Nine Sun God King

Chapter 752: Bone dragon evolution

Zhan Qiong does not know Qin Yun, how to resist the attack of the crazy wolf army.

But he believes that Qin Yun has that kind of power. He can only stay here now, and Qin Yun together with the army of the mad wolf.

Qin Yun is very clear that the reason why his predecessors entrusted such valuable things to the tribal tribes is definitely to look at their qualities.

Tens of thousands of years later, the patriarchs of the tribal tribes also changed a lot, but they still clung to here, and never gave up the guardian moon Jiqi spirit.

Based on this, Qin Yun must not let the war tribes be leveled.

For many years, the warring tribes have been beaten many times, and every time they are sure to be angry and angry, but they always rebuild their homes.

Qin Yun thought of these things, and his heart was also angry.

"The Crazy Wolf Tribe, you have killed so many warrior tribes for many years, today, I want you to pay for your blood!"

Qin Yun’s angry voice, accompanied by the power of shock, rang in the world.

At the same time, he also played an earthquake power, rushing to the open space in front.

There are hundreds of thousands of troops rushing there, and at this time, the earth suddenly cracked and collapsed, and collapsed hundreds of meters!

At this time, Qin Yun is very precise in controlling the power of the earthquake.

It was just a shock to the area in front, and the tribal city of the war tribe behind it did not suffer any damage!

Hundreds of thousands of crazy wolf army, suddenly fell into the collapse of the underground.

A large number of giant wolves were also panicked and trampled on the warriors of many crazy wolf tribes.

The leaders of Zhan Qiong and the Crazy Wolf tribe are shocked!

They are very clear, that is the power released by Qin Yun!

"Give me the kid!" The mad wolf leader roared.

The battle Qiongfei rushed out and shouted: "Don't think about it!"

At the same time, Qin Yun also released the Magic Star Overlord!

In the hands of the Magic Star Overlord, Qin Yun’s Jiuyang Shen Hammer was rushed to the war kings of several crazy wolf tribes, and they madly attacked.

The Magic Star Overlord has three heads and six arms, and the defense is extremely strong. Even if it is cut, it will not die immediately.

There are only a dozen warrior kingdoms at the top of the crazy wolf tribe, and there are no weapons.

You must know that Qin Yun’s Magic Star Overlord, when in Jianxian Pavilion, can die and die many powerful Wuwang Wudi.

Zhan Qiong originally thought that he was going to be desperate. After all, he was besieged by several war kings. He was very strenuous.

At this time, I saw that there was a powerful magic star overlord, and Zhan Qiong was relieved, and my heart was full of surprises.

The people of the Crazy Wolf tribe never dreamed of a barbaric man who looked so weak and had so many doorways.

All of a sudden they defeated their mad wolf army, but also released such a powerful big man.

The pressure of Zhan Qiong has been reduced a lot, because when he can't beat, he can hide behind the Magic Star.

The weapon of the mad wolf leader has been destroyed. He can only use the broken knife to slash the magic star, but he can't damage the magic star.

The mad wolf army is still very strong, and many fighters have already climbed out.

But they just climbed out and Qin Yun once again showed his earthquake!

The resurgence of the violent earthquake once again shocked hundreds of thousands of people in the big pit!

"Crazy wolf tribe, I want you to become a dead pig tribe!" Qin Yun sneered, and then released the bone dragon.

The huge bone dragon appeared, and the hundreds of thousands of crazy wolf warriors who fell into the deep pit suddenly became fearful and desperate.


The bone dragon roared, swooping down from the air to the pit, and then tumbling inside.

I only heard a fierce cry from the deep pit.

A burst of **** smell, followed by the world.

The white bone dragon has been covered in blood! Qb17

What surprised Qin Yun was that after the bone dragon killed the mad wolf warriors, the body actually grew flesh and blood.

The leader of the mad wolf also felt desperate at this time, because the warlord, who is almost as powerful as him, has been killed several times.

Zhan Qiong may be attacked by madness because of the incomparable excitement and excitement, as well as the chicken blood.

The mad wolf tribe is an ancient nightmare for their warring tribes, always lingering in their hearts.

Over the years, when they have many warriors going out to hunt, they will be killed once they encounter the warrior of the Crazy Wolf tribe.

Since the patriarch, Zhan Qiong has not remembered how many times their warring tribes have been destroyed.

Every time he saw his tribe being destroyed, he could only endure humiliation and anger silently, because they were too weak to fight against the huge mad wolf tribe.

At this time, Zhan Qiong finally had the opportunity to kill the leader of the crazy wolf tribe!

As long as they kill the leader of the Crazy Wolf tribe, their warring tribes can be proud!

At this time, Qin Yun is also concentrating on controlling the Magic Star Overlord and dealing with the warlords.

Although the Magic Star Overlord was cut a few knives, there was nothing at all, and it was only cut off, and then quickly recovered.

"After the Demon Star Overwhelmed the Crystal Mountain, it became stronger!" Ling Yun smiled and said: "That's it, kill these wicked guys!"

