Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 185: Sacred Relics of Dan

These three Qingxuan Xiling flowers are about one foot tall, like jade, surrounded by hundreds of spiritual herbs, standing out from the crowd.

Chen Yuan stared at the three thousand-year-old spiritual herbs for a long time.

After he passed the alchemy master's assessment of alchemy, he received a spiritual herb illustration from the Alchemy Pavilion that only the Alchemy Master could receive.

It records tens of thousands of spiritual herbs, from the most common ten-year spiritual herbs to the rare three-thousand-year spiritual herbs. It covers everything.

In his retreat, Chen Yuan carefully read it and wrote down all the spiritual herbs, including the Qingxuan Xiling flower.

This thousand-year-old spiritual herb is the main ingredient for refining the Yuanying stage elixir "Xuanwei Dan", which can be used by Yuanying cultivators to improve their cultivation and is extremely precious.

One Qingxuan Xiling flower is enough to make Yuanying cultivators fight.

And now three Qingxuan Xiling flowers are placed together, which will make Yuanying cultivators crazy!

Chen Yuan took a deep breath, slowly moved his sight away, and looked at other spiritual herbs.

His eyes swept over several eight-hundred-year-old spiritual herbs, and stopped at the spiritual herb with flowers but no leaves, pure white, and shaped like an orchid, with a look of surprise on his face: "Suzhen Flower!"

Liu Fan had been staring at this spiritual herb, ignoring the other spiritual herbs.

He saw that Chen Yuan also recognized this spiritual herb, his face sank, and he walked over: "I want this spiritual herb!"

Chen Yuan's eyes flashed: "Fellow Daoist Liu, wait a minute."

Liu Fan's footsteps did not stop at all, as if he had not heard it, and walked straight over.

Chen Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his hand and waved, and a fire crow condensed out of thin air and flew towards the Suzhen Flower.

Liu Fan's face changed, and a blood spirit flew out of his body, pounced on the fire crow, and slapped it out with one palm.

But after the blood spirit slapped the fire crow out, a white crack flashed and swallowed the blood spirit, and then flashed twice before disappearing.

Chen Yuan took this opportunity to step on the ground and came to the Suzhen flower, facing Liu Fan across the flower.

Liu Fan's eyes turned cold, and more than a dozen blood spirits flew out of his body, circling around him: "Fellow Daoist Wei, are you going to fight with me?"

Chen Yuan smiled slightly: "I just want to remind you that these spiritual herbs are divided equally among the three of us, and the ownership of this Suzhen flower is still under discussion."

Yu Qing echoed: "That's right! There is only one Suzhen flower, why should it belong to you?"

He didn't know what the use of this spiritual herb was, but since it was what Liu Fan wanted, he must not let him get what he wanted.

Liu Fan suddenly turned his head to look at Yu Qing, his eyes were as cold as ice, and his previous leisurely and unrestrained attitude was gone.

The dozen blood spirits suddenly flew out and surrounded Yu Qing in the middle, as if they were going to pounce on him and suck him dry the next moment.

Yu Qing didn't even look at the blood spirits around him, and smiled disdainfully: "If you want to destroy this Suzhen flower, you can do it."

Liu Fan's face darkened, but he didn't dare to act rashly.

Just now, he just released a blood spirit to extinguish Wei Wuding's fire crow, and it triggered the space crack.

If he attacked Yu Qing, it would definitely cause the collapse of the space magic weapon.

Liu Fan waved his sleeves, and more than a dozen blood spirits flew back into his body. He said coldly: "No matter what, I will take this Suzhen flower!"

Chen Yuan also sneered: "Fellow Daoist Liu, this move is a bit overbearing."

"Suzhen flower is the main ingredient for refining Huanzhen Dan. It is rare in the world and is not inferior to the thousand-year-old spiritual herbs."

"Fellow Daoist wants to take it into his pocket just because of a word. You really don't take Wei seriously at all!"

