Nine Sun God King

Chapter 3105: Taishi force

The cat ears were twice beaten by Qin Yun, but they still did not put Qin Yun in their eyes. At most, they only looked at Qin Yun.

Qi Mao Wang believes that he was attacked twice before, because they are not regular soldiers, and they are not well prepared.

Now, they are attacking the peacock treasure, and it is Qin Yun who is not ready.

After all, the singular cat is a middle-level man. He has been a singular cat for many years. He is in charge of the cat kingdom and has led the army many times. It can be said that he has experienced many battles.

And he sent troops to fight the kingdom of the middle class. In his eyes, those kingdoms are many times more powerful than Qin Yun.

Now he personally went out and led the army of 500,000. Even other kingdoms can't guarantee to resist it.

Qin Yun learned from General Meng Hao that the number of the Cat Kingdom is quite a few among the kingdoms. They are breeding fast and the growth rate is also astonishingly fast.

In the middle of the earth, under normal circumstances, it takes about twenty-five years old to form enough combat power.

But in the different cat kingdoms, they grow up very large at the age of fifteen or six, and then they are trained for a few years, they are experienced veterans.

... In the camp of the Cats and Cats, in a large tent, the singularity of the singular cat king is discussing with several old cat ears.

The old cats and ears are the avatars of some generals. They are very popular with the cat king.

"Meng Yu, this guy, was not only defeated, but also captured and became a megaphone."

The singular cat whispered: "It's a useless thing, throwing away the face of our exotic cat kingdom."

"We should have killed his deity long ago. The things he was captured have had a bad influence on us.

Moreover, the words he sent out also made Prince Daro very angry, and let other kingdoms know that we were defeated. ”

An old man said: "The other kingdoms are also true. They are all shrinking tortoises and they are watching."

"The empire has said that when dealing with Qin Yun, several of our kingdoms can be united."

Another old man is somewhat dissatisfied, because other kingdoms have no meaning for Qin Yun.

"The Phoenix Kingdom will certainly not be shot. As for other kingdoms... I hope they don't do it. Qin Yun will give it to us. If you win Qin Yun, the Prince will be very happy."

Qi Mao Wang smiled: "As long as the Prince becomes the new Da Luo Emperor, our Cat Kingdom is the strongest of several kingdoms."

"Da Wang, Prince may not be the new Da Luo Emperor, don't forget, there is the Princess of Da Luo!"

The old man whispered: "The power of Princess Luo Shu is not small, and... there is still the power behind her."

When the cat king heard it, he frowned and said: "What do you mean by these too-initiating forces?"

They secretly helped the Phoenix Kingdom not to say, but actually supported Princess Luo Shu.

The phoenix kingdom is a place with too much power to make the Daluo Empire scruples. ”

"Several Taishi forces are very mysterious... But, according to what I have heard, those few Taishi forces, at present, do not dare to think about the Daluo Empire. It can be said that they are evenly matched with the Daluo Empire."

The general said.

"How many of the Taishi forces are there?

What is their attitude towards the gods?

Is there a way to reach them? ”

Qi Mao Wang whispered: "As long as they can meet them, the king is willing to pay a lot of benefits to them."

An old man shook his head and said: "The king, the situation of the Taishi forces, we are not clear at present, Prince Dalu may know.

By the way, have you met Prince Da Luo recently? ”

"The prince's deity has rarely appeared in the near future. I heard that there was a situation in the Daluo Palace.

Prince Dalu’s avatar is in the Jiuyang Holy Land. It seems that the King needs to go in and talk to the Prince. ”

Said the odd cat king.

"Great King, when you see Prince Da Luo, you will explain directly to him."

Prince Da Luo must definitely help our kingdom. Our cat kingdom will definitely stand on his side, but it also requires him to give certain benefits. ”

The old general said.

"The king understands that it is mainly the beginning of the power.

Unclear the power of the beginning, the king is upset! Also, any news of the Grand Palace is blocked, is the empire going to change the sky? ”

Qi Mao Wang is quite worried.

An old general yawned and said: "It is very tired, and I will go to rest first.

This is the case, this is the case, only two days after the road, it is so tired. ”

"Yeah, the exhaustion of the avatar, will also run the soul of the avatar, and even make the soul of the deity sleepy."

An old man said.

"Everyone goes to rest! After the invasion of Peacock's treasures tomorrow, this treasure is everyone's. We can try the taste of the peacocks when we arrive... Come to the gods for so long, and the peacocks are more suitable for us to eat."

Qi Mao Wang laughed.

I heard that I had to eat a big meal tomorrow, and the generals all smiled.

In their eyes, peacocks are not people, but meat, food! The army of the Cat Kingdom, although there is still a distance from the peacock treasure, but the spies of the major forces near the treasure land have already rushed over.

Tomorrow, they will witness the Qima army directly attacking the peacock treasure from here.

The spies of other kingdoms also need to collect information from the Cat Kingdom, because this exotic cat kingdom is one of the enemies of their kingdom.

The Fire Ling Empire and the Big Blue Empire are also very concerned about this, which helps them understand the kingdom of this universe.

In the middle of the night, Qin Yun took Ba Tai Yin and secretly entered several military accounts. The cat ears did not sleep very badly, but the gods in them were weak.

You don't have to wait until dawn, the venom of the blood gas is very good.

There are many military accounts. They think that they have 500,000 troops. In the wilderness of the gods, apart from other kingdoms, it is impossible for anyone to dare to attack them directly.

So they don't have any guards. In addition, when they rest, they don't completely sleep, and they remain vigilant.

At night, the three hundred gods, one by one, acted alone and entered the military accounts for assassination.

Qin Yun gave them a lot of invisible charms and wearing the mysterious gods, allowing them to hide their breath in stealth, while also being able to enter and exit easily in the military account.

Most of the strange cat warriors in the military account are repaired to a relatively low, powerful king warrior, completely silent, and instantly can kill hundreds of cats in the military account, and still do not produce any movements. .

The military account is not built casually. The military account has many strange lines, which are used to absorb the power between the heavens and the earth, gather in the military account, and let the cats absorb it.

Therefore, the military account can quickly gather a large amount of poison gas, resulting in the cat ears in the military account, will absorb more poison gas.

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