Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1561 Demonstrate only once

Soon, Lu Yu and others saw a scene densely packed with spider webs in the cracks.

It can be said that Yudie's previous words were not exaggerated at all.

A normal person would probably feel like his head would explode just by looking at the sight before him.

Lu Yu once had the experience of seeing the stars in the sky, so he didn't feel too special about such a scene, but he finally understood the difficulty of the problem more clearly.

"Since dismantling them is difficult, is there any way to stop them first?" Lu Yu said.

Yudie said: "This problem is not a big problem. Since we have entered here, only a very small operation can paralyze this place instantly!"

Lu Yu said: "Then let this place be paralyzed first. As for the demolition, I will find a way!"

Yudie couldn't help but be startled: "What can you do?"

Lu Yu said: "The reason why we are having trouble with this issue now is because we are on the back side of these formations and cannot touch the core of these formations..."

"In any case, since these formations are teleportation formations leading to the Netherworld Palace, the core of the formation must be in the Netherworld Palace."

"I don't have any solution, but there must be a solution over there in Netherworld Palace!"

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked and looked at Lu Yu in surprise.

Yang Chudie said: "You mean to go to the Netherworld Palace on the other side of the abyss to close these formations? But, how do you cross here and enter the Netherworld Palace?"

Lu Yu said: "Since Senior Tianjian told me this shortcut without any special explanation, it means that with my ability, I can get there..."

"Just before, when I was on the seventh heaven, Ancestor Yunxiao once took me through the space rift. At first, I just thought that the experience at that time was very novel. Until I saw the situation here, I suddenly felt something. Understand!”

As he spoke, he turned to look at Meng Ting who was aside, looked into Meng Ting's eyes, and said, "I have a bold idea, maybe we can try it!"

Meng Ting was stunned for a moment.

Jade Die was already speechless: "You two want to enter the teleportation circle directly from the space crack?"

Lu Yu spread his hands: "Otherwise, if I go there alone, I won't be able to handle the entire Netherworld Palace... It just so happens that we can try her name as the Saint of the Heavenly Palace to see if she has any influence on the Netherworld Palace... "

If you want to dismantle these formations from the front, entering the Netherworld Palace is the second best. The key is the cooperation of the Netherworld Palace.

Therefore, what Lu Yu has to do is not only enter the Netherworld Palace, but also make the entire Netherworld Palace completely surrender. In this way, it is undoubtedly more suitable to appear in the name of Meng Ting.

After all, the Saint of Tiangong has an unparalleled influence on Bixiao Shrine, which can be seen from Ling Yufei's reaction.

Yudie couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said, "Is that what I meant? Do you know how dangerous this is? If you are not careful, you may be completely torn apart by the laws of space!"

Lu Yu spread his hands again: "So I said, it's just me and Meng Ting who are going there, so you don't want to follow us and take risks together!"

As he said that, he cast an apologetic look at Ling Yufei beside him: "Originally, I wanted you to be a wise old horse and guide us the way, but I didn't expect that you encountered such a situation and made your trip in vain. …”

Ling Yufei didn't know what to say for a moment.

Yudie snorted heavily and suddenly became angry. He was obviously avoiding the important and taking the easy.

"Yang Chudie, I have no choice but to take care of him yourself!"

Yang Chudie glanced at Lu Yu and sighed helplessly: "Do you really want to do this? Are you sure?"

Lu Yu thought about it seriously and said, "I can't guarantee that I will be able to successfully enter the Netherworld Palace, but at least there is no problem in protecting myself!"

"Then... just go and try it, be careful!" Yang Chudie said.

Lu Yu nodded and looked at Ye Weilan aside. The concern in his eyes was also beyond words.

"I can't take you with me this time. Your shadow-following technique won't be of use here!" Lu Yu smiled helplessly.

The method of shadow possession is Ye Weilan's bloodline talent. Although it is extremely powerful, it cannot be used for teleportation, let alone traveling through space cracks this time.

Ye Weilan naturally knew this, so she nodded silently and said, "I'll wait for you to come back!"

Lu Yu then turned to Meng Ting and said, "Without further delay, let's set off now!"

Meng Ting hesitated and said: "But, I don't even know what method to use..."

Lu Yu said: "Look carefully, I will only demonstrate it once!"

After saying that, he swung his sword.

The Secret of the Stars - Flying Tail!

Lu Yu's figure was cut into the sword light and merged with the essence of the secret.

The next moment the sword light disappeared, his figure had appeared at the end where the sword light disappeared.

This scene is simply unbelievable.

Especially Ling Yufei, who saw this scene for the first time, in her opinion, this was simply a miraculous skill!

Originally, such a method could only be used in the Starlight Array. At this time, after being driven by multiple mysteries, the Galaxy Sword in his hand was equivalent to having the effect of the Starlight Array to a certain extent.

If his Galaxy Sword can do it, then the Star-Gathering Scepter fused with the Star-Gathering Pearl in Meng Ting's hand can naturally do the same.


Lu Yu turned around and said to Meng Ting.

The star secret he chose was the most suitable for traveling, and it happened to be the star secret that Meng Ting also mastered.

"The strength of the secrets of the stars should be enough to withstand the laws of space here, right?" Lu Yu wanted to say to himself.

In this state, he is equivalent to being invincible. Although there is no guarantee that he will be able to find an accurate path, at least he will not be shattered to pieces by the laws of space.

Meng Ting did not speak. After a moment of silence, she suddenly waved the Star Gathering Scepter in her hand.

Suddenly his figure disappeared from the place, and just like Lu Yu, he melted into the light, and the next moment he appeared beside Lu Yu.

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "I knew I wouldn't misjudge you!"

With that said, he extended his hand to Meng Ting again, as if inviting her.

Their hands were clasped together.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them waved the magic weapons in their hands at the same time in perfect agreement, and their figures disappeared.

Only a flash of brilliant brilliance rushed into the dense "spider web".

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