Nine Transformations of the True Spirit

Chapter 336 Dual Cultivation

After a moment, Jing Shuhan suddenly smiled: "Fellow Taoist, you are joking. Even if the white spiritual fire is mysterious and abnormal, I believe that fellow Taoist will not act like this."

"Otherwise, when Patriarch Yuntian wanted to kill me, Senior Brother Wang, and Old Ghost Ji, Taoist Fellow Daoist certainly would not have spoken to stop him, nor would he have divided his treasures between me and Senior Brother Wang after killing Old Ghost Ji."

"Although these spiritual herbs, spiritual stones, magic core materials, and elixir spiritual materials are all used by demon cultivators, it is not difficult for fellow Taoists to exchange them for other treasures if they are obtained."

"It is precisely because my fellow Taoist is not a ruthless person who only cares about profit, that I dare to reveal this matter to my fellow Taoist."

The smile on Chen Yuan's face slowly faded, and he said sternly: "What the fairy said is true. I was just joking. The fairy trusts me so much and told you such secrets. Naturally, I will not take advantage of you. I wonder if I can help." Busy place?”

Jing Shuhan said: "I have something going on, and I need help from fellow Taoists."

"This trace of pure spiritual energy is with me. If it is forcibly taken out, it will cause great damage to me, but there is no way to force it out of the body."

"It's just that this will greatly reduce its effect. It can only increase the cultivation level for ten years, and... and it requires a special method. I hope... I hope fellow Taoists can help."

At the end of her speech, her face turned slightly red, she lowered her head, and her voice became smaller and smaller.

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, and suddenly the bloody scenes in many novels and movies he had seen in his previous life appeared in his mind, and he asked tentatively: "Could the 'method' mentioned by the fairy mean... dual cultivation?"

Jing Shuhan's body trembled, his head hung lower, his hands were tangled together, and his voice sounded like a mosquito: "Exactly."

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, speechless for a moment, and the two of them fell into silence.

Chen Yuan is not the first brother. After he succeeded in starting a business in his previous life, he never lacked women around him. He walked among the flowers, leaned against the red and green, sang and sang every night, and was extremely proud of his love life.

But after lying on the hospital bed for two years, he suffered a lot and saw through the world of mortals. After that, he walked between life and death again. He had a chance to live another life, achieved great enlightenment, and devoted himself to seeking immortality.

In this life, whether in Leping County or Xin'an County, he will have many opportunities to marry and have children.

After embarking on the path of cultivating immortals, it was not difficult for him to form Taoist partners with other female cultivators.

Song Qingru admired him quite a lot and expressed her feelings in person, but he declined.

In Chen Yuan's heart, there is only the great road, and he has never given any thought to matters between men and women.

At this time, when he first heard that Jing Shuhan invited him to practice dual cultivation, the memory of his past life, which had been covered with a layer of dust and became hazy, suddenly became clear and overwhelmed him again.

Seeing that Chen Yuan was speechless for a long time, Jing Shuhan raised his head and looked over, with a hint of loneliness in his eyes, and said softly: "Fellow Daoist Chen is unwilling?"

Chen Yuan came back to his senses and smiled: "Why don't you want to?"

Jing Shuhan was stunned, and his cheeks turned redder: "Fellow Taoist, have you agreed?"

Chen Yuan smiled and said: "I won't suffer any loss in this matter, so why don't you agree?"

Although he has never considered dual cultivation in this life, he will naturally not refuse it if he can improve his cultivation for ten years.

Jing Shuhan's cheeks turned even redder, and she looked away, not daring to look at Chen Yuan, but she pretended to be calm: "Then... then I'll thank you fellow Taoist."

Chen Yuan said sternly: "The fairy's words are serious. The fairy's beauty is peerless, and her appearance is like that of a heavenly being. It is my blessing to be able to kiss you."

The corners of Jing Shuhan's lips raised slightly. What woman doesn't like to hear sweet words?

Chen Yuan added: "It's just that these two cultivations involve the Qing Ling Qi. I don't know what the connection is. I would like to ask the fairy to give me some instructions to avoid making mistakes and hurting the fairy."

Jing Shuhan felt warmed by Chen Yuan's concern, and quietly changed his title: "Brother Chen, don't worry, the dual cultivation is in line with the Yin and Yang Dao, and the pure spirit energy will naturally flow into Brother Chen's body, without the need to use any method."

Chen Yuan looked surprised: "So, the fairy is still the body of Yuanyin?"

Jing Shuhan's expression suddenly changed, and his voice became a bit colder: "What, could it be that my fellow Taoist thinks that I am a demon cultivator and thinks that I am a profligate person?"

Chen Yuan smiled apologetically: "I'm just being rude. In my eyes, there's no distinction between good and evil, I'm just a little surprised."

Jing Shuhan's expression softened slightly and said: "I misunderstood Brother Chen. Qingling Qi can be transferred through dual cultivators. Old ghost Ji has strict control over me. I am not allowed to get too close to male cultivators, let alone male cultivators." I practice dual cultivation with others.”

Chen Yuan said: "I took advantage of the fairy this time. Please forgive me."

Jing Shuhan's face became even redder: "Where, if I can't transfer this trace of pure spiritual energy, and meet the Nascent Soul cultivator again, I will have no choice but to be reduced to a furnace. Brother Chen is here to save my life. Only Brother Chen, I am willing to...will..."

Her voice became lower and lower, and she could no longer speak.

In the secret realm of yellow sand, she didn't know that Chen Yuan's white spiritual fire was not afraid of evil spirits, but when she saw him rushing towards Fulong Chizhen Vine without hesitation, she was touched.

