Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1562 The Emperor’s Visit

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yu felt like he had fallen into a strange world.

When looking from the outside, several criss-crossing formations looked like huge spider web structures, but after actually entering them, Lu Yu discovered that the situation inside was even more complicated.

At this time, in his field of vision, there was a completely different world from the outside. It was like mirrors facing each other, reflecting countless scenes. Moreover, these mirrors were all smashed and covered with dense There are cracks in the mirror, and there are thousands of reflections on each mirror surface.

Lu Yu knew that these "cracks" were the laws of space, and the mirror in each "crack" corresponded to a space.

And he and Meng Ting wanted to find a path to the Nether Palace among these thousands of spaces.

The difficulty of this can be imagined.

Perhaps relying on the means of integrating with the mysteries of the stars, their lives are indeed not in danger, but they are likely to be lost in these strange spaces.

Lu Yu's thoughts suddenly began to spin rapidly, trying to deduce the best path to the Netherworld Palace from among these thousands of spaces.

However, he soon discovered that the amount of calculation involved was too huge. It is no exaggeration to say that it is no less difficult to find the best path from these dense space cracks. Break the Xuanyang Dao Lock.

This was based on the fact that he had experienced traveling through space cracks with Ancestor Yunxiao before. Otherwise, he would have no clue about the current situation.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown.

If he is given enough time, he believes that he can solve this problem. The problem now is that he doesn't have that much time to waste here. The last time he cracked the cliff in Wanlong Cave, he didn't know how much it took. Day and night, this time the time will not be any less than last time...

Lu Yu was just wondering what to do.

But at this moment, Meng Ting suddenly pulled him and said, "Follow me!"

As she spoke, the Star-Gathering Scepter in her hand waved out a ray of light, and Lu Yu was also involved in the light.

Lu Yu couldn't help being slightly startled, but before he had time to react, Meng Ting dragged him into one of the spaces.

Suddenly, the scene in front of them became more and more bizarre, and unique spaces flew past their eyes one after another.

After a moment, his eyes suddenly became brighter, and familiar lights and shadows appeared around him. This was the symbol of the teleportation circle.

Unexpectedly, they actually entered the space cracks from tens of thousands and accurately entered the interior of the transmission channel.

Lu Yu was shocked.

Meng Ting also had a look of joy on his face and explained: "This is the 'Lian Mou' in the secret of the stars. You must not have understood it yet, right? I found that it can be used for positioning, so I tried it. I didn’t expect it to actually work!”

"Lian Mou..."

Lu Yu murmured and repeated.

Now, he finally knew the name of the eleventh secret of the stars.

Each of the secrets of the stars has great uses, but this "Lian Mou" can achieve precise positioning in such a complex environment. Such power is indeed worthy of praise.

In an instant, Lu Yu had many associations.

He thought of many scenarios where this star secret could be applied, as well as many possible combinations.

If he is allowed to comprehend this secret, it is certain that his power will rise to a whole new level.

However, he soon ran out of time to continue the association.

As the scene in front of them changed rapidly, they finally stepped out of the teleportation circle and successfully reached the Netherworld Palace.

"Where are you going next?" Meng Ting asked.

This was the first time she had arrived at Netherworld Palace, and she couldn't tell the difference between the east, west and north at all. On the contrary, Lu Yu was very familiar with the layout of the place because Ling Yufei had told him about it.

"Where else can we go? We have completed the most difficult step. The next step is naturally to go directly to the Lord of Netherworld Palace!" Lu Yu said.

Meng Ting frowned slightly: "I'm afraid that the Lord of Netherworld Palace may not be here..."

Lu Yu said: "It doesn't matter if he's not here, as long as we can find someone in charge. If that doesn't work, we'll just do it ourselves..."

"Since you talked so much with Yudie, you must be pretty good at formations. If you find the core of the formations here, can you dismantle them yourself?"

Meng Ting said: "You can try it."

Lu Yu said: "Isn't this enough? Let's go!"

With that said, he led Meng Ting out of the teleportation circle in a swaggering manner.

Soon, they ran into the disciples of Netherworld Palace.

The Netherworld Palace disciples were greatly surprised by this.

In fact, Netherworld Palace has been under martial law, and everyone who comes to Netherworld Palace must report. However, they did not receive any notification today. Unexpectedly, someone walked out of the teleportation circle.


"Who are you!"

"Why come here!"

All the Netherworld Palace disciples also knew that this was an extraordinary period, so they were highly nervous and sensitive, and they immediately started shouting.

Lu Yu replied directly: "The Holy Maiden of the Heavenly Palace is here in person! Let the Lord of the Netherworld Palace, Zhu Wuwang, come to meet you quickly!"

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