The azure sea is quiet and deep, with sparkling waves reflecting the blue of the sky. The breeze blows gently, causing tiny ripples on the sea surface. The sun shines down, and golden brilliance jumps on the sea surface.

Looking around, the waves are vast, the blue is endless, and there is no sailboat in sight.

Suddenly, two white lights flashed, and two figures, a man and a woman, appeared in the sky.

The male cultivator is wearing a white gown. He has a long body and sharp eyebrows. His appearance cannot be called handsome, but he is still quite handsome.

After he appeared, his eyes immediately showed a vigilant look, and his straight body exuded a faint evil aura, like a sword that was about to be unsheathed but not unsheathed, flashing a cold and sharp cold light.

The female cultivator is wearing a light green skirt, embroidered with light pink lotus flowers. She has a curvy figure and extremely beautiful appearance. She keeps her eyes on the male cultivator, her eyebrows are slightly curved, and she seems to be able to speak, with a faint smile.

These two people were Chen Yuan and Jing Shuhan. Chen Yuan spread out his consciousness and covered a three-ten-mile area around him. He found nothing. Only then did the vigilance in his eyes dissipate, and he turned to look at Jing Shuhan.

This light green skirt is beautiful. The only pity is that Jing Shuhan's straight and tight long legs are not exposed at all under the wide skirt.

Chen Yuan's eyes stopped on Jing Shuhan's skirt embroidered with lotus leaves, which seemed to be able to penetrate the complicated clothes.

Jing Shuhan's face turned slightly red, remembering the wonderful taste of that day again, and suddenly felt a little itchy in her heart.

She knows everything except men and women.

Due to Ji Laogui's restraint, she had never experienced the feeling of dual cultivation. After tasting the clouds and rain for the first time, she actually had some taste of the essence.

But after that day, more than half a month had passed, and she and Chen Yuan never went to Wushan together again.

After the two people left the secret space, they did not dare to go deep into the Jueling Island. They searched for spiritual grass treasures on the periphery, but they found very little. They only found a dozen 500-year-old spiritual grass in a secret space.

These secret spaces in the periphery and the palaces and caves that have not yet collapsed have been searched countless times by predecessors, and few fish have slipped through the net.

Originally, according to the agreement, all these spiritual herbs should belong to Chen Yuan, but after the two became close to each other, they were naturally very different. Chen Yuan took the initiative to give half of the food and grass to Jing Shuhan.

After that, the two of them explored several small secret space realms, all with mediocre results, until Jueling Island was closed.

Chen Yuan quickly looked away and bowed to Jing Shuhan: "Jueling Island has been closed. I'll take my leave now. Fairies must be careful not to be found by Tianjimen."

Jing Shuhan's eyes darkened, and he said calmly without returning the courtesy: "Brother Chen, don't worry, the Qingling Qi has dissipated, and the Supreme Elder will no longer have the slightest interest in me."

"Brother Chen himself, on the other hand, must be careful of Patriarch Yuntian and the Kunyu clan, and don't fall into their hands."

She was in a bad mood and her words were cold.

She knew that she was the one who asked Chen Yuan to practice double cultivation. Chen Yuan did not owe her anything, and she also knew that Chen Yuan did this because he did not want to implicate her.

But when she heard the word "farewell" from Chen Yuan's mouth, she still felt an inexplicable resentment.

Chen Yuan felt helpless in his heart. Jing Shuhan's plaintive look seemed like he was in trouble and finally gave up.

But he had rich experience in his previous life and knew that women were like this. There were always times when they were unreasonable at all.

He raised his sleeves and took out three things, slowly flying towards Jing Shuhan: "Fairy, please accept these three magic weapons."

Jing Shuhan took a closer look and found that these three things were actually three low-level magic weapons, namely a purple bell, a blue feather fan and a copper bell.

Except for the purple bell, the other two magic weapons belong to Old Ghost Ji.

She suddenly felt better: "Brother Chen, what do you mean?"

Chen Yuan said: "Old ghost Ji wanted to refine the fairy into an external incarnation, and he committed a heinous crime. These two magic weapons were obtained from him, and now they are given to the fairy. I think he is atonement for his sins."

"This bell is named Fengyun Bell. After it is activated, it has the effect of attacking the soul. It is quite mysterious. Although it is only a low-level magic weapon, its power is extraordinary."

"This treasure has been with me for decades and has helped me defeat my enemies several times. Today I give it to the fairy. I only hope that it can help the fairy when she fights with others in the future."

Jing Shuhan stared at the three magic weapons, especially Fengyun Ling, and the resentment in her heart quietly dissipated.

She did not refuse, put away all three magic weapons, smiled slightly, and spread out her frowning eyebrows, like flowers blooming in spring, bright and moving.

