Nine Sun God King

Chapter 311: Break

Lan Huazhen saw that Qin Yun could get up, although happy, but also shocked doubts!

Because that is the ice and the bones, Qin Yun can resist for so long only by the flesh and blood!

Not only is Lanhua’s surprise, but even the old people of the Holy Palace are amazed!

Yu Heng can resist the ice-bone through the bones, it is because he has a special defensive treasure, which is what many older generations of the Blue Ling Palace can guess!

And Qin Yun did not have it, otherwise it would not be tortured so much ago!

Yu Heng saw Qin Yun still stand up, but also a cold smile: "Qin Yun, I would like to see the magic power you use, to what extent, can actually let it go!"

He naturally knows that Qin Yun has a very terrible perseverance, otherwise he can't stand up again!

The ice rushed through the bones, and it was still running, releasing a burst of cold wind and blowing the Lingwu Hall, which caused the temperature of the Lingwu Hall to drop a lot.

"Yu Heng, you can come out!" A blue robe old man, suddenly shouted.

"No, I can keep going!" Yu Heng frowned, cold and cold.

"Don't be stubborn... This is your limit. If it is wrong, it will cause great damage to you!" The blue-robed old man was anxious and screamed: "Yu Heng is coming out!"

Yu Heng didn't seem to have anything at all, but he was rushed out and made many people who didn't know the truth wonder.


Yu Heng suddenly screamed and slammed on the ground.

His body was covered with frost, and then he kept twitching...

Hey, I saw the surface of Yu Heng’s body, and suddenly it broke, it was the hard armor hidden under the clothes!

After the hard armor was broken, Yu Heng’s body surface covered with frost was cracking rapidly...

"Yu Heng!"

The blue-robed old man shouted and rushed in, and Yu Heng picked up and left the big battle.

Yu Heng has no breath, showing that he is under the strongest force of killing, and is simply unable to attack!

When everyone saw the broken armor on the ground, they all made a burst of doubts!

Yu Heng body, even wearing armor!

Lanhua hurriedly stepped forward, shutting down the ice, and helped the weak Qin Yun to come out.

He looked to Ji Kailin and others, only to see them disappear into the crowd!

"Let them run! The saints who participated in the competition must also wear the protective armor. If you catch them, you can be sure if it is true!" Murong Daren shouted.

The various warriors from outside the Blue Lingxing Palace have voiced doubts and anger.

"Someone is cheating!"

"Is it shameful, can't you afford to lose the Lanling Palace? If you can't afford it, don't hold such a game, shame!"

"Hey, if Qin Yun can hold to the end, we don't know the truth!"

"It's mean, waste our time!"

The old man in charge of the presiding, shouted: "The next batch..."

The people who rebuked the Blue Spirit Palace were only some people from other places, and the disciples of the Blue Lingxing Palace, except for Murong Daren, shut up and did not mention this matter.

After Qin Yun successfully passed the third round, Yang Shiyue also became his mentor and will guide him into the next two rounds.

“Isn't it a big problem?” Yang Shiyue took Qin Yun's wrist and probed his body through the pulse, only to find that he had very active power in his body.

"Nothing!" Qin Yun shook his head, blending the blood of the lion, so that his body became cold and invincible.

The strongest thing in the ice is the power of ice and cold, but it has no use for him. It is just the powerful pressure of the big array, which makes him more laborious.

"Nothing is fine!" Zhuochuan came over and smiled: "The totem pattern is really powerful, it is hard to support you!"

Qin Yun nodded and did not say much about it. He also saw that Zhuochuan knew about the blood of Tiens.

"From the afternoon of the odd-grain competition, there are more than two hours of time, can you participate?" Lanhua asked.

"You have time!" Qin Yun nodded, he felt that he recovered well.

"I will take you to heal!" Yang Shiyue took Qin Yun and walked out of the Lingwu Temple.


Qin Yun took Yang Shiyue and went to the grove of Lanhuayu to come to his wooden house.

"I will send you internal forces to make you recover faster!"

Yang Shiyue and Qin Yun sat cross-legged on the bed, face to face, and the two palms clung to each other.

"Teacher, there are also many despicable guys in the Holy Palace. You should be careful later!" Qin Yun looked at Yang Shiyue's beautiful and gentle eyes and said.

Yang Shiyue smiled lightly: "You can rest assured that I can protect myself!"

Qin Yun nodded and then asked: "Is Xiao Yang Long decided to be married with you?"

When she mentioned this, Yang Shiyue’s face changed and she was surprised to ask: “How did you know?”

This is what Qin Yun has overheard in the Orc Mountains! He also overheard that Xiao Yanglong wanted Yang Shiyue to be used as a cultivation pot for practicing magic.

"Teacher, when are you specifically married?" Qin Yun asked again.

"The celebration of the Blue Spirit Palace is over, it begins..." Yang Shiyue sighed, sighing helplessly and sadly.

Qin Yun is also very clear that Xiao Yanglong threatened Yang Shiyue by some means.

As long as Xiao Yanglong is still alive, Yang Shiyue can only accept his life.

