Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3104: Night action

The avatar of the singular cat king personally went out and he was proud to see how much he valued this action.

Before, Qin Yun attacked Qi Mao Wangcheng twice, and he was very successful in winning the Qi Wang Wangcheng.

This time, the cat king attacked the peacock treasure land, not only to catch Qin Yun dedicated to Prince Da Luo, but also to breathe a sigh of relief.

Now, other kingdoms are laughing at their odd cat kingdom, saying that their middle-class people have actually lost so badly in the hands of a lower-level person.

Gao Linqing, the ambassador of the Great Blue Empire, and Jiang Ming, the ambassador of the Huo Ling Empire, are all in the air in the distance of the Peacock treasure.

There was a small building suspended there, they were sitting in the small building, and they used the telescopic equipment to look at the peacock treasure from time to time.

"Gao Xiong, you said Qin Yun can escape this time?"

Jiang Ming said: "Qin Yun still underestimated the power of the kingdom."

"Qin Yun, this guy, is still more proud. He not only looks down on the kingdom, but also looks down on our empire. This time he has to suffer a big loss!"

Gao Linqing laughed.


Qin Yun has an accident, are you very happy? ”

Jiang Ming also laughed.

"This bastard, although selling the manufacturing technology of the smoky smoke, but the tobacco that is smouldering is not sold, and the manufacturing equipment that he sells to us, as well as the instruments of the singular pattern are consumables."

Gao Linqing whispered: "After a while, I have to find him to buy those consumables."

When the smoke is made, the cigarette paper of the cigarette should be printed with special strange patterns. The strange patterns are carved into the crystal by Qin Yun. The crystal is a consumable item, and it is difficult to decipher the internal dark lines.

Once the crystal is consumed, they have to find Qin Yun to buy, and ultimately, they are slaughtered.

"Yeah, those tobaccos are expensive and expensive."

The stupid woman of the Shenyue family has a lot of things. ”

Jiang Ming is also very upset.

"Qin Yun did not know that he had offended the consequences of the Da Luo Empire. He complained that we did not sell the Imperial Warrior to him, so he secretly swindled and let the God Moon sell tobacco when it was sold to us."

Gao Linqing said coldly: "Wait, the tobacco technology of the Shenyue family must be in our hands."

"Grand brother, do you have any clues?"

On the other side of the Shenyue nationality, there was a cover of the ancient people.

The Kaitian ancients are building the country, and they belong to the kingdom.

Moreover, it has an unclear relationship with Jiuyang Faring. ”

Jiang Ming said.

"Not for the time being, but you can rest assured that the gods will ruin this piece of meat, and our big blue empire will surely bite a big mouth!"

Gao Linqing smiled and said: "You must have a lot of plans for the Huo Ling Empire?"

Jiang Ming just smiled and didn't speak.

"You said that Qin Yun will be caught this time?"

Jiang Ming asked: "Qin Yun this guy, it is not so easy to win."

"If the 500,000 odd cat army can attack the peacock treasure, it may not be able to win Qin Yun."

Gao Linqing said: "After all, they are just kingdoms, but ... another force is hard to say."


You mean, the Da Luo Empire will also send people over? ”

Jiang Ming asked.

"Not the Da Luo Empire, but the people of Da Luo's prince! Qin Yun snatched the dragon blood veins of the sky box, so that the Da Luo Prince was in a hurry. According to the information I heard, as long as I grasp Qin Yun, Prince Da Luo gave it. An Imperial title."

Gao Linqing's eyes are a little hot.

Imperial title! This is very attractive for people from the empire.

"The avatar of Prince Dalu has already fallen to the gods."

Jiang Ming smiled and said: "Grand brother, have you ever seen Prince Da Luo?"

"Ginger brother, if you have seen Prince Daro himself, don't ask me!"

Gao Linqing laughed.

"What do you think of Prince Da Luo?"

Jiang Ming asked.

"I can't see it. This person doesn't show the dew, and it's a avatar. It's hard to see what's coming, just know that he hates Qin Yun very much."

Gao Linqing said: "Also, he is very keen on the Jiuyang goddess and is very eager to get the Jiuyang goddess."

Jiang Ming nodded: "He also asked me, within the ancient garden city, there is no way to enter the core of Shenyang, contact the Jiuyang goddess in the core of Shenyang."

"That is under the eyes of Jiuyang Faling. If it comes to chaos, it is to find death."

Gao Linqing used the telescopic device to look at the peacock treasure, and said: "Other kingdoms should send spies?"

"There is nothing in the peacock treasure, is Qin Yun already running?"

Jiang Ming wondered.

In the peacock treasure, Qin Yun did not know that the ambassadors of the two outer universe empire were observing in secret and did not know their conversation.

However, Qin Yun did let the price of the Shenyue family rise. The big blue empire and the Huo Ling empire are very tacit and do not provoke the Da Luo Empire. They will not give Qin Yun any substantial help. Then there is no good cooperation. Therefore, Qin Yun let the Shenyue family raise prices.

Two days later, Qin Yun produced a lot of gas bombs.

This kind of shell can be shot out with a sacred gun, or it can be thrown directly.

"The boss, the cat army is coming! At their speed, one hour will be able to reach the peacock treasure."

Ba Taiyin said: "Now it is night, they are resting, tomorrow is bright, maybe they will start attacking the peacock treasure."

"Go, we will act tonight!"

Qin Yun took out the trespass and entered the mountainside of a giant mountain.

The Three Hundred Kings Warriors store enough divine power in the super-powered beads to keep them on a long-term basis.

Qin Yun put them into the trespass, and then quietly left the peacock treasure at night.

"The cat ears of the Cat Kingdom are all on foot?"

Qin Yun asked in the sky shuttle.

"It’s all flying. They don’t have big ships. They shouldn’t have time to build.

Or it is reluctant to give the gods a nine-folder. ”

Said Ba Tai Yin.

Among the strange cat kingdoms, there must be a giant flying warship, but it is very expensive, and in their view, there is no need to use the big guys to deal with the lower class, just like killing chickens.

"This is fine. I think that after this war, they will definitely launch the giant flying warship."

Qin Yun smiled and said: "The singularity of the singular cat king personally led the army to defeat the defeat, then his next move is certainly not small."

Yue Tiansuo shuttled the space and soon came to the place where the Qi Mao army camped.

The singular cat king is very proud. They think that they have 500,000 troops. No one dares to sneak in, because once they sneak in, they will not be able to walk after they are discovered.

Qin Yun's Yue Tiansuo drilled directly into the deep ground, and placed a large number of gas bombs under the deep ground, and they were all activated by him.

The poisonous gas of the gas cannonball has a strong penetrating power. It will rise with the heat under the earth, and then mix into the power of the Wanyang Shenyang, and then be absorbed by the cat ears.

"Boss, if it fails?"

Ba Taiyin asked: "Do you have any backhand?"

"Of course!"

Qin Yun laughed.

Yue Tiansuo has already flown into the sky, and tomorrow morning, it can be seen whether the poison gas has an effect.

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