Yu Qing's face changed when he heard the three words "Huanzhen Dan": "Fellow Daoist Wei is talking about Huanzhen Dan that can increase the chance of forming a pill by 30%?"

Chen Yuan nodded and said: "That's right!"

Yu Qing looked at Suzhen Flower and immediately became eager.

Huanzhen Dan can increase the chance of forming a pill by 30%. It is the best among the many pill spirits that help to form a pill. It is known as the "Sacred Relic of Forming a Pill".

If a foundation-building cultivator cannot form a pill after taking Huanzhen Dan, it is even more impossible to use other methods.

Seeing Chen Yuan reveal the purpose of the Suzhen Flower, Liu Fan's face became even gloomier.

Although he was a true disciple of the Blood Spirit Sect and worshipped a Yuanying cultivator as his master, his talent was not outstanding. He was just a true spiritual root cultivator, which was far behind the several true disciples of the sect who had heavenly spiritual roots and earthly spiritual roots.

Ten years ago, he had already cultivated to the peak of foundation building, but he had never been sure of the success of Danjie, so he took the risk of sneaking into the Qi Kingdom's cultivation world and ranked first on the six sects' bounty list, just to make a few great achievements and return to the sect to exchange for elixirs and spiritual objects that would help Danjie.

But even if all the elixirs and spiritual objects in the Blood Spirit Sect were taken, at most they could only increase the chance of Danjie by 20%, which was far less than the return of the real pill.

It should be noted that when Danjie is formed, it is difficult to increase the chance of Danjie by 10%, which is related to the final success or failure of Danjie.

Liu Fan said coldly: "I am determined to get the Suzhen Flower. What do you two Daoists want in exchange for giving up this spiritual herb?"

Yu Qing sneered: "Don't even think about it..."

Liu Fan glanced at him and interrupted: "Daoyou Yu, if I can't get this Suzhen Flower, I would rather destroy this space magic weapon!"

Yu Qing's face changed slightly, and he closed his mouth unwillingly.

Although he didn't want Liu Fan to succeed, he couldn't accept giving up the treasure of Master Qingyou just because of this spiritual herb.

Chen Yuan smiled slightly: "Daoyou Liu wants this Suzhen Flower, it's not impossible."

"But Suzhen Flowers are extremely rare. The last time Suzhen Flowers appeared in the Qi Kingdom's cultivation world was three hundred years ago. To the foundation-building cultivators, their value is even more precious than the thousand-year-old spiritual herb."

"I can give the Suzhen flower to you, but the other spiritual herbs can no longer be divided equally among the three of us as agreed before."

Yu Qing nodded and said, "What Wei Daoyou said is very true. If you want the Suzhen flower, you have to give up the other spiritual herbs, otherwise I will never agree!"

Liu Fan frowned, looked around, and his eyes fell on the three Qingxuan Xiling flowers. He raised his hand and pointed: "Are these three thousand-year-old spiritual herbs also included?"

Yu Qing was shocked and followed Liu Fan's finger to look at the Qingxuan Xiling flowers.

He just felt that the spiritual energy emitted by these three emerald green spiritual herbs was particularly rich, and he never thought that they were thousand-year-old spiritual herbs!

After all, he was just a collateral descendant of the Yu family. The most precious spiritual herbs he had come into contact with before were just a few three-hundred-year-old spiritual herbs. He had never seen a thousand-year-old spiritual herb, and he didn't know what a thousand-year-old spiritual herb looked like.

Compared with the thousand-year-old spiritual herbs, the Suzhen flower seemed not so important.

Chen Yuan smiled faintly and said, "Of course, if Daoist Liu doesn't want to, this thousand-year spiritual herb will be given to you and Daoist Yu, and the Suzhen flower will be given to Wei, how about that?"

Liu Fan stared at the Qingxuan Xiling Flower for a long time, and slowly said, "Well, Liu only wants this Suzhen flower and 20% of the spiritual herbs."

"The remaining 80% of the spiritual herbs, including these three thousand-year spiritual herbs, all belong to the two Daoists!"

