence.

Qin Yun transformed his artifacts in the secret room. Every once in a while, he learned some information from Xuan Zangzi.

Although the Kaitian ancients said that they no longer had any contact with Qin Yun, they would secretly send a message to Qin Yun. The Xuan Zangzi would send someone to receive the secret report and then pass it back to decrypt.

"The Cat Kingdom will send 100,000 troops to guard them to build the King of the Cats, or the place before!"

"The enchantment of the Jiuyang Holy Land was withdrawn, and all the sects outside the enchantment moved."

"The open-air ancients will gradually withdraw from the gods."

"The eighth Wanyang Shenyang will be born in the near future."

"There are more and more masters from the Daluo Empire. They will be stationed in the Jiuyang Holy Land. The Daluo Empire is very strong. They must build their imperial palace in the Jiuyang Holy Land."

Qin Yun has received all kinds of important news in succession for ten days.

To his surprise, the Da Luo Empire was to build the Imperial Palace in the Jiuyang Holy Land! The Jiuyang Holy Land is the center of the gods and gods. The resources inside can be said to be the most abundant. There are many medium-sized mines, and there are many treasures formed by large mines.

However, those barbaric species are very terrible, and there are a large number of barbaric species of foreigner beasts are also very ferocious.

"Da Luo empire wants to enter the barbaric outer universe through the passage of the Jiuyang Holy Land?"

Qin Yun’s heart is dark, “Daluo Empire, should you be interested in conquering the outer universe?”

The birth of the Eighth Wanyang Shenyang made Qin Yun very excited, indicating that by then, a group of very strong local strong people will be born.

"I don't know if the eighth sun is coming, does it help me?"

Qin Yun was busy renovating his artifacts while planning to attack the Qi Mao Wangcheng.

"The eighth **** sun appears, there will be more Shenyu gold stone and treasure land, which is of course a good thing for you.

You can use the power of the Bloodline Box to create something of value, to exchange resources with the strong, or to exchange trust from those who are strong. ”

Said too far.

Although Qin Yun is the **** king of the gods, but to get the recognition of the strong family, he must show his powerful strength.

Especially for those new born strong people, they are the most recognized strength.

After the emergence of the eighth Shenyang, the strong people born will certainly be stronger, not afraid of the kingdom of the kingdom of the kingdom, or even the object of the kingdom.

When Qin Yun arrives, it is even more difficult to get the recognition of these strong people. He can only get the weaker groups to follow.

In fact, Qin Yun does not want to lead the strong people of the gods, but now it is a last resort.

The gods of the heavens must have individuals to bring together all the strong people, fight against foreign enemies, and transcend hierarchical restrictions.

Only in this way can the gods be safe.

Qin Yun needs a stable and desolate god. Only in this way can he earn a lot of Shenyu stone in a stable environment to promote himself.

If it weren’t for the middle- and upper-level people to make trouble, it would lead to great changes in the gods and gods. Qin Yun now can enjoy the beauty by selling cigarettes.

In addition, the Da Luo Empire must grasp Qin Yun, and his own power is difficult to fight against the Da Luo Empire. It is necessary to use the power of the gods and gods.

After two days, Qin Yun got another very important information.

"There are a total of 200,000 slaves in the city of Qijiao Wang. They want to build a bigger and more cat king city."

Xuan's killer is outside the secret room.

"What about other kingdoms?

Is there a slave **** of slavery? ”

Qin Yun asked.

"For the time being, those kingdoms are watching, and they are afraid of being retaliated by they sent some people, near the King of the Cat, waiting for you to attack the King of the Cat."

Xuan killed the child.

“How did the cat-ear man catch so many gods and ridiculous people?”

Qin Yun wants to figure this out.

"There are local strong people, and they fall to the cat kingdom and become the hawk dog of the Chihua Kingdom."

Xuan Zengzi said: "God king, I will continue to trace and find out what is strong."

"These traitors must be removed."

Qin Yundao.

It is normal and understandable that the strong people of the heavens and gods have joined the seven kingdoms.

However, after joining the seven kingdoms, they have ruined the local gods and sins, which is unforgivable.

The Qi Wang Wangcheng is getting bigger and bigger, so many people are enslaved and the speed of construction is very fast.

This is the deliberate of the Cat Kingdom. They just want to lead Qin Yun out, and then grab Qin Yun and hand it over to the empire.

The people of the seven kingdoms have successively arrived at the gods, but only the Cat Kingdom has begun to build their city, and it is still very large.

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