Nine Sun God King

Chapter 573: Important test

The elders of the family power, after hearing, were all shocked.

"As long as Qin Yun is reduced, he will be willing to try! If you want to continue to hold him, go find me a young disciple with a good carving totem!"

"If the disciple you find can't win, lose the fairy, and you will give me a break!"

"If you can't do it, just roll me away and close your stinky mouth!"

The mother-in-law of the mother-in-law, braving the cold cold, the voice is slightly angry.

The elders of the family powers did not dare to speak, and they could only return.

Qin Yun knows that this test is very important, but it is much more important than he imagined.

Because you lose, not only will you lose a fairy, but you will also let the people in the guardian church break their arms.

"His mother, I knew that the lion had a big mouth, and I knocked them out!" Ling Yuner shouted with a heartache.

Qin Yun thinks so too. If he knows that the consequences of losing are so serious, he should say a very excessive condition.

It should be seen that Qin Yun came and smiled a little: "Interesting fun! You are only martial arts, you dare to come out to participate in this kind of test, it is really emboldened!"

"I am clear about the test rules. When can I start?" Qin Yun asked calmly.

"You can start right away!" Saying, it should be made out of more than a dozen cockroaches, and there are also humanoid shapes.

Apparent disciples, although they look tall and thin, but the momentum is very good.

After all, he is a martial artist in the spirit of the environment, with a relatively pure flame energy.

Qin Yun sensed the flame of the flame, and his heart was also secretly surprised.

"Penwang, you choose a 傀儡 to engrave the totem pattern!" It should be to let your apprentice, first pick.

Ma Po suddenly shouted: "Wait, I have to check and check!"

At the time of the inspection, she let the animal husband laugh, the bald head and Chu Binyu come over and check the blanks together.

At this time, the blank enamel is refining, and as long as the engraving totem is up, it can be used.

From the material point of view, Qin Yun knows that it is a metaphysical material.

He feels that it is not difficult to engrave the totem pattern with his own strength. The hard part is whether he can win in the end.

Because this time to detect the totem pattern, it is not just looking at the fineness, but the strength of watching it.

"These cockroaches are all similar. The only difference is that there are two kinds of people and beasts!" After the inspection, she said to Qin Yun.

Chu Binyu and the bald head also nodded.

"Qin Gongzi, what kind of jealousy do you have to choose?" Liu Jingmeng came to Qin Yun and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know yet!" Qin Yun is also considering.

Even if he loses, he will not be kept in custody.

However, he also wants to win the test, which is a perfect opportunity for him to show his strength.

These embarrassments should be prepared, and Peng Wang, as his apprentice, must be very clear about him.

I have definitely practiced it before.

Peng Wang immediately chose the shackles of the animal form.

Qin Yun thought about it and chose a beast form. It looked like a tiger-shaped dragonfly. It was black and used a very large Xuanyuan steel to refine it.

"Qin Yun, I heard that your totem is a golden totem, it is better to refine the human form!" It should be said in some accidents.

"Predecessors, I am planning to use the Golden Totem to retire the heads of the three homeowners of the Tianjia, Yangjia and Longjia of Aoxing State! If the seniors want to get the Golden Totem, they will get their heads and send them to I will do it." Qin Yun laughed.

This incident came out as early as possible.

Qin Yun is in the fairy fire pool, but it is very miserable by the people of the family forces, so he will use this way to retaliate.

Now, I heard Qin Yun’s personal appearance, and everyone was surprised to talk about it.

The people of the family who were present were full of anger.

Qin Yun’s Shangdao Dao, was taken away by the people of Yaoxian. Everyone thought that he could not be wanted by the owners.

Now, the golden totem that he throws out is more attractive.

"Golden Totem is a good totem. If you don't have the totem of the totem, you should find a way to get it!" Ying Chenghe laughed.

The owners of Longjia, Yangjia and Tianjia have to be very careful when they go out.

Qin Yun was taken away by the medicine fairy valley, which has always kept him in his arms.

Although those roads are not very important to him, they are very precious things.

He is equivalent to taking a large fortune by Yao Xiangu. This account will definitely be counted with Yao Xiangu.

Qin Yun also wants to teach the medicine of the sacred sacred valley, but only the golden totem is not enough, and needs more good things.

He also has no suitable things, and he can only give up temporarily.

"You are all sure of the embryo? Then you are ready to start... It is afternoon, and the sun will rise tomorrow morning." It should be said.

When carving the totem pattern, you only need to use the carving knife.

The carving knives used are all uniform carving knives.

It is more difficult to carry out with a carving knife that you are not familiar with.