In the **** crater, the bone dragon seems to be immersed in a flesh-and-blood bath. It is all blood, and it looks a little scary.

You know, there are hundreds of thousands of crazy wolf warriors, and hundreds of thousands of giant wolves, all of which are very strong.

The bone dragon, as if it knows how to absorb the flesh and blood, can devouring those flesh and blood.


Qin Yun controls the Magic Star Overlord and kills a War King, directly exploding it!

And Qiong Qiong also killed two warlords.

Now, there are only four warlords on the side of the Crazy Wolf tribe.

The Magic Star Overlord and the War Jones teamed up and quickly killed three Kings.

Only the leader of the mad wolf is left now.

"The leader of the crazy wolf, today is your death!" Zhan Qiong laughed.

"You... barbarian..." The mad wolf leader is very clear that the reason why their mad wolf tribes will be completely annihilated is because of the power of Qin Yun.

He had never understood why Zhan Qiong was called Qin Yun as a prophet, but now he finally understands, because Qin Yun has the true ability to become a prophet.

Zhan Qiu laughed and threw the head of the mad wolf leader!

"Predecessors, congratulations on your big hatred!" Qin Yun laughed.

"Prophet, this is because you have help! Your past life, I have helped my family. I did not expect your life, help us again!" Excited Qiong Qiong, said to be squatting, but was stopped by Qin Yun .

Qin Yun looked at the huge pit!

The bone dragon has been buried inside, but still tumbling in the ground.

"Yue, what is the bone dragon? You can actually swallow the flesh and blood!" Qin Yun was shocked.

"It should be related to the dragon totem you carved, let it have its own power!" Ling Yun said: "This kind of thing is not strange..."

Zhan Qiong was also shocked and looked at the earth that was flowing up and down.

"My pet has a little bit of a situation, there will be nothing!" Qin Yun smiled: "Predecessors, you let other people stay in the yard temporarily, don't let them out, I am worried that my little pet will get out of control, Will hurt them!"

"Xiaoyun, did you not catch a dragon in Zhilong City before? You were sealed after you put it in Tianlong Town, and then you put it in a beast bag!" Ling Yun said.

"Yes!" Qin Yun also remembered the dragon, which was raised by the medicine.

"Quickly let go, feed the bone dragon!" said Ling Yuner.

He quickly took out the vet bag and released the dragon inside the vet bag.

The dragon was only sealed and entered a state of slumber. After releasing the seal, he roared and flew in the air.


The bone dragon on the ground suddenly flew out!

Qin Yun saw the bone dragon that came out, and he was shocked.

The bone dragon is full of red meat, which is full of mud. The whole dragon body is full of flesh and blood, and it looks extremely scary.

The bone dragon that flew out, biting the dragon!

After the dragon was bitten, the bone dragon quickly tore and shred it with his claws.

The dragon was just unsealed and was shredded by the bone dragon.

The bone dragon quickly eats the dragon, and the vague flesh of the body is also creeping.

Qin Yun did not know what happened, only know that bone dragon is evolving.

"Is it necessary to get bleeding from newborns?" Qin Yun also planned to take time before using a large number of celestial bones to give bones to the bones.

He thought of the bones of the beast, but also a movement, asked: "Yue, I have hundreds of thousands of pounds of animal bones, do you say that bone dragons will eat?"

"Try it!" said Ling Yuner.

Qin Yun had a lot of beasts in the wild beasts. After he threw out a lot, the bone dragons rushed over to eat them.

"Great!" Subsequently, Qin Yun also threw a lot of celestial bones, leaving only tens of thousands of pounds for himself.

The sturdy beast bones, like the crispy strips, are chewed by the bone dragons and eaten crisply.

"Fat oil, animal oil!" Ling Yun suddenly shouted: "The animal oil contains a lot of energy, bone dragon may also absorb!"

After Qin Yun thought of it, he quickly leaped into the air, took out the mysterious bottle, poured out a lot of animal oil, and poured it into the huge pit.

The bone dragon and Qin Yun have a spiritual connection, and they quickly jumped into the huge pit.

Qin Yun controlled the flow of the bottle and drowned the bone dragon.

After Qiongqi went back to the yard and appeased his own ethnic group, he rushed out and he was scared by the dragon.

The bone dragon is soaked in the animal oil, and Qin Yun also sees that the bone dragon is absorbing the energy of the animal oil.

"Great, this guy has to evolve, and I don't know how it will evolve!" Qin Yun did not expect it, there would be such an unexpected surprise.

"Xiaoyun, I have an idea... just put your magic star overlord!" Ling Yun said: "The dragon seems to have a strong ability to blend and integrate with other things!"

Qin Yun listened to Ling Yun, saying that he also took a breath.

"Of course, there may be accidents! All will be lost!" Ling Yun said.

"If it really merges, what will happen?" Qin Yun also jumped heart.

"I don't know!" Ling Yun smiled and said: "It is also possible that nothing will happen!"

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