Chen Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Women are indeed the same. They not only like sweet words, but also like men to spend a lot of money on them.

When my girlfriend in the previous life was angry, she could immediately turn her anger into happiness by giving her a few luxury items.

Naturally, Jing Shuhan would not want such vulgar things, but as soon as the three low-level magic weapons were taken, the gloom on her face was instantly lifted.

Chen Yuan said seriously: "Take care, Fairy, Chen will take his leave."

Jing Shuhan said: "Brother Chen, wait a moment, I have something to give you."

She raised her left hand, and a jade pendant appeared in her palm. It shone with a faint spiritual light and was engraved with a pair of mandarin ducks wrapped around their necks. Judging from its energy, it was a high-grade spiritual weapon.

Jing Shuhan handed the jade pendant to Chen Yuan and said softly: "Brother Chen, I got this jade pendant by chance in my early years. It was originally just a low-grade spiritual weapon, but I liked it very much. After refining it twice, it finally became a top-grade one." This spiritual weapon has been with me for nearly a hundred years. I will give it to Brother Chen today. I hope Brother Chen will not dislike it. "

There was a slight ripple in Chen Yuan's heart, and he slowly flew to Jing Shuhan. He raised his left hand and held the jade pendant. He also held her hand, and with his right hand, he held her in his arms.

Jing Shuhan's cheeks flushed, and she leaned her head on Chen Yuan's shoulder. Chen Yuan felt a faint fragrance rushing into his nose, and his heart was moved.

He tightened his right hand, feeling the soft and delicate body in his arms emitting amazing heat, letting the ripples in his heart turn into huge waves, and whispered: "I'm sorry, I have too many enemies, and I can't share the great way with the fairy."

Jing Shuhan hugged Chen Yuan with her backhand, and their bodies were tightly pressed together: "It's enough to have a night of joy. I just hope that Brother Chen will still think of me when he sees this jade pendant in the future."

After a long time, the two separated. Chen Yuan held the jade pendant tightly in his hand and bowed deeply: "If we are destined to meet in the future, I will meet the fairy again."

After that, he looked at Jing Shuhan deeply, as if he wanted to engrave her face in his heart forever, and then turned and fled without any hesitation.

Jing Shuhan stared at Chen Yuan's back in a daze, and his eyes dimmed little by little.

After a long time, she suddenly blinked, and the Fengyun Bell appeared in her hand. She rubbed it slowly for a few times, smiled gently, and turned to escape in another direction.


Chen Yuan flew above the sea, rubbing the mandarin duck jade pendant in his hand, with complicated emotions, and he could not erase that beautiful figure.

He originally thought that he would never fall in love again in this life, but Jing Shuhan quietly broke into his heart.

With the experience of his previous life, he would no longer actively pursue other women, but he would not reject the affairs of men and women.

Although he was devoted to pursuing the road of immortality, he was not heartless and selfish. For the sake of immortality, he could abandon everything else.

He could have saved Jing Shuhan and Wang Lin, or he could have taken Ji Laogui's treasure alone, or when Jing Shuhan revealed his clear spirit, he would have tried every means to forcibly take it away and improve his cultivation for thirty years, all for the sake of profit, all for the sake of improving his cultivation.

But even if he became an immortal, he would be just a walking corpse, no different from death.

People have seven emotions and six desires, and they should know gratitude, resentment, integrity, and shame, and do what they must and should not do.

But they cannot get lost in the world of mortals. The road is long and immortality is ethereal, so they cannot put the cart before the horse.

He can send three unused low-level magic weapons, but he cannot live with Jing Shuhan.

He has the jade treasure, and he needs to refine one kind of true spirit blood after another to practice the supreme technique. This is destined to be a rugged road, accompanied by killing and danger.

Chen Yuan's next target is Kunfeng, and he will definitely be at odds with the Kunyu clan, and the Yuntian ancestor is also eyeing him.

Although Jing Shuhan has a clear and spiritual aura and excellent talent, he can't keep up with Chen Yuan's pace. Being with him will only drag him into danger.

It is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes than to help each other.

Chen Yuan sighed lightly, put away the mandarin duck jade pendant, buried the beautiful figure quietly in his heart, and flew to a faintly visible island in front of him at a rapid speed.

After the closure of Jueling Island, the cultivators there can choose to leave or stay.

Those who leave Jueling Island will randomly appear within a radius of ten thousand miles.

Chen Yuan and Jing Shuhan naturally chose to leave. The Tongtian Order in their hands flashed and disappeared. A white light fell from the sky. The two of them were blurred, and when they came to their senses, they had already appeared in this unfamiliar sea.

He didn't know where this was, so he could only find out a little bit in the island in front of him.


Somewhere in the sea within ten thousand miles of Jueling Island, above the nine heavens.

