Nine Sun God King

Chapter 574: Fire mad

When Qin Yun was finished, all the people in Xianbing City were relieved.

Especially Ma Ma, she was nervous to the extreme.

If Qin Yun can't finish it, then there is no hope of winning a little.

Nowadays, as long as you compare the beasts refining two people, whoever is strong will win.

Everyone looked forward to it for so long and finally waited for the most exciting moment.

Qin Yun’s beast is black, and Peng Wang’s is gray, and the size is the same.

"Well, the two beasts will fight under your control!"

It should be a little excited, and feel that his apprentice will win the Qin Yun's beast and win.

"Get started!" should be shouted.

The battle between the two beasts began immediately.

At the beginning, it was very intense.

They are all flying and crashing.

The beasts were all refining from Xuanyuan Steel. When they collided, they also splashed a group of violent shock waves.

Just a moment later, the bodies of the two beasts had many damaged places, large pits and other scratches.

"A strong beast! You can completely defeat the martial arts of the martial arts. Even the martial arts of the spirits, you will not be able to defeat this level of beasts!"

"Qin Yun is only a martial art, how can he refine such a powerful beast?"

"This guy is really a genius! His own strength is very strong, and the talent in the grotesque way is even more terrible!"

"The totem pattern he carved is not a golden totem, but a beast totem like a tiger beast!"

"What is Qin Yun in the end? He has this kind of strange streak, certainly not self-study? How do his two totems come from?"

As everyone was surprised to talk about it, Qin Yun’s black beast suddenly opened his mouth and bit the other’s neck.


The sound came out loud, and the gray beast of Peng Wang was bitten by a large piece of his neck.

"This...this is impossible! The refining materials of the two beasts are the same, so the strength is the same. It is impossible to have this kind of biting the other side!"

Most surprisingly, when the genus should be done, he quickly shook his head and said.

The beasts are all refining.

In his view, the strength of these two beasts is quite equal. If they fight, they only see who can stick to the end.

In the case where both beasts are full of energy, it is impossible to crush one side.

But now, Qin Yun’s beast has broken the neck of Peng Wang’s beast.

What should I suddenly think of, shouted: "Qin Yun, your totem is a mysterious totem?"

When everyone heard it, they suddenly burst into exclamation and couldn’t believe it was true!

Xuan level totem is rare!

In particular, the totems used to make enamel are mostly spiritual totems.

It is very rare for a person with a mysterious totem and a singularity.

When everyone gets a totem, they are the most original spiritual totems. It needs to evolve into a mysterious totem later.

Qin Yun's beast, the more fierce and fierce, the speeding past bite, and bite the other's neck.

Hey, hey, the head of the other beast, rolled to the ground.

Ma’s mother’s face has been cold and her face is full of smiles!

Fairy City won!

Everyone shouted.

Qin Yun, a young man of martial arts, actually defeated the singular master of Lingwujing!

And still win in the most profound totem carving!

This talent is as good as Liu Jingmeng!

Several old people in the guardian hall showed a happy smile.

Their fairy is not to be given.

The people of the family power, although relieved, but the heart is not very taste.

Because Qin Yun is their enemy, and Qin Yun hates them.

"Sister, I won!" Qin Yun looked at Liu Jingmeng behind him, smiling.

He regretted some things and didn't ask for more things from Ma's mother-in-law. Otherwise, it will be a big harvest now.

It should be lost, and the mood is very bad.

He has been preparing for this for many years, but he still can't win.

"It should be, you said before, this is the last time we compare with our Fairy City, and will not have it again, right?" Ma said.

"This, I am a little dissatisfied! Because my disciple Peng Wang, the best is alchemy!"

It should be a slight sigh and patted Peng Wang’s shoulder: "He spent most of his time studying alchemy, and now he can refine Wang Pinling!"

"Oh? That's amazing!" Ma was surprised to see Peng Wang and said: "You have such a good apprentice, I am really happy for you!"

"Ma mother, let's come again than one game! Just try Dan, you send a disciple of alchemy, Xianying City should also train a young Dan pharmacist?" Ying Cheng said, he was not reconciled.

Because after this time, he can no longer find the Fairy City, and no chance to get the fairy.

"It should be that we don't have a young alchemist and you." Ma's mother smiled and said: "You die!"

"If you don't, if you win, I will give you the strange spirits!"

It should be a bite to make a difficult decision: "That is the soul of the strange grain I just got, as long as I get the fire madness, when the singularist is carving the singularity of the fire attribute, Do more with less."

The strange spirit is a good thing, and it is still a very rare fire mad!

Fire madness is very practical.