When Peng Wang picked up the carving knife, he carved it on the very fast embryo. At first glance, he knew that he was very skilled and practiced many times.

"It should be done, you are well prepared!" Ma's mother was cold.

"If you want to succeed, you must be fully prepared." Yin Yingcheng laughed and said: "Qin Yunxiao brother, don't worry, your strength is still very strong, even if you lose, no one will laugh at you. After all, you are only martial!"

Although Qin Yun can't use the sacred sacred pen, but the sacred pen is blended with him, so you can also use the inside of the sacred sacred pen.

Qin Yun no expression, clenched the very inconspicuous carving knife, and then condensed the power of the bleeding soul, began to engrave.

Carving a totem pattern on this enamel embryo requires very special skill.

Because the totem patterns are carved inside the enamel embryo, they cannot appear on the surface.

Engraving on the surface is also possible, but if the surface of the totem pattern is destroyed, then the flaw is damaged.

"Qin Yunxiao Ge, are you sure to engrave the golden totem, carved on this tiger-shaped embryo?"

It should be impossible to see what the totem pattern Qin Yun is carving.

"I didn't say that I want to carve the golden totem!" Qin Yun said.

There was a burst of exclamation in the square!

The totem pattern that Qin Yun masters is not just a golden totem!

Ma’s mother’s heart was so happy that she felt that the odds were a little bigger. She quickly responded to the saying: “Don’t bother Qin Yun, let him rehearse the totem pattern!”

Qin Yun has a dragon tiger totem for a long time, and has long been familiar with it, and has also been evolved by the great priest of Momo.

His dragon tiger totem pattern, but Xuan totem!

The Xuan Totem is much more complicated and more powerful than the Ling Totem.

By absorbing the same amount of energy, the power released by the spirit totem is not as good as the totem.

“Oh, fun and interesting!” Ying Cheng is still very confident and calm, said to Ma’s mother-in-law: “This kind of excellent disciple, you have to cultivate well. I heard that he is very much in your fairy city. Human bullying!"

"It should be, you want to dig him, are you?" Ma said in a cold voice.

"I don't have that idea, I just remind you to be kind to good disciples!"

It should be that there is such an idea, he just wants to dig Qin Yun.

Xianbing City has a very powerful fairy. If you lose here, it means that the strength of Xianbing City will decline. The overall strength is definitely the most backward among the five major Xianmen.

Therefore, Ma mother-in-law must not let such things happen.

Many of the people watching the battle here are from other Xianmen, including the people of Yaoxian and Canghuo Xianshan, but they are desperate to lose.

In this way, they will no longer have to fear the Fairy City in the future.

Although all the fairy gates have their own fairy, but the most powerful in the city.

The onlookers want to see what the results are.

If the Fairy City loses, they will be able to witness the beginning of the decline of a super fairy.

Watching the engraving totem pattern is very boring because nothing can be seen.

When Qin Yun and Peng Wang carved the totem pattern, they infiltrated the blood soul into the interior of the embryo, and did not reveal the totem pattern.

Even many old singular masters can't see anything.

The people waiting are talking about various things, and it is also a recent event.

The most anticipated is the upcoming martial arts competition. It is said that the magical power will be sent, which is also provided by the sacred temple.

The reason why the Knife Temple is to hold this martial art competition is also because the Knitting Temple is formed by various factions and has earned many benefits over the years.

Therefore, the singular hall will often hold some grand events to give generous rewards to outstanding martial arts geniuses.

Under the patience of everyone, I soon spent the night and the sky was bright.

At this time, Peng Wang was the first to complete.

Seeing that Qin Yun is going to lose, those who are in the family are also very anxious.

If the fairy is lost here, they will not be able to get as many resources as before.

The strength of Xianbing City has declined. In the proud state, there is certainly no competition for resources.

"What is Qin Yun doing? It is so slow!"

"Can he finish?"

"Ma mother, I knew Liu Jing Meng, I think he has not finished yet!"

The people of the family are very anxious.

Many of the mineral vein industries in Xianbing City are in charge. If there is no fairy weapon to shake other Xianmen, their resources will be encroached.

"You shut me up!" Ma mother-in-law yelled at the old men.

She was also nervous and sweating, and her heart was flustered.

Although Qin Yun is slow, it is very stable.

He has the help of the beastmaster of the beastmaster, and the carving of the totem of the beast is nothing to be said.

The reason why he is so slow is to make the totem pattern stronger.

At the time of engraving, the infusion of blood souls has more power, which makes the totem pattern more sturdy and can make the flowing energy more violent.

"I finished!"

Qin Yun shouted after the white belly appeared.


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