Nine Sun God King

Chapter 753: Abyssal abyss

Qin Yun is also entangled, whether or not to put the Magic Star Overlord.

He is very worried that he will lose the Magic Star and the bone dragon.

These two are very good, and losing one at a time will be very painful.

Moreover, both of these crickets have a lot of room for growth.

After Qin Yun got the two strange spirits of Xingjun and Yueji, engraving a lot of star patterns and moon patterns, it is sure to make these two skeletons stronger.

"If these two cockroaches can be merged together, they will definitely become stronger!" Qin Yun was very entangled and asked: "Rhy, I want to try it all at once?"

"Look at your own! I just give tips! I can't help you make a decision. If you fail, you will definitely rely on me!" Ling Yun said with a smile: "If you choose to want a beauty, I It can help you decide!"

"You are a dead girl!" Qin Yun snorted.

Qin Yun looked at the big pit of oil below, and my heart was more entangled.

"Try it!" Qin Yun bit his teeth and then threw the Magic Star Overlord.

After the Magic Star Overlord went down, the bone dragon that was covered in animal oil and flesh and blood, flew up and entangled the Magic Star Overlord.

Subsequently, the dragon also opened his mouth and bit the magic star.

"Damn, it was eaten!" Qin Yun was more worried.

The dragon did not tear the Magic Star Overlord, because the Magic Star Overlord has a very tough body, which is not so good.

At this time, the dragon is like a python swallowing a prey, and the magic star tyrants swallowed it a little bit to make it bulging.

After the Magic Star Overlord was swallowed, the dragon's body overflowed with a golden glow.

The golden light slowly shrank and sucked a lot of animal oil into the dragon's body.

The dragon's body is also entangled in a group, and it is surrounded by golden mist.

It is incredible that the dragon's mouth is actually spit with silk and is crusting.

"Hell, the dragon is spinning!" Ling Yun shouted.

"This dragon should not be a serious dragon!" Qin Yun is also more assured, which means that the dragon can evolve and not be abolished.

"Xiaoyun, this dragon is what you got from the Yunlong Mountain Range. It should not be an ordinary dragon!" Ling Yun said: "Yangyang, this little duck eats the dragon meat and enters the state of evolution!"

"Well! I don't know when this dragon will break out!" Qin Yun looked at the huge golden dragonfly and took a long breath and was relieved.

He also worried that the dragon and the magic star will be finished.

The golden giant python also opened the eyes of Zhan Qiong.

He has lived for many years and is not dead, but this kind of thing is the first time he saw it, and it was enough for him to blow for many years.

Qin Yun put the golden giants together and smiled at the battle: "Predecessors, now! The tribe is safe!"

"Thank you for the prophet!" Zhan Qiong smiled and nodded: "The prophet really has the ability to destroy the mad wolf tribe by himself!"

Qin Yun and Zhan Qiong, talking and laughing into the pool of the tribe.

Zhan Qiong also let the people in the yard come out to thank Qin Yun.

After Qin Yun and the warriors chilled, they entered the room of Zhan Qiong.

"Predecessors, do you know how to get out of the quiet moonland?" Qin Yun asked.

"Well, this is the legend. There is a secluded abyss here. There is an undercurrent underneath that can leave the world through the undercurrent!" Zhan Qiong said: "But that place is dangerous!"

"What kind of danger?" Qin Yun asked.

"There are many terrible evil beasts and evil spirits on both sides of the abyss!" Zhan Qiong frowned. "Prophet, if you go, you must have sufficient preparation!"

Qin Yun nodded: "Well, I know!"

In the following time, Qin Yun is also preparing, he is in a crazy game. Qb17

Fortunately, he has Yao Fang, a powerful fairy who is a helper, so he can quickly refine many characters.

In addition, he also helped the Qiongqi a big deal, that is, the defense of the yard was expanded to cover the entire city.

In this way, if they are attacked again, the tribal tribe will not be framed.

The leader of the leader of the mad wolf hangs in front of the gates of the tribal tribe.

In order to enhance the proficiency of his refiner, Qin Yun also refines many mysteries to the people in the tribe.

Now he, using the Jiuyang Shen hammer, with the strange soul to the refiner, is just a meal time, you can refine a good mystery.

"I can now refine the mystery of the top grade!" Qin Yun has made sufficient preparations in the past few months.

When the Qin Yun refining device was in the basement of the Zhanqiong house, there was an energy source below it, so it could maintain the large-scale operation of the tribe.

At this time, Qin Yun also retreats under this retreat.

The people of the tribal tribes are very reluctant to learn that Qin Yun is going to leave.

They all got a strong mystery and storage bag, and they are very grateful to respect Qin Yun.

Zhan Qiong certainly wants Qin Yun to stay, but also knows that Qin Yun has very important things to do.

Qin Yun retired and practiced in the basement of that kilometer deep. He now enters a very critical moment and will soon condense the mysterious Tao.

The Daojing jade and Xuan Xinjing that he got from the moon were also used up.