When Liu Fan said this, his heart was bleeding.

He had seen a thousand-year spiritual herb at his master Xiao Lingzi's place.

But the spiritual energy emitted by that thousand-year spiritual herb was far inferior to these three emerald green spiritual herbs.

When he thought of giving these three thousand-year spiritual herbs to Chen Yuan and Yu Qing, he was extremely unwilling.

But Chen Yuan shook his head: "Not appropriate, Suzhen flower is so precious, if you want to take this flower, you can only take half of the other spiritual herbs."

Liu Fan was furious, no longer caring about his manners, and said word by word: "Wei Wuding, don't go too far!"

He waved his sleeves, and forty blood spirits flew out of his body, circling around, and could pounce at any time, emitting a bloody aura.

Chen Yuan did not give in, his body suddenly grew to seven feet in size, his muscles bulged, his body was bronze, and he emitted waves of murderous aura.

Where the two people's auras intersected, fine white cracks flickered.

Chen Yuan said calmly: "If Daoist Liu doesn't want to, Wei is willing to give up 95% of the spiritual herbs and only take the Suzhen flower and half of the spiritual herbs."

Liu Fan stared at Chen Yuan for a long time, then suddenly raised his hand and waved, taking back the forty blood spirits, restraining his aura, and said coldly: "10%!"

"In addition to the Suzhen flower, I also want 10% of the spiritual herbs, otherwise I would rather give up the Suzhen flower and fight you to the death!"

Chen Yuan smiled slightly, his body returned to normal, and looked at Yu Qing: "Daoist Yu, what do you think?"

Yu Qing saw that Liu Fan had suffered a great loss, and was in a good mood: "Well, then I will give you 10% of the spiritual herbs!"

Liu Fan snorted coldly, came to the Suzhen flower, carefully pulled up the spiritual herb without damaging the roots, put it in a wooden box, and put it into the storage bag.

Chen Yuan did not stop Liu Fan. He came to the Qingxuan Xiling Flower, pulled up the three thousand-year-old spiritual herbs by their roots, and sent a voice message to Yu Qing: "Yu Daoyou..."

Yu Qing replied: "Chen Daoyou, my cultivation is low. Even if you give me these three thousand-year-old spiritual herbs, I can't use them. Please accept them."

Chen Yuan was stunned: "This..."

Yu Qing said: "Daoyou has helped me a lot, I have nothing to repay you. If I keep these three thousand-year-old spiritual herbs, it will only bring disaster. Please accept them."

Chen Yuan stopped refusing: "Thank you, Daoyou."

He took out three jade boxes with the effect of sealing spiritual energy, put the three Qingxuan Xiling Flowers in them, and put them into the storage bag.

Afterwards, the three pulled out all the remaining spiritual herbs on the slope, a total of 114, including 38 eight-hundred-year-old spiritual herbs and 76 five-hundred-year-old spiritual herbs.

Liu Fan could only take 10%, a total of four eight-hundred-year-old spiritual herbs and eight five-hundred-year-old spiritual herbs.

The remaining spiritual herbs were divided equally between Chen Yuan and Yu Qing, each of whom received 17 eight-hundred-year-old spiritual herbs and 34 five-hundred-year-old spiritual herbs.

The one who gained the most was Chen Yuan, who took all three Qingxuanxi spiritual herbs. Even a Yuanying cultivator would be jealous.

After the spiritual herbs were divided, Liu Fan looked at Chen Yuan expressionlessly, but a hint of murderous intent flashed in the depths of his eyes.

He has always been the pride of the Blood Spirit Sect and has never been blackmailed, and he got so many rare spiritual herbs at once.

If the Suzhen flower was not too rare and necessary for him, he would never agree to Chen Yuan's request.

He has kept this grudge in his heart and will never forget it.

But while Liu Fan wanted to kill Chen Yuan, he also felt a little disdain in his heart.

This Wei Wuding gave up the Suzhen flower and coveted the thousand-year-old spiritual herbs. He is short-sighted and not worth worrying about.

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