Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 191 Great Refining of Living Beings

In fact, the refining method of Jiuzhuan Tongtian does exist.

It's just that it's recorded in the Lotus Pill Sutra, and Lu Yu didn't really master it. The situation in the pill furnace was just his nonsense, and the purpose was to delay time.

Although he couldn't send a message for help to the outside world under Xu Mingshen's nose, Xu Mingshen's sensitive identity sneaked into Yudie Peak. Someone would notice his whereabouts and track him down. At the very least, when Hailing Zhenren's pursuit plan failed, Yang Chudie would return to Yudie Peak.

No matter who came, Lu Yu just hoped that they wouldn't spend too much time.

"Stinky boy, how are you thinking? Have you figured out a way?"

Not long after, Xu Mingshen urged Lu Yu.

Lu Yu knew that it was impossible to hold the other party back with this reason alone.

So he pondered for a moment and said, "I thought of a way, maybe it's worth a try!"

"What way?" Xu Mingshen asked.

Lu Yu replied: "Since the sky is weak and the earth is strong in the furnace, the only way to stop it is to change this pattern. We can reverse the operation to make the sky and earth in the furnace shift and the heaven and earth exchange, so that the original Danqi layer becomes the earth layer, and the area where the Huanli Pearl is located becomes the sky layer. In this way, as long as the original sky layer materials are exhausted, the refining process can be stopped."

"But this is very difficult. I have never tried this before. Maybe I need the help of Deacon Xu to do it."

Xu Mingshen stared at Lu Yu: "How sure are you? Can this ensure the safety of Huanli Pearl?"

Lu Yu shrugged: "I have said that I have never tried this before, but I have pondered it several times. This method is theoretically feasible. If Deacon Xu can help me, I am more than 90% sure that I can complete the shift of heaven and earth and the exchange of heaven and earth."

"As long as this step is completed, if the Huanli Pearl is as powerful as Deacon Xu said, it will naturally be safe."

Xu Mingshen's face was as gloomy as water.

After a moment of silence, he continued to ask a few specific questions, and Lu Yu answered them all fluently and clearly.

Xu Mingshen couldn't find any fault with it, and finally had to believe Lu Yu's words.

"Stinky boy, the method you mentioned had better be effective, otherwise this time next year will be your death anniversary!"

"How do you want me to help you?"

Lu Yu quietly breathed a sigh of relief, finally making this traitor believe his words, so he could delay for a long time.

"Don't worry, Deacon Xu, I have always cherished my life very much, how could I joke with you with my own life?"

"Then let's get started!"

"First, Deacon Xu, you need to inject three points of spiritual power from the position of the life gate, and let the Dan Qi layer slowly rotate first..."

Lu Yu and Xu Mingshen operated the Dan furnace together.

In fact, it was Lu Yu who took the initiative, so how could he let Xu Mingshen get involved in the refining of the elixir?

Xu Mingshen's job was just to add fuel to the fire, but with Lu Yu's clever strategy and excellent acting skills, Xu Mingshen was convinced that he was in control of the overall situation and always believed that he was the main force that dominated the exchange of the alchemy furnace.

After half a day of peace, time came to the afternoon of the second day.

Lu Yu remained calm on the surface, but he gradually became anxious in his heart.

After such a long time, no one came to the door, and Xu Mingshen always looked calm and composed, not worrying about the possibility of his tracks being exposed.

Lu Yu suddenly realized that he might have made a serious mistake, that is, wishful thinking that the other party was just one person.

In fact, since the incident in Xiaoli Tian Secret Realm, the entire Dali Sword Sect has been on high alert, and the defense has been several times stricter than before. However, Xu Mingshen was still able to sneak in quietly and walk freely in the Dali Sword Sect, which means that someone might have hidden his tracks for him.

In other words, he has an accomplice in the Dali Sword Sect, and this accomplice must have a high position.

Lu Yu felt a chill all over his body. If this is the case, it is almost impossible for him to wait for help from the outside world.

This time, he is afraid that he really has to rely on himself completely!

"Why has this alchemy furnace not shown any improvement after so long? Brat, does your method work?"

On the other side, Xu Mingshen saw that the condition of the alchemy furnace had not changed, and he couldn't help but start to doubt again.

Lu Yu's mind was racing, and he gritted his teeth secretly, determined to put aside his scruples and fight hard...

"Deacon Xu, don't worry!"

"The exchange of heaven and earth is a very complicated process. We must complete these preliminary preparations to ensure that there will be no accidents during the exchange. As the saying goes, sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood. Doing this is also a precaution!"

"But don't worry, you will see the results soon!"

Lu Yu replied calmly.

"Preparation work?"

Xu Mingshen didn't buy it and frowned.

"It's been so long, aren't you ready yet? Give me a specific time right now! You'd better not lie to me, otherwise I will stuff you into the furnace bit by bit!"

"Very soon! How about within half an hour?" Lu Yu promised hurriedly.

Seeing Lu Yu making such a promise, Xu Mingshen finally stopped saying anything and continued to wait patiently.

Lu Yu exhaled and connected his consciousness to the second star. While checking the status of the alchemy furnace at this time, he started a complicated deduction on the star map.

An extremely bold plan was quietly brewing in his mind!

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