Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3061: Artifact new ability

The Chihua Kingdom is not the strongest among the seven kingdoms.

The reason why he made such a big move was because they had been defeated by Qin Yun.

The cat ears from the middle heavens are also the kingdom of the cats in one of the seven kingdoms. They built the king city in the wilderness of the gods. If they have not been built, thousands of cats are killed.

The cat ears of the guardian cat king city can be said to have been destroyed.

Even the elite they sent were cut off.

For the cat kingdom, this is nothing to lose.

So, they have to get it back.

In addition, Qin Yun also killed the master of the empire, the Empire is very attached.

If the Cat Kingdom can catch Qin Yun and hand it over to the Empire, they will be rewarded by the Da Luo Empire.

Among the seven kingdoms, except for the Phoenix Kingdom, the other kingdoms are the Daluo Empire.

Other kingdoms want to see what the gods of the gods have.

After all, it can be wanted by the Da Luo Empire, and dare to confront the Da Luo Empire. It was not easy to kill so many cat ears with a helper.

After the kingdom is going to be a long time in the gods, if Qin Yun is really strong, then these kingdoms must be considered, how to keep a distance from Qin Yun, not to be stared by Qin Yun, and not to be The emperor blamed them for not catching Qin Yun.

Those kingdoms are very clear that they are breaking into the gods of the gods. Even if the locals are weaker, they will fight back. This is normal. Even if you go to the ant nest, the ants will not stay in the nest honestly. .

With the help of God Wang Tianyin and Taishi Mirror, Qin Yun can smelt Shenyu Tianzhu more quickly and then integrate it into his artifacts to enhance artifacts.

Yue Tiansuo has been greatly enhanced and is now very strong and will not be damaged as easily.

The gods' guns and the sacred celestial furnaces were all smelted into many gods and bones, and the whole became very hard.

There is also Tianyu Bawang, which has also been enhanced.

This is the thing that has been smelted into the most sacred bones, and it can also be integrated into the power of the **** sky box.

Qin Yun can release the power of Jiuyang God in the body of Tianyu Bawang, used to control the attack or defense of Tianyu Bawang.

Qin Yun originally had more than 20,000 kilograms of Shenyu Tiangu, but now only five thousand pounds.

He didn't feel bad at all. Once he captured the King of the Cat, he could harvest a lot of Shenyu Tianzhu.

There are too many cat ears to deal with this time, and they are all well equipped, and the **** poisonous insects will not work.

Even if it works, Qin Yun does not dare to use it! To deal with 100,000 cat ears, this requires a lot of blood-borne poisons, and certainly can't control so many blood-borne poisons.

The out-of-control blood venom is terrible. Once it mutates and can poison others, it is a catastrophe.

After the King's gun has been enhanced, it can withstand stronger shells.

Next, what Qin Yun has to do is to grant these enhanced artifacts through the God of Heaven.

After the Jiuyang Shen hammer was given the ability by the **** Wang Tianyin, the ability to gain the heavenly fall, the hammer will become very heavy and heavy once it moves, but Qin Yun has no feeling in his hand.

The people and things that are hammered will bear a lot of weight, and the destructive power is terrible.

Qin Yun used the **** Wang Tianyin to print Yue Tiansuo, Hua Dan Tian furnace, and Shen Wang gun.

He originally wanted to print the Tianyu overlord. He began to tell him that Tianyu Bawang is a special type of artifact. It is a kind of artifact of the 傀儡 type, and God King Tianyin can not give this type of ability for the time being.

Yue Tiansuo's ability is "reminiscence", you can remember the point of shuttle, when you need to shuttle the space, just call the record of the previous shuttle.

Yuetiansuo was also good before, but as the space of the gods and gods is constantly changing and changing, the recorded shuttle point will be invalid.

But now it will not fail, and it can also connect Qin Yun's Jiuyang Shenque and gain energy from the internal Shenyang, thus making space shuttle and jumping, very convenient.

The ability of the King's gun is what Qin Yun likes very much. It is a bullet shell that is shot out and can aim to track the enemy.

The most powerful part of this ability is the bullet or shell that is shot out. It has a long range and will automatically search for the target after it is close to the target.

Moreover, the bullet can also perceive the nearby scene and pass it back to the user, allowing the user to further determine the target.

In other words, as long as Qin Yun knows where the enemy is probably, he can shoot far away, and then sit at home waiting for the search target, and the target can be hit, provided that the target is not too strong, otherwise it will be blocked.

"It's so easy to use, I can't wait to try it!"

Qin Yun looked at the small pistol in his hand and turned it into a big sniper rifle.

The ability to obtain the Dantian furnace is also very against the sky. It is to use a piece of material to produce two copies of Dan.

The premise is that the Huatian furnace needs to connect the Jiuyang gods to absorb the energy of the internal sun.

If you use a very precious medicine to make alchemy, one can produce two copies of Dan, which is a bit of a bad day.

Qin Yun will refine the shells and bullets, and he will be able to make a lot of them quickly.

The bullets and shells refining with the Tiantan furnace are very powerful. Qin Yun has also improved and made a new type of shell, which is very lethal.

Ba Taiyin came back, and with three blue-eyed people who were nine-dimensional in the universe, this is the good buddy he made when he was in the big blue empire.

Ba Taiyin went to the ancient garden to find Gao Linqing, and gave Qin Yun's letter to Gao Linqing. After Gao Linqing saw Qin Yun's letter, he promised to help Ba Tai Yin to find the good buddies.

Qin Yun’s letter to Gao Linqing is very short, saying that he has a large amount of chimneys that cannot be sold.

Gao Linqing certainly knows what the chimney is. He also smoked it. It was the scent of the smoke from Wang Yongtian. He was full of praise for the smoke.

After the gods and gods have not transmitted the array, the chimneys have become treasures, mainly because Qin Yun has not been sold in the market for some time.

Qin Yun had asked Ba Tai Yin before, and determined that the Big Blue Empire had no such thing as smoke.

Gao Linqing was a smart person. He soon saw the business opportunity. As long as he could get the chimney from Qin Yun’s hand and then sell it in the big blue empire, he would definitely make a lot of money.

"The boss, Gao Linqing wants to talk to you secretly. He will send a avatar to meet you. He said that you need the great blue empire's gods to be nine-fold, he can help you."

Said Ba Tai Yin.

"Well, I will go see him tonight!"

Qin Yun nodded.

He also met the three good buddies of Ba Tai Yin. They were very happy with the equipment sent by Ba Tai Yin. They were naturally willing to follow Qin Yun.

At night, Qin Yun took Ba Taiyin and his three buddies, leaving the multiple spaces where Tianji Gate was located, and hopped to Tiansuo to a city built by the ancients and the moon, to meet Gao Linqing there.

Qin Yun needs some of the gods from the big blue empire to help each other. Only in this way can he defeat the odd cat army more stably.

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