Yao Fang has been beside Qin Yun these days.

Because Qin Yun entered a very critical stage.

When Qin Yun was practicing, he also felt that his own inside of Mingyang Dao Dan was madly swirling, and a lot of energy was condensed.

The energy inside his bones and flesh and blood also rushed into the meditation of Danyang.

"To be successful!" Qin Yun brows his head and clenches his fist.


Qin Yun suddenly felt his body, and there was a fierce air current, which made a loud noise.

The colorful air waves from Qin Yun’s body also shocked Yao Fang next to him.

"Qin Yun, you can absorb the power of Jiuyang through the Jiuyang gods! You may be able to cultivate the Jiuyang body in the future!" Yao Fang suddenly said.

"Jiuyang **** body? I have the body of the fairy devil now, very good!"

Qin Yun opened his eyes, and he succeeded in condensing the mysterious Taoist crystal. He could crystallize the weak mysterious power through the mysterious path!

"The peak of the body of the fairy is only the sacred body of the sacred devil! And the body of the nine yang is the strongest! Of course, the body of the nine yang is only in the legend." Yao Fang said.

She saw Qin Yun's smooth breakthrough and also entered the third bead of Jiuyang Shen.

Qin Yun secretly released a little mystery, and could not be used to fight.

Now, he can only condense a mysterious force through the mysterious road, the main role is to make Dao Dan become a Tao Dan.

This is another long process!

As long as he cultivates his debut, he can release a powerful martial art!

Qin Yun walked out of this deep secret room and came to the top to say goodbye to Zhan Qiong.

Zhan Qiong and a group of people sent him out of the tribe and held a very grand farewell ceremony.

Qin Yun left the warring tribe and ran to the West!

The legendary abyss of the moon is in the west of the Qingyue Mountains.

"Yao Fangjie, have you found anything from the memory of the Magic Emperor during this time?" Qin Yun asked.

"In his memory, there are nine yangs that have died!" Yao Fang said: "But the memory is very scattered, I need to regroup!"

Qin Yun has been unable to contact Xie Roo in the past few months, which also worried him.

"Yao Fangjie, is there a soul falling in the spiritual waste and the magical waste? Qin Yun asked curiously.

"Yes, but it must have been taken away!" Yao Fang said: "In that year, there was a large group of people in the fairyland that could come to the spiritual wasteland. Do you think they would let go of the sun spirit inside?"

"It's a pity!" Qin Yun sighed.

"You have two souls yourself, what a pity?" Yao Fang said: "You have to use those two souls!"

"This is for sure!" Qin Yun looked at Yangyang, still a big group, still sleeping.

Qin Yun is not afraid of it now. If there is any danger, even if there is no magic star, there will be Yao Fang.

Yao Fang also promised Qin Yun that he would not retreat during this time until he safely went to the spiritual wasteland.

The secluded moonland is very large. Qin Yun flew for more than ten days, and did not see the abyss that crossed the secluded moonland.

"Is that really just a legend?" Qin Yun was puzzled.

Ling Yuner said: "A little patience, keep moving forward, even if you can't see the abyss, you can go to the edge of the wasteland!"

After Qin Yun cultivated Xuan Ling Tao Jing, although he could not use Xuan Li, Xuan Ling Dao Jing made his whole body's strength improve a lot.

This will give him plenty of power and can fly fast and continuously.

Qin Yun flew for a full month and finally saw the abyss of the moon!

The abyss of the moon, across the entire wilderness, is tens of thousands of meters wide and looks in the air like a huge earth scar.

During the day, Qin Yun looked far from the sky and felt very shocked.

"This is really not a legend, great!" Qin Yun suddenly surprised, and then speeded up to fly.

After Qin Yunfei passed, he suddenly saw a group of people, next to the abyss.

The group of people held a long stick in their hands and sat next to the abyss, like fishing.

These people are separated by tens of meters and look really like fishing!

But that is the abyss of the moon, not the river!

Suddenly, a person slammed the stick and saw a black gas in the abyss.

I saw a huge lizard dragon being pulled up!

Those people are really fishing, but not fishing, but fishing lizard dragons!

Qin Yun in the distance, I was surprised to see this scene!

After the lizard dragon was pulled out, the man quickly retreated, dragging the lizard dragon to the back, and then a group of people rushed over to kill the lizard dragon!

Qin Yun saw that the group of people were better talking, and they walked with confidence.

Those people also seem to be indigenous here because they don't use any attribute power, and they are also friendly.

After Qin Yun’s past, it also caught the attention of those people. They were vigilant first, but they saw that Qin Yun was not malicious, and he was relieved.

Qin Yun did not speak, but looked at those people curiously watching the lizard dragons.

"Young people, do you want to go out from this abyss?" asked an old man with a fight and smiled.

Qin Yun quickly said: "Predecessors, from this abyss abyss, can really leave this wasteland?"

"Yes! Legend has it that there was a battle here. The Emperor of the Nether used his sorcerer's blade and took a knife to leave this abyss!" said the old man.

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