Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 184 Millennium Spiritual Herb

After Chen Yuan entered the pool, the water around him was stagnant and the resistance was great.

Yu Qing, who was the first to plunge into the deep pool, was sinking to the bottom of the pool at an extremely slow speed. Liu Fan was faster than him, but also extremely slow.

Chen Yuan activated his true energy, but could not speed up even half a minute.

He frowned and used his physical strength instead, using a skill similar to that of an ordinary warrior's Thousand Category Fall. The speed of his fall suddenly accelerated a lot, and he fell to the bottom of the pool before Yu Qing and Liu Fan.

Chen Yuan's heart tightened and he waited for a moment, but nothing happened.

Liu Fan and Yu Qing had been watching Chen Yuan, and they couldn't help but feel doubtful when they saw that he had fallen to the bottom of the pool but did not enter the space magic weapon.

Could it be that the entrance to the space magic weapon is not at the bottom of the pond, and we need to find it somewhere else?

The two of them looked around at the same time and searched carefully.

After entering the deep pool, their consciousness cannot leave the body and they can only use their naked eyes to find the entrance.

Like the two of them, Chen Yuan glanced around, looking for the entrance to the space magic weapon.

Suddenly, something moved in his heart and he looked up.

Above the deep pool, there are no longer trees and branches blocking out the sky, but a gray sky!

He immediately activated his physical power and his body slowly rose.

The stagnant resistance encountered when sinking disappeared at this moment. Within a moment, Chen Yuan escaped from the water.

Looking up, this place is a gray space, with white cracks flickering in the sky, a thousand-foot solitary peak standing majestically, and nothing else.

Liu Fan and Yu Qing noticed Chen Yuan's actions, looked up, and immediately noticed something strange above the deep pool. They floated up, escaped from the water, and saw the thousand-foot peak standing in front of them.

This space is inherently small, with a radius of only a dozen miles, and the thousand-foot mountain peak takes up most of it, sticking into the ground like a giant sword, creating a strong sense of oppression.

Liu Fan looked up at the white crack in the sky and said solemnly: "It seems that this space magic weapon is more fragile than imagined. It will collapse on its own within two days at most. We must hurry up."

After that, he directly took up the escape light and flew to the top of the mountain.

Yu Qing stopped where he was and looked at Liu Fan quietly, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

Chen Yuan flew several feet behind Liu Fan, and Yu Qing's voice sounded in his ears: "Friend Wei, wait a minute!"

Chen Yuan's heart moved, he slowed down his escape speed, and distanced himself from Liu Fan.

Liu Fan has advanced cultivation and extremely fast escape speed, rising to a height of twenty feet in a short time.

Suddenly, his expression changed drastically, as if struck by thunder, his body suddenly flew back and fell heavily to the ground with a loud bang, creating a big crater and flying dust.

Protected by robes, Liu Fan was not injured. He stood up and waved his sleeves, causing a gust of wind to blow away the dust. He looked up into the sky and frowned: "This space magic weapon is about to collapse, and there is a forbidden air restriction." ?”

Yu Qing sneered: "The methods of ancestor Qingyou are beyond your imagination."

"If this space magic weapon were in its heyday, even if the alchemy monks came, they would have no choice but to walk up the mountain!"

Liu Fan glanced at him and said with a smile: "No matter how powerful Qingyou is, he is already a withered bone in the grave. This space magic weapon will collapse on its own within three days. What is there to boast about?"

Yu Qing was furious: "How dare you insult my ancestors!"

"Does Fellow Daoist Yu still want to take action with Liu?"

Liu Fan chuckled lightly, turned around with a flick of his sleeves, took up the escape light, rose to a height of several feet above the ground, and flew towards the thousand-foot mountain peak.

Yu Qing clenched his fists and stared at Liu Fan.

Chen Yuan sent a message: "Friend Daoist Yu, please calm down. Time is running out. The top priority is to find the treasure left by Master Qingyou, and then we can find a way to deal with Liu Fan."

Yu Qing took a deep breath and replied: "Fellow Daoist Chen is right, we must first find the treasure left by Qingyou's ancestors."

He slowly let go of his hand, took up the escape light, and flew towards the thousand-foot peak.

Chen Yuan's eyes flashed and he followed.

The space was already small, so the three of them were cautious and did not escape quickly, but in less than half a quarter of an hour, they arrived at the foot of the thousand-foot peak.

The closer they were to the mountain peak, the stronger the effect of the air ban was. The last three of them could no longer fly and had to walk.

There is a white jade archway at the foot of the mountain, about ten feet high, with the three words "Wentian Peak" written on it in ancient and majestic handwriting.

There are three jade-paved mountain paths behind the archway, leading to different directions.

Liu Fan turned to look at the two of them: "Two fellow Taoists, where are you going next?"

Chen Yuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect Liu Fan to be so cooperative.

At this time, Yu Qing's voice sounded in his ears: "Fellow Daoist Chen, don't be deceived by this devil. After entering this space, the token transmitted a spiritual message to me."

"Even if the space collapses, the token can protect my safety, and as the owner of the token, it is not difficult for me to protect you."

"He is afraid that we will fight to keep the treasure and destroy this space, so he doesn't dare to act recklessly."

Chen Yuan nodded slightly and replied: "So that's the case. This person must be planning to wait until he obtains the treasure before turning against him and snatching it away. He will be willing to give in to him first and then make a fuss."

Then, he said to Liu Fan: "Just take the road on the left. What do you think, Fellow Daoist Liu?"

Yu Qing said calmly: "I have no objection."

Liu Fan nodded, used the light body technique, and ran up the mountain along the left mountain path.

Chen Yuan and Yu Qing looked at each other and followed closely.

The three of them could only run along the mountain road, and their speed was much slower than flying. It took less than half an hour before they reached the halfway point of the mountain.

When we got here, the mountain road bifurcated. One road continued straight up, while the other zigzagged to the left.

After a brief discussion, Chen Yuan and the others walked onto the mountain road extending to the left.

After they ran for a quarter of an hour, a gentle slope appeared at the end of the mountain road.

This slope is about an acre in size, located on the edge of a cliff, and is covered with all kinds of spiritual grass.

Chen Yuan had keen eyesight, was an alchemist, and was most familiar with spiritual herbs. When he saw this slope, he was shocked and immediately rushed over.

The spiritual grasses on this slope are at least five hundred years old, and there are many eight hundred years old!

Although Liu Fan and Yu Qing did not have Chen Yuan's eyesight, they could still see the extraordinary nature of these spiritual herbs, and followed Chen Yuan closely to the slope.

Yu Qing had never come into contact with five-hundred-year-old or eight-hundred-year-old spiritual herbs before. He only knew that these spiritual herbs were precious, but he could not tell their specific years. He looked around with blank eyes.

Liu Fan stared at a spiritual grass with flowers but no leaves, all white, and shaped like an orchid, with a look of ecstasy: "A real flower!"

Chen Yuan's eyes quickly swept over these spiritual herbs, his heart was shocked, and he murmured: "Lianshanzhi, Yunhuancao, Red Douhua..."

Most of the hundreds of spiritual herbs here are extremely rare varieties in the outside world, and even he cannot recognize a dozen of them.

And when he saw the three emerald green spiritual flowers in the center of the slope, he was shocked and looked sluggish.

This is...the thousand-year-old spiritual grass Qingxuan Spirit Cleansing Flower!

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