Nine Sun God King

Chapter 312: First

Fifty blue tents were placed in the arena, and the middle-aged men quickly left the arena.

Lan Huaying said: "These tents are all small seals. You enter inside, then I open the seal from the outside. You need to break out in half an hour, and you can't break the seal!"

It’s been a short time since it’s broken in half an hour.

Many senior geeks feel a little difficult.

Of course, they have not tried it and they don't know the specific difficulty.

If it is really difficult, in the end, there will be no senior singer can pass the game.

"Well, according to the previous ranking, the first 50 first entered the tent!" Lanhua said.

Qin Yun and Lan Fengqi, in the last round of the competition, were in the top 50, they all entered a tent.

"This seal array is far more powerful than I thought!"

Qin Yunyi entered, through the induction of the internal structure of the seal array, you can immediately induce it.

In this seal array method, I feel very depressed.

After all, being trapped in a very small place will give people a feeling that it is difficult to breathe, and there is a great oppression in the spirit.

In this kind of environment, it is also very difficult to concentrate on the battle.

"Start now!" Lanhua screamed and the seals were all open.

As soon as the formation was opened, the singularity in the inside was in the same mood. They were all frightened and worried that they would be sealed forever.

"Only in half an hour, you can break into the fourth round!" Lanhua's voice came.

Qin Yun sat in the tent, and there was a blue inside, and there was no aura, but he could hear the sound outside.

"This round of competition is really difficult. Maybe you will enter the fourth round of the singularist, but there are still less than 30 people!"

Qin Yun's eyebrows are locked, and the spirit is used to explore the situation of the seal array.

"Cloud brother... I can break!" Momo suddenly shouted.

Qin Yun Meng remembered, Momo has this ability, because she can sense the dark lines.

The difficulty of breaking the line is that you can't see the dark lines.

If you know the plain and dark lines of the array, you can accurately know the veins of the array, then block the energy veins of the array, and stop the formation, thus successfully breaking the line.

"Momo, what are you going to do? Is it telling me the dark lines?" Qin Yun carefully released the foam, and in this way, the outside people could not see.

"No, I have a special ability to paralyze the energy transmission of the singularity, and let the array temporarily fail!" Momo said, the green scorpion overflowed with a faint green glow.

"Wait!" Qin Yun hurriedly shouted.

Momo immediately stopped and asked in confusion: "Cloud brother, what's wrong? I will be able to break this array and let you go out!"

"I just came in. If I go out immediately, it will make people suspicious!" Qin Yun said with a smile: "When you wait, you will start to break again!"

Momo nodded quickly: "Well, then I am advanced!"

Qin Yun put Momo into the storage space, and also went to observe this array and try to break it.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on exploring the formation.

Not long after, he clearly sensed the fluctuation of Jiuyang energy, but it was very weak.

"The spiritual veins of this array are constantly absorbing the outer nine-yang aura. I am very sensitive to the energy of Jiuyang through the spiritual power cultivated by Jiuyang Shenque, so I can catch it."

Qin Yun did not expect that he could accidentally explore the context of energy transmission, that is to say, he has touched the key to breaking the battle.


He immediately applied the spirit of force, and turned it into several silk lines, injecting the spiritual veins of energy transmission and blocking it.

The process of sealing also takes a little time.

Qin Yun went smoothly, and with a small half hour, he successfully blocked the energy transmission of the seal array method!

The seal array immediately failed. He opened the tent from the inside, but saw many surprised eyes cast!

He was also very surprised by himself, because he was the first singularist to break out!

The original Momo can break faster, but he did not let Momo shot, he groped for himself, but did not expect it was the fastest!

" the first!" Lanhua was very surprised: "How could it be so fast? Generally speaking, the advanced singular masters will reach the limit and the time required will be almost half an hour!"

"I don't know what's going on, it's easy to sense the veins, and then I'm going to block it!"

Qin Yun scratched the back of his head and smiled: "The blue predecessor, is there a problem with my tent? It is so easy for me to sense the energy veins!"

The onlookers can't understand, and only some singularists know what's going on.

Zhuo Chuan said: "The veins of energy are very secretive, and it is difficult to be blocked. The general array method has several veins and spirits. As long as all the plugs are blocked, the array method can be invalidated! It is very difficult to find out."

Lan Huazhen also checked Qin Yun’s tent and said with great certainty: “This method is no problem... Maybe it’s because you cultivated the spirit of the gods, and the perception becomes very strong!”

The spirit of the Yuanshen can make the spiritual pattern accompany the Yuanshen.

