Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 192 The Power of Collapse

After a moment, Lu Yu withdrew his consciousness from the star map and looked at Xu Mingshen aside.

"Okay, let's start the final step of replacing the world now!"

Xu Mingshen was shocked: "So fast? Didn't you say it would take half an hour?"

"I said within half an hour, but I didn't say half an hour."

Lu Yu said helplessly.

"Besides, isn't this Deacon Xu who you have been urging me on?"

Xu Mingshen hummed softly: "What should we do next?"

"The next step is the same as before, you just need to follow my instructions. Let's work together to complete the last step of this exchange of universes!"

Lu Yu stood in front of the alchemy furnace, while continuously injecting the power of red lotus into the alchemy furnace, he issued a series of instructions.

"The alarm is rising, and seven points of spiritual power are being injected into it!"

"Jingmen Zhongxian, inject eight points of spiritual power in the reverse direction!"

"The wounding gate is lowered, and nine points of spiritual power are injected into it!"

As the instructions were issued, Xu Mingshen also began to operate.

Under the combined efforts of the two of them, the alchemy furnace actually changed, and began to spin faster and faster, and finally it was like a spinning top.

Xu Ming became suspicious and asked: "Isn't our purpose to stop the alchemy furnace? Why is it spinning faster and faster?"

Lu Yu explained: "Deacon Xu doesn't know. We are now going to replace the heaven and earth in the alchemy furnace. This is not just about making them fall down. We must make the rotation speed of the sky layer exceed that of the Huanli Pearl." Only by the rotation speed of the formation can the complete replacement be successful!"

"The acceleration now is just for the better deceleration next!"

Xu Mingshen still felt something was wrong.

Lu Yu added: "Deacon Xu, this is a critical moment. You must not hesitate at this time. Otherwise, if something goes wrong and you fall short, don't blame me for not warning you!"

"Even if you don't believe me, please persist for this moment. If you don't succeed this time, how about you deal with me later?"

Xu Mingshen finally nodded.

"Dumen winds up the string and injects ten points of spiritual power into the forward direction!"

"The lower string of Shengmen is injecting ten points of spiritual power into the body!"

"The door of death is lowered, and spiritual power is injected backwards for ten points!"

Lu Yu continued to issue instructions, each of which became more powerful than the last.

The alchemy furnace rotated faster and faster, and began to make a whining sound, like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

Xu Mingshen was horrified. This was the first time he had seen that alchemy could create such an appalling momentum.

However, considering that the Huanli Bead is one of the materials in this alchemy furnace, no matter what kind of abnormal phenomena appear, it should be normal...

Lu Yu suddenly said solemnly: "Deacon Xu, now it's the last minute! When the world changes inside the furnace, a window for ventilation is needed. Please support the door of death with all your strength. Can you survive and complete the exchange of heaven and earth? It’s all in one fell swoop!”

Xu Mingshen said nothing, but his eyes became fanatical involuntarily.

Lu Yu drove the true energy in his body and used all his strength to activate it.

This time, he had no reservations and used the power of Red Lotus to the extreme!

Under the huge qi energy intertwined, the phantoms of nine red lotuses appeared around him.

Xu Mingshen looked at this scene in surprise and was stunned.

He was about to ask Lu Yu what was going on, but at this moment, the furnace shook and the door to death opened wide.

Before Xu Mingshen could ask the question, there was a loud roar in his ears, which made his mind roar.

The next moment, his body was complete and no longer under his control.

A large circle of air waves rolled out around the alchemy furnace, expanded rapidly, and then contracted rapidly.

Xu Mingshen's body was rising and falling in the air waves, and along with the hot air waves, he was sucked into the alchemy furnace!

This scene was exactly the same as the scene when Lu Yu and Li Nanyang were fighting for elixirs in the square and used the method of collapse to refine the dust-cleansing elixir.

It's just that when the collapse occurred, it was the hidden dragon's air mass that was inhaled, but this time it was Xu Mingshen who was standing at the door of death.

The transfer of heaven and earth, the exchange of heaven and earth, are all just a cover. Lu Yu's real murderous move is the method of collapse!

All his arrangements were designed to use the power of collapse to completely suck Xu Mingshen into the alchemy furnace.

But when the collapse happened, he took the lead and used Flying Flower Escape to avoid the frontal contraction.

After the collapse was completed, the alchemy furnace returned to its suspended state of rotation.

Lu Yu looked at the whining pill furnace in front of him and gasped violently.

Unexpectedly, the plan actually worked. Xu Mingshen was sucked into the alchemy furnace without any ability to fight back.

That doesn't mean his troubles are over, though.

On the contrary, the real trouble has just begun.

A few days ago, he jokingly said that he would use Long Xuangang and others to refine living beings, but he didn't expect that it would come true so quickly.

It's just that this living person at this time is different from those Haixi dragons. This is a big living person in the sea return realm, with unfathomable cultivation.

The addition of this living person has added a huge instability factor to the running alchemy furnace out of thin air. It can be said that the alchemy furnace in front of him is now a pile of huge explosives.

If he couldn't handle it properly, he might not be able to escape the fate of the furnace explosion this time. Moreover, half of the Jade Butterfly Peak would be flattened by the explosion, and he would naturally be doomed.

From the moment on, he must concentrate, be cautious, and do his best to maintain the stability of the alchemy furnace.

Only by refining Xu Mingshen's cultivation, eliminating the waste and retaining the essence, and successfully forming a pill, can he be completely safe.

This is an extremely difficult task.

Lu Yu only had time to send a hurried message to Yang Chudie, and then he immediately withdrew his thoughts and focused entirely on the alchemy furnace in front of him.

Originally, his refining plan, which included ten top-notch heavenly materials and earthly treasures, was already ambitious enough. Now that Xu Mingshen has joined it, it is simply ten times more ambitious.

Lu Yu no longer had full confidence that he could continue to control the pill furnace in front of him.

However, now that the matter has come to this point, there is no point in worrying. We can only resign ourselves to fate.

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