Ancestor Yuntian raised his hand and pinched his fingers, his eyes slightly closed, his brows furrowed, as if sensing something.

He was motionless, like a stone statue, until the sun set in the west, the bright moon rose, and the stars filled the sky, then he slowly opened his eyes and put down his hands.

He suddenly smiled and murmured: "It seems that I still underestimated the white flame. After such a long time, it has not yet erupted..."

He did not stay any longer, drove the escape light, and soon disappeared in the thick night.


In another sea area, Kun Tong separated a ray of light, wrapped Kun Feng, and shuttled through the clouds.

Kun Feng played with a golden pill in his hand, threw it into his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it.

Kun Tong suddenly said: "The white flame in Chen Yuan's hand is really as mysterious as you said, it can burn the soul, make you feel violent and murderous, and even lose control?"

Kun Feng said seriously: "It's true!"

Kun Tong's expression was solemn: "If it is true, your father thought of an ancient legend that has been passed down in the clan to this day. This person is not simple."

Kun Feng asked curiously: "What ancient legend?"

Kun Tong's eyes showed a look of reminiscence: "It is said that in ancient times, our demon race was the master of this world, and the human race was weak and could only become the blood food of the demon race."

"But suddenly one day, an immortal came to the world and taught the human race skills and magical powers. Since then, the human race has produced many cultivators, and in turn suppressed our demon race."

"The ancestors of the demon race Seeing this, the generation offered sacrifices to the heavens and prayed, asking the demon fairy to come to the world and help our demon race resist the human race. "

"Wherever this demon fairy went, the human cultivators lost their minds and only knew how to kill, setting off endless killing disasters."

Kun Feng shook his head slightly: "This must be nonsense. How powerful is the immortal? How can he come to this world?"

Kun Feng said: "This is just an ancient legend, passed down from generation to generation, and there must be some distortions."

"But my Kunyu clan has existed since the beginning of this world, with ups and downs, and has been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. Since this legend can be passed down, it is impossible that it is all false."

"The white flame in Chen Yuan's hand can arouse the tyrannical killing intent in people's hearts. It is somewhat similar to that demon fairy, and it should not be taken lightly."

"After returning, I will issue an order to arrest this person. We must not let the Jiaolong Clan and the Golden Feathered Eagle Clan catch him. We must not let the truth of Ao Hui's death be revealed. We must also take the white spiritual fire in his hand!"


A few days later, in the sea of ​​​​ten thousand monsters.

On a huge island, there stands a volcano. Thick smoke billows out of the crater. From time to time, red magma erupts and flows slowly along the hillside, forming red rivers.

At the foot of the volcano, more than a dozen halls are scattered and scattered. They are all built of red boulders, rough and simple.

A ray of light flew from the sky and landed in front of the most magnificent hall. The light disappeared, revealing Ao Fang's iron tower-like figure.

A strong pressure spread from him and enveloped the entire island.


A large mass of magma suddenly spewed out of the crater, accompanied by volcanic ash covering the sky and the sun. The whole island trembled heavily several times, and the mountains shook.

A man flew over and landed in front of Ao Fang. He was tall, but he was still dwarfed by Ao Fang. He had a rough face and a pair of red eyebrows.

After a while, another man flew over. He looked to be about forty years old, with an ugly and sinister appearance. He was wearing a cloak made of red feathers. His height only reached Ao Fang's chest, which was far less than that of the red-browed man.

He bowed his hands and said respectfully: "Fellow Daoist Ao."

The red-browed man looked at Ao Fang and said in surprise: "Brother, where is Ao Hui? Why didn't he come back with you?"

Ao Fang said word by word: "He is dead."

The red-browed man's expression changed drastically, and his voice suddenly increased: "Who can kill Ao Hui?"

The sinister man was very calm and just looked at Ao Fang quietly.

Ao Fang said: "This man is called Chen Yuan, and he is a disciple of Ji Laogui of Tianji Sect..."

He repeated what Ao Bo and Kun Feng had said, and the red-browed man said angrily: "I will go to the Blood Island now, set off a beast tide, kill all the Tianji Sect monks, and seek justice for my nephew Ao Hui!"

The sinister man said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist Ao, there are many strange things about this matter. Chen Yuan is a disciple of Tianji Sect. He first killed my nephew Ao Hui, then fought Kun Feng to a draw, and was able to injure the Golden Vein Demon King."

"He is so powerful that he should have been famous in Yuqing Sea, but he was not famous before. What Kun Feng and Ao Bo said must have concealed something."

Ao Fang nodded slightly: "Fellow Daoist Luan is right, but since Chen Yuan can injure the Golden Vein, it makes sense that Ao Hui died in his hands."


The red-browed man wanted to say more, but Ao Fang just gave him a cold look, and he immediately shut up, showing fear on his face, and dared not say anything else. (End of this chapter)

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