Later, when Patriarch Yuntian wanted to kill her, Wang Lin, and Old Ghost Ji, it was Chen Yuan who spoke to save her.

After killing Old Ghost Ji, Chen Yuan offered to divide the treasure between her and Wang Lin, which finally made her decide.

She was not willing to be reduced to a furnace for Yuanying monks, so she simply handed over her Yuanyin body to Chen Yuan.

Jing Shuhan stood there with his head slightly lowered. His face was a little pale due to the injuries sustained in the yellow sand secret realm, but also had a hint of crimson, making him extremely delicate.

After successfully attacking Ji Laogui, most of her clothes were shattered by the arc. She put on a brand new light green chest-length skirt, embroidered with pale pink lotus flowers, revealing two thrilling peaks on her chest. Snow top.

She put her hands in front of her, her long fingers intertwined, and her right thumb slid gently on the back of her left hand, and also slid across Chen Yuan's heart.

Chen Yuan suddenly felt a little dry in the mouth, and ripples quietly appeared in his calm heart.

This feeling was very familiar. He had experienced it countless times in his previous life. As long as he practiced a little bit of Qigong, he could calm down.

But he didn't do it, and let the heart lake stir up waves. Looking at Jing Shuhan's slightly pale face, he asked with concern: "Does the fairy need to recover from the injury?"

Jing Shuhan didn't speak, but just shook her head gently.

She never looked up, just stood there quietly, and the atmosphere became a little subtle.

Chen Yuan's heart lake began to stir up waves, and he knew what he should do now.

He raised his sleeves and spread a piece of soft silk on the bluestone square, then stepped forward, came to Jing Shuhan, and gently hugged her.

Feeling the two soft places in front of him, Chen Yuan swallowed quietly, leaned close to her ear, and whispered: "Fairy, I am rude."

The two went to Wushan together.


Half an hour later, everything ended quietly.

The two were in dishevel, sitting cross-legged on the silk, closing their eyes and meditating, with their qi fluctuating.

Dual cultivation fits the Yin and Yang Avenue, and the Yin and Yang complement each other. Chen Yuan naturally passed a trace of pure and spiritual energy into his body, increasing his cultivation by ten years. Jing Shuhan also made great progress in his cultivation, and even broke through the bottleneck of the middle stage of the Jindan in one fell swoop.

The two people who were still unsatisfied could only stop reluctantly, meditate and practice, and consolidate their cultivation.

Three days later, the qi of the two stabilized, and they opened their eyes at the same time and looked at each other.

With the help of the pure and spiritual energy, they stabilized their rapidly growing cultivation in a short time without leaving any hidden dangers.

Jing Shuhan deliberately suppressed her cultivation for decades, and today she finally broke through the bottleneck of the middle stage, and the distance between Chen Yuan and the bottleneck of the late stage of Dan formation was also shortened a lot.

Jing Shuhan blinked, and there was no trace of paleness on her face. Her whiteness was slightly rosy, and her pair of autumn eyes conveyed infinite tenderness. Her lips were covered with a layer of moist mist, and they were gently pressed together, like two fresh and tender peaches, which were particularly tempting.

Chen Yuan had an impulse in his heart, wanting to hold the two peaches in his mouth and taste them carefully.

"Chen Yuan, let's become Taoist couples, okay?" Jing Shuhan stared at Chen Yuan, and his low voice was full of expectation.

Chen Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then he operated the skills, and the true essence flowed in the meridians. The turbulent heart lake slowly calmed down. When he looked at Jing Shuhan's lips again, he no longer had that impulse.

He sighed lightly and raised his hand to tidy up Jing Shuhan's light green skirt.

He picked up the phoenix-shaped jade hairpin that had fallen to the side, and carefully tied up her black hair, just like he did when he combed his younger sister's hair in Chenjia Village in the past.

But at that time he used a rough wooden hairpin, but now he used a low-level magic weapon.

The phoenix-shaped jade hairpin was faintly blood-colored, and a thin crack ran through the hairpin, and the spiritual light was slightly dim.

Jing Shuhan seemed to realize something, her eyelids drooped slightly, her lips pursed tightly, and she remained silent.

She lowered her head and did not move. After Chen Yuan tied up her hair, his eyes paused on the phoenix-shaped jade hairpin, then slowly moved down and stopped on her face.

He had fallen in love in his previous life, but after using money to buy the true or false feelings of too many women, his heart had long been frozen.

He had never fallen in love with any woman in his life, and had no time to think about it, but at this moment, he had some feelings for Jing Shuhan.

She was the first woman in Chen Yuan's life. She was beautiful, decisive, and thoughtful. She was in line with Chen Yuan's wishes.

Chen Yuan had many spiritual stones and treasures, and could hunt monsters and refine monster pills. He didn't have to worry about cultivation resources at all. He didn't mind becoming a Taoist couple with Jing Shuhan and living together.

But he couldn't protect himself now, so how could he become a Taoist couple with her?

Chen Yuan slightly looked away and whispered, "I am grateful for the fairy's love, but I am at odds with the old ancestor Yuntian and Kunfeng, and I can't protect myself. I dare not implicate the fairy."

Jing Shuhan was silent for a moment, raised her head, and smiled, "It's my fault, brother Chen, please don't mind."

She also raised her hand to tidy up Chen Yuan's clothes and tie up his hair. Her movements were very slow and serious.

She didn't miss any details. Her usually dexterous fingers became much clumsy at this moment, and she had to repeat one action three or four times.

Time seemed to stop at this moment. After a long time, she took back her hands, looked carefully from bottom to top, and finally stopped at Chen Yuan's face, smiling: "Okay." (End of this chapter)

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