"So fast?" Qin Yun is not reconciled.

Yang Shiyue nodded lightly, revealing a beautiful smile: "Qin Yun, you don't have to be sad, anyway, I will be your teacher and your friend in the future!"

"Yeah!" Qin Yun’s eyes suddenly became firm and seemed to have decided to do something.

"I can see that you have grown so strong, and I am very happy. After you and Yuelan are in the future, you will surely be able to make a comeback!" Yang Shiyue smiled and smiled beautifully and stunnedly: "Once Lu Yue is out, she is The youngest martial art warrior on the edge of the land!"

Qin Yun is silent.

He and Xiao Yanglong had another battle. It was said two years later, but he decided now to challenge Xiao Yanglong in advance!

After a long time, Qin Yun completely recovered!

Mainly because he put on the light pattern equipment. In addition, Yang Shiyue's Ziyue internal force has a strong resilience.

"Really fast!" Yang Shiyue smiled and said: "It seems that you can step into the martial arts in two or three years!"

Qin Yun rushed to take out the prefecture-level martial arts star Xuanbu and handed it to Yang Shiyue. He said, "Teacher, this is a prefecture-level martial arts. I have never studied, because no one is guiding, I don't dare to mess around!"

Qin Yun can practice the fire cloud step into the glory, but the most powerful "instantaneous meteor" needs to use a lot of guilty gas, and the consumption is very huge.

If you master the light martial arts at the prefecture level, as long as you use internal forces, you will have a very fast and very fast body.

Yang Shiyue took over the book Star Xuanbu, and hurriedly looked at it and looked very carefully.

"I need some time to analyze the comments, can you wait?" Yang Shiyue saw the martial arts at the prefecture level, and was quite excited. It is not easy for her to contact the martial arts at the prefecture level.

Even if you step into the martial arts, you have to work hard to get the prefecture-level martial arts.

Qin Yun smiled and said: "Of course I can wait! Although it is my short board, but this kind of thing is urgent!"

"Well, I will analyze it as soon as possible, then make a note, and guide you in the most concise way!" Yang Shiyue has been looking at the book, very serious.

Qin Yun did not bother Yang Shiyue, walked out of the hut and went outside.

He sat alone on the stone bench and looked at the foam in the storage space.

"Momo Xiaomei, I have the blood of the lion in my body, is this a good thing for me?" Qin Yun asked.

Momo is the high priest of the demon spirit. Although it looks like a small point, it has lived for a long time and is very familiar with the things of the totem pattern.

Momo Jiao Di said, "Of course it is a good thing, this is a lot of things that humans and demons are yearning for! If you are in the devil world, people like you who have the blood of the lion, everyone wants to eat, even if you drink a soup, Can have great benefits!"

Qin Yun listened uncomfortably and smiled bitterly: "A lot of people want to eat me? This doesn't seem to be a good thing!"

"Don't let people know it! Don't talk about the devil in the devil world, even those who want to gain blood power, want to eat your **** warrior!"

This is what Qin Yun is even more shocked!

He secretly glad that this incident was not seen by those of the Blue Lingxing Palace.

Although Zhuo Chuan knew it, he helped him cover it up.

Yang Shiyue studied Star Xuanbu in the hut, and Qin Yun greeted her outside the door and went to the Jingwen Temple.


In the afternoon, the Fine Line Temple will hold the third round of the Glyph Competition.

The content of the contest will be announced at the beginning of the competition, which is also a test of the ability of the singularist.

Qin Yun wore a silver-white blouse and stepped into the fine-grained temple.

When everyone saw him, they were secretly surprised. I didn't expect him to recover so quickly. It didn't seem to matter.

The third round of the odd-grain competition, how difficult it is, no one knows.

But what is certain is that it will not be as terrible as the morning force competition!

Yang Shiyue did not look at Qin Yun’s odd-grain competition, which made people feel a bit strange.

Qin Yun entered the arena, and like that last time, sitting in the position beside the blue phoenix.

There are a total of one hundred geeks in the third round.

When the old geeks entered the scene, they did not go to see Qin Yun, mainly because they felt a little shy.

After the first two rounds of competition, Qin Yun's level of grotesque is very obvious, and he is a high-level singularist, which makes those old geeks can not lift their heads.

Of course, there are several senior singers in the Blue Lingxing Palace who still disdain Qin Yun.

They just think that Qin Yun has a good ability, but in the competition of the senior singer, it is difficult to win them.

When people came together, Lanhua started to announce the start of the game and then explained the rules of the third round of the odd-grain contest.

"The third round is mainly to test the formation, not to arrange, but to break the line!" Lan Huaying said: "You need to break a line in the prescribed time!"

Arrays take time, and it takes a long time to break.

However, this kind of competition will not give too much time to the singularist, in order to test the true level of the crepe.

Lanhua swayed and waved, and there were ten famous blue robes coming up in middle age.

In the middle age of these blue robes, I took out some small tents and opened them in the middle.

The blue tent is not very big. It can only go in one person. When you look closely, you know that the tent materials are different. It is made of animal skin mixed with bone steel, and it also looks at many spiritual patterns. .


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