The Lingmai is the most sensitive thing to energy. If it is simply released to explore the array, it can quickly perceive the vein of energy.

Qin Yun secretly thanked Huo Zhong, precisely because of the jade of the Yuanshen that Huo Zhong gave him, so that his use of the Yuanshen was constantly improved.

He didn't know what it meant when he first came out.

He also thought that other singularity masters should be able to come out in a small half hour.

But now, after he came out, waiting for a while, the tent on the field still has no other movements!

"Is that seal format really great?" Qin Yun has been staring at Lan Fengqi's tent, hoping she can come out quickly.

"It's very powerful. Even if I don't damage the tent, I won't come out so quickly!" Lan Huaying said: "Of course, after I am familiar with this seal array, it is much easier to come out!"

Even if you are familiar, it is not that easy.

Because the energy transmission of these seal arrays can be changed, when the arrangement is made, the geeks can select the energy veins at will.

Therefore, the fifty tents here have different energy paths hidden inside.

Half an hour is coming to an end, and finally the singularity teacher is out!

The singularity teacher, wearing the blue robe, was the old singer of the Lan Lingxing Palace. When he came out, he saw that many of the tents were closed and could not help but secretly smug.

When he saw Qin Yun standing next to the stadium, it was like a ghost, and was shocked.

Qin Yun, this little devil, even earlier than he came out!

The old singer, snorted softly, and then walked over to Lanhua.

Next, there are singular singers out of the tent, not many, just eight people!

Half an hour passed, and the singularity teacher who failed to break the seal array method was eliminated!

Qin Yun could not help but frown, because Lan Fengqi did not come out!

Many people feel very sorry, Lan Fengqi, one of the few young female singularity masters, has lost here!

Lanhua 禹 walked over and opened the tent one by one, letting the geeks inside come out.

Lan Fengqi also knows that he has lost, and he is very lost.

When she came out, she learned that Qin Yun was the first one to run out, and she could not help but surprise.

She is a teacher of Qin Yun, and she is sure that she has not missed the master, and she is also proud of her master!

"Great, it is my... oh!" Lan Fengqi came to Qin Yun, pinched Qin Yun's arm and smiled.

"I didn't expect that you actually lost in the third round!" Qin Yun sighed: "I thought you could go to the final round and compete with me!"

"Hey, are you laughing at me?" Lan Fengqi snorted.

"Of course not!" Qin Yun smiled: "Blue sister, you are still young, the future is boundless!"

Everyone saw the defeat of Lan Fengqi, and secretly admired Lanhua, but did not secretly cheat, did not help his granddaughter to cross the third round... Unlike the military competition, the black is dark.

Lan Fengqi also knows his level, and it is good to be able to go to this step.

Because many old high-level singularists are also eliminated here, there is nothing to be embarrassing.

Qin Yun smoothly entered the fourth round, and he is now finalizing the results.

Next, the remaining 50 singular singers also entered the tent and left to start breaking...

Half an hour passed, and among the singularity masters, there were fifteen people who could come out.

In this third round of competition, only 25 people can advance!

Qin Yun had guessed that there were more than 30 people, which was less than he expected.

After the game, Qin Yun and Lan Feng smashed them and returned to the grove.


After returning, Qin Yun saw Yang Shiyue, flying in the woods, and performing wonderful light work.

"It's a star step... but the footwork is very messy and the breath is not smooth. She is learning." Lan Huayu said far away, he said.

"This star Xuan step is more difficult to master. Different people, after learning and mastering, the footwork will be very different. This is a relatively light personality!" Zhuochuan laughed.

At the beginning of the Xingxuan step, there were Huo Zhong, Murong Daren and Xue Ziye, who started learning very early.

Qin Yun also asked them, the methods of learning are indeed different.

Yang Shiyue flew over and politely greeted the two predecessors Zhuo Chuan and Lan Huaying.

"Yang girl, you are the mentor of Qin Yun. Before the start of the fourth round, there are three days for you to guide him, right?" Lanhua asked.

The fourth round of the force competition began in three days.

Because in the third round of killing trials, many warriors were injured, it will take a few days of rest time.

Yang Shiyue nodded. "What is the fourth round of the game? I don't know. The difficulty is definitely getting bigger and bigger. The last round is definitely certain, that is, the competition that many people are looking forward to!"

"Your Blue Spirit Palace is really stingy. In the third round of the two games, there is no reward!" Qin Yun snorted: "It is so difficult, why is there no reward? Really!"


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