Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1868: Beasts in Clothes

"What exactly do you want to do?"

After following Lu Yu and setting foot on the colorful light belt where the Five Elements Escape from Heaven and Earth, Mrs. Ru couldn't help but ask.

She was naturally curious about the identities of the two women Lu Yu mentioned, but now that she was on her way to the meeting, she would soon know the answer. In comparison, Lu Yu's purpose still puzzled her.

"I want to form a pill." Lu Yu said calmly.

"Elixir formation?" Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned. She never expected that it would be this answer. These two things seemed to be completely unrelated...

"Do you still remember the first time we triggered the special effects of Miao Ling Qiyu?" Lu Yu asked.

Mrs. Ru's pretty face blushed slightly. This incident happened not long ago and left a very deep impression on her. All the confusion started from that time... She is not Alzheimer's disease, how could it be possible? Will you remember?


Lu Yu didn't intend to hide it from her at this time. After all, if he wanted to accomplish this, her active cooperation was indispensable:

"After that time, the completion level of my golden elixir was directly increased by 30%. You may not know what this concept is. Let's put it this way, my elixir formation route is very special. It is the super-grade golden elixir you mentioned before. One of the elixirs requires visiting all the heavens and worlds and understanding the supreme avenue in the universe before it can be finally completed..."

"If we follow the normal progress, I don't know how many years it will take and how many mysteries and mysteries it will take to understand such a huge improvement... But after that one contact, I got such an improvement."

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned: "How could this happen?"

Lu Yu glanced at her and said, "The reason lies with you. Didn't you say before that one of the important reasons why the Hades Temple helped the Guanlan clan to purify their bloodline was because in the process of purifying their bloodline, they could also use you to purify their bloodline." It has also been cultivated into an accessory that can provide benefits to men... In fact, your situation has a unique name in my original world, called - cauldron."


Lu Yu nodded and continued to explain: "Generally speaking, it is a special skill designed for women. After a woman practices it, the cultivation effects she obtains will be temporarily stored. When she has sex with a man, these temporarily stored cultivation effects will be stored. It will be fed back to the man you have sex with, which is equivalent to saving the man the process of cultivation... Although your situation is very special, it is still within this category. "

Mrs. Ru was stunned for a while, then lowered her head shyly: "But there has never been anything between us..."

Lu Yu said: "So I say your situation is very special. Although you were trained by the Hades Temple to become a cauldron, you are not an ordinary cauldron, but a very advanced cauldron. The conditions for triggering the replenishing effect are very Harsh and cannot be achieved by ordinary means..."

"You also said before that the triggering of the Miaoling Seven Jade effect is also very strict. Only your clan members or people with super-grade golden elixir can trigger it. Your cauldron effect is made on the basis of the Miaoling Seven Jade , the conditions will only become more stringent..."

"So, I boldly estimate that the effect of your cauldron requires the highest quality golden elixir to be fully triggered. Even among super-grade golden elixirs, it must be ranked among the top...and although my golden elixir has not yet been officially completed, according to it Judging from the quality of the product in the future, it will fall right into this category.”

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but be stunned.

She learned about the existence of the super-grade golden elixir from the Temple of the Underworld, but she always thought it was just a mythical legend. Unexpectedly, the legend actually appeared in front of her now.

"You actually formed a super-grade golden elixir..." Mrs. Ru kept looking at Lu Yu up and down. She also wanted to know what the so-called super-grade golden elixir looked like.

"It hasn't been formed yet, it's just a prototype now..." Lu Yu corrected, "As for whether and when it can be finally formed, it all depends on you, madam!"

Mrs. Ru thought for a moment silently and concluded: "So, what you are saying is that the cultivation of me by the Temple of Hades back then was actually very effective, turning me into a high-level cauldron... But the last time we contacted At that time, the fruits in the cauldron have been taken away by you, giving you a huge improvement, so you want to let me breed fruits again... Do you want me to become your cauldron? "

Lu Yu coughed dryly and said, "I just want to do some research now. If the cauldron effect on you can be replicated on other people, that would naturally be the best..."

"Others?" Mrs. Ru blinked, and her eyes gradually became sharper: "Who is it? Do you want to apply these to Jing'er? Let us, mother and daughter... be your cauldron together. ?”

Lu Yu suddenly coughed even more violently. Mother and daughter together? Fortunately she could figure it out...

Okay, he did covet Fu Jing's seven-aperture exquisite jade fruit, but coveting it and using the method of yin and yang to harvest it are two different things.

In his current situation, whether it is Fu Jing or Mrs. Ru, they can complete the ingestion of the fruit without intercourse between yin and yang.

But Mrs. Shi Ru's tone was clearly saying that he wanted to attack both mother and daughter at the same time, almost pointing at his nose and scolding him for having a beastly heart and being worse than an animal.

"Don't get me wrong, I have never said that..."

"Although you and Miss Jing both have very special physiques and are excellent cauldron embryos, as long as we understand the principle, we may not be able to replicate this effect on other people..."

"To take a step back, even if this effect can only be replicated on women of the Guanlan clan, there may not be other Guanlan clan survivors in the world. Maybe they are just in the same situation as you and the lady before, hiding temporarily. That's all... As we raise the banner of reviving the Guanlan royal family, I believe these people will come back soon..."

"Anyway, my eyes are not just staring at you and the young lady. Don't think too much..."

Lu Yu explained with sweat profusely.

In Mrs. Ke Ru's eyes, the more he explained, the more he concealed it, the more it showed that he was guilty.

In her mind, Lu Yu's despicable character no longer needed to be verified. She did not believe Lu Yu's explanation at all, and she was sure that Lu Yu wanted to attack both her mother and daughter at the same time.

Dressed beast!

He will be high-sounding and pretentious!

She cursed in her mind.

However, after the anger passed, a deep sense of powerlessness emerged...

Even if this guy is a beast, what can she do?

Now her daughter is trapped in the enemy's hands, and there is still no news. The only hope to save her lies in this beast. She has no choice but to rely on this guy...

Otherwise, if Fu Jing is allowed to be imprisoned by the Temple of Hades, her fate will only be worse... Mrs. Ru would not want what happened to her to happen again to her daughter!

In comparison, the guy in front of me, even if he is a beast, is still a bit sanctimonious...

"Okay, I promise you..."

Finally, Mrs. Ru finally made a decision.

"I will cooperate with you well. It doesn't matter whether you want me to be your cauldron or find someone else..."

"I have only one request, and that is that you must rescue Jing'er! Otherwise, even if I destroy myself with my own hands, I will never take advantage of you!"

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