Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1931 Perfect Fit

"you wanna die!"

Fu Jing roared hysterically, and with a sudden force in his hand, the Galaxy Sword immediately spun like a top, directly smashing Lu Yu's chest to pieces, revealing a big bright hole.

Even so, Lu Yu still refused to retreat. He ignored the big hole in his chest and roared loudly:

"I told you to stay away from my friends!"

With this roar, the red lotus flower on his body suddenly swelled, completely covering Fu Jing in the light and shadow of the lotus flower.

Time seems to stop at this moment, and it seems like a long time has passed.

Finally, the Galaxy Sword stopped spinning and rested on Lu Yu's chest.

Fu Jing's face was no longer ferocious and gradually returned to a peaceful state.

"A's going on?" She looked at the big hole in Lu Yu's chest, with a surprised expression on her face: "This, this...did I do this?"

Lu Yu shook his head, looked up at the sky, and said, "It has nothing to do with you, it's all his work..."

In the sky, the huge Thousand Eyes Totem was still approaching. Eyeballs continued to fall out and hit the heads of the two people, but they were all shielded by the red lotus. However, these eyeballs did not disappear, but Just like before, it turned into a spider web of light and shadow again, binding the entire red lotus flower in it.

Just as Lu Yu was speaking, groups of eyeballs suddenly fell down like hailstones, hitting the red lotus with crackling sounds. Even the red lotus couldn't help but twist slightly.

After this moment of distortion, Qianyanyan Lord took advantage of it again, and Fu Jing's face became ferocious again, roaring: "Do you think this trick is enough to stop me? Block your arms and block the car! It's useless to struggle! I see How long can you resist..."

Before she finished her sentence, her demeanor immediately changed again, and her face became a bit paler than before: "A Feng... thank you for finally coming... but I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on anymore..." "

Lu Yu's eyes were firm and he said: "It's okay! Keep persisting, and I will make it happen at your expense!"

"No..." Fu Jing looked up at the sky, with a sense of absolute determination in his eyes: "We can't fight him with our strength alone. I have no chance anymore, but you still have a chance. Get out of here quickly... …But before leaving here, I hope you can do one last thing for me!”

Seeing the determination in her eyes, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart tremble, and he instantly understood her inner thoughts.

In fact, Mrs. Ru once made a similar request. If things couldn't be done, she would have to completely destroy Fu Jing with her own hands. Only in this way could she avoid the fate of being enslaved forever... However, Lu Yu felt that things were far from over now. It didn't get to that point.


Lu Yu's tone was decisive. He grabbed Fu Jing's shoulders and looked into his eyes forcefully: "Listen to me, you will be fine, I will be fine, and Madam... none of us will be fine. Something is wrong! The only person who is really in trouble is this Thousand Eyes King. As long as we persist for a moment, we will see this scene soon. Please believe me!"

Fu Jing couldn't help but was slightly stunned. At this moment, she only felt that the other party's eyes were extremely hot, making her heart that had already fallen into the ice cave feel warm again.

Intellectually, she did not believe Lu Yu's words. Although the experience of being possessed by Thousand Eyes Lord just lasted only for a moment, she clearly knew how powerful the existence above her head was. That was not true at all. The power that human beings can resist... However, emotionally, facing Lu Yu's fiery gaze, she finally nodded her head in a strange way and said softly: "Okay!"

Lu Yu continued to look at her, his gaze becoming more and more intense, and suddenly he lowered his head and kissed her mouth without any explanation.

Fu Jing's mind went blank. This scene reminded her of a similar experience they had had at the bottom of Suyu Yunchi... Then she understood Lu Yu's intention.

The two of them re-entered the ethereal realm in full view of the public and under the crazy bombardment of Thousand Eyes King.

The big hole in Lu Yu's chest quickly healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fu Jing's energy and spirit have also been greatly restored, and her face quickly turned rosy.

The recovery effect of the two people in the ethereal realm this time was far better than before, even surpassing the recovery efficiency between Lu Yu and Mrs. Ru. This was a completely new feeling for both of them, as if they were in the dark world. , some aspects of the two people have reached a natural fit.

Qianyanjun's eyeballs continued to crackle, like a wild bombing, turning into layers of light and shadow-like spider webs, completely engulfing the two figures.

With each additional layer of light and shadow-like spider webs, the power exerted on the two of them became stronger. The red lotus flower had already bent and deformed again. However, the two people who entered the ethereal realm seemed to have formed a perfect mental state. Closing it, Qian Yanyanjun could no longer occupy Fu Jing like before.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Finally, the two of them suddenly felt the pressure on their bodies relax, so they raised their heads in unison.

I saw that the light and shadow-like spider webs blessing them were decreasing layer by layer. These powers belonging to the Thousand Eyes Army were changing back into the shape of eyeballs, flying back from the ground to the sky...

" going on?" Fu Jing was surprised.

As the target that Lord Thousand Eyes wants to occupy, she is very sensitive to changes in these powers. It seems that Lord Thousand Eyes has given up on exerting pressure on them and instead withdraws his power again.

Lu Yu narrowed his eyes, stared for a moment, and then couldn't help but smile: "If I guessed correctly, our reinforcements should have arrived!"

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