Because of the singularity and totem of the fire attribute, it is very common and can be used in many places.

The geeks who were present were all exclaimed in excitement.

"It should be, my medicine fairy valley sent disciples compared to you, how?" An old man in Yaoxiangu, quickly shouted.

"If I win you, can you give me something? You are the fairy of the medicine fairy valley? I can't see the broken thing!" It should be awkward.

An old man in Canghuo Xianshan also hurriedly shouted: "It should be done, we want to compare with you, and you want to say anything! We can afford it, we will give it to you!"

"As long as I win, you will give me the fairy weapon of the Fairy City, I will compare with you!" Ying Cheng smiled and said: "In addition to the fairy weapon of Xianbing City, I don't want anything!"

Canghuo Xianshan mainly cultivates flames, as does the medicine fairy valley. It is often necessary to use flames.

If they have fire and ecstasy, they can engrave better and stronger fire attribute grotesque, which will help them a lot.

The grotesque soul is very rare.

Before the appearance of the Star Jun Qi Soul, let the masters of the major gates go crazy.

The elders of those sects, who saw that they should be so persistent, shook their heads.

"Ma mother, you have seen it, how precious is the fire madness!"

It should be made in order to let the horse mother promise, and took out a big bead.

Inside the beads of his palm, there is a cluster of flames.

Inside the beating flame, there are many strange lines, burning smoldering arrogance, like a variety of fire grotesque.

Qin Yun saw the heart.

"It should be, you go back!" Ma mother certainly knows the preciousness of the fire madness, but she does not dare to take risks.

They have finally survived the looting, and now they must never take risks again.

It should be a loss of sigh, just turned around, Qin Yun went up and said: "Predecessors, how is this thing? Is it a good thing?"

Qin Yun took out the Dragon Ding of Tianshi Town. That day, Long Ding of Lion Town became a small one by Qin Yun.

Only close can you see the strange lines on the top.

Should be a frown, I found that there are nine groups of Tiens totem on the top, suddenly shocked.

"Good things!" should be amazed.

"My brother and I are trying to test Dan, I won, this thing is yours! You won, the fire madness is mys!" Qin Yun quickly took Tianshi Town Longding up.

Everyone was very curious, and I really wanted to know what Qin Yun had just taken out, and actually made it so exciting.

Qin Yun has several pieces of ancient Taoist instruments, and he also masters the mysterious totems, and the things that come out are made so that they should be so heart-warming. This makes people more curious about his origins.

The most incredible thing is that Qin Yun actually knows how to make alchemy.

"Good! You will be alchemy?" It should be nodded to nod, but some can't believe that Qin Yun will be alchemy.

"Refining Wang Pin Ling Dan? No problem, I know a little about alchemy!" Qin Yun smiled.

It is not surprising that the singularist understands alchemy. After all, the way of grotesque is much more difficult than refining medicinal herbs.

Moreover, the instruments needed to refine the medicinal herbs require the singularity to refine.

Ma Po and others, I really did not expect that Qin Yun actually hidden so deep.

Shepherd laughs just saw Qin Yun’s Xiao Ding, and also knows that it is Tianding Town’s Long Ding, which is very precious.

"Well, if Peng Wang loses to you again, I am also convinced!"

It should be a smile, he knows the value of Tianding Town, and even thinks that Tianding Town Longding is better than Xianxian City.

Ling Yuner also told Qin Yun that Tianding Town Longding is a device that understands evolution.

Because the totem pattern above is very strong, it can evolve into a fairy in the future.

"This guy is a person who knows the goods! Xiaoyun, you don't lose the Tianding Town Longding, it is a very good thing!" Ling Yun said.

"Reassured, I don't have much alchemy, but the level is not low!" Qin Yun felt that he passed through the Jiuyang gods and absorbed the Jiuyang aura, which can improve the quality in alchemy.

Also, his refining medicinal instruments are very good.

They are all made according to the above drawings of the medicinal medicinal herbs, using star and moon refining.

When using the game to refine the medicinal herbs, the instruments used are generally used by themselves.

"On the refining of a more commonly used Wang Pin Ling Dan, clearing the poison Wan Ling Dan. To be refining in an hour, whoever has high quality, whoever wins!" should be said.

"Good!" Qin Yuntou once heard about this kind of Dan, and did not know how to refine it. He said: "I don't have herbs!"

"Reassured, the medicine is provided by me!" should be made into laughter, and then take out some herbs.

There are white jade ginseng, black small snake fruit, purple leaves, and a green mud-like rhizome.

"After you choose the medicine, let's get started!" Ying Cheng said: "I have to check your medicinal equipment to prevent you from cheating!"


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