Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1935 A sudden opportunity

"What's going on?" Mrs. Ru asked in surprise.

Countless fire rains fell one after another, and they were called "fire rain". In fact, this was just the state of the sky in their eyes at the beginning.

As the "Rain of Fire" continued to approach, when it was about to hit the ground, it was discovered that it was so huge that it could not be called "Rain of Fire" at all. It was clearly huge fireballs, like falling meteorites.

This is clearly a "meteorite rain"!

Not only was the size of the "Raindrops" very huge, but the area it covered was also very vast. It was not limited to the Hades Temple in front of them, but even the vast area behind them was also covered by the meteorite rain.

A conservative estimate is that at least an area within a few thousand miles will be affected. This is an even more severe shock than when Lu Yu came to this world in the Ark from the Other Side. However, precisely because of its violent turmoil, it is not Some people will regard this as a miracle, and will only regard it as a doomsday disaster...


Accompanied by a loud noise, one of the "meteorite rains" fell dozens of miles away from the three of them, causing an extremely terrifying sound. Even though they were dozens of miles away, the air wave caused by it still made the three of them feel uncomfortable. When standing, you must exert force to stabilize your lower body.

The three of them are still like this. You can imagine how amazing the destructive power of these meteor showers is. It is unknown how many lives will be destroyed this time. The scene in front of them can be said to be the end of the world. It is not an exaggeration.

"What the hell does this happen?"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help asking another question. The current scene was completely beyond her understanding.

"It is the laws of heaven and earth in this world that are broken..." Lu Yu stood firm in the strong wind and continued to look at the sky while trying to explain: "Every big world is wrapped by circles of law force fields. It is the existence of these laws that stabilizes our world and prevents interference from the outside world. It is not only a restriction to us, but also a kind of protection for us... But just like just now, this kind of protection It’s been broken!”

"So... the world we live in is going to end?" Mrs. Ru said in horror.

Lu Yu said: "That's not the case. It is not that easy to completely destroy a big world... but turmoil is inevitable, just like now..."

Mrs. Ru felt at ease, and then asked nervously: "Is this all done by King Peacock Ming? Has he defeated Lord Thousand Eyes..."

This time, Lu Yu couldn't help but reveal a wry smile on his face, and sighed softly: "I think on the contrary, all this is completely the work of Lord Qianyanyan. He is using the laws of the entire world to fight against the Peacock Ming King... I have to Say, this guy is so cruel!"

The laws of the big world restrict the Peacock Daming King, but Qian Yanyan himself cannot avoid it. Such an approach can be said to be killing one thousand enemies and damaging oneself eight hundred.

Hearing what Lu Yu said, Mrs. Ru couldn't help but feel excited again. She didn't quite understand the theories Lu Yu said, nor did she understand how the laws of the big world would be used in the hands of the two gods. ...But in short, Thousand Eyes Lord is not at a disadvantage, and it sounds like he has a bit more advantage.

"Should we leave here first?" Mrs. Ru said again.

Although the situation in the sky seems very dangerous at this time, with the strength of the three of them, even if the meteorites and fire rain falling from the sky hit the three of them, it would be difficult to cause serious injuries to them... The reason why Mrs. Ru They suggested leaving immediately, but they were still worried that the situation would deteriorate further. If King Peacock Ming failed and ultimately failed to stop Lord Qianyan, then they might be in big trouble by then.

Lu Yu glanced at Fu Jing and asked, "What do you think?"

Fu Jing's eyes were deep and he said: "Such a scene is rare. I think it's better to take a look at the situation first..."

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "I think the same thing. Miss's exactly what I want!"

Mrs. Ru couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart as she listened to the exchanges between the two men. Although the two men did not explain their words, she heard the implication. These two guys clearly wanted to take advantage of the troubled waters to fish in troubled waters. The laws of the big world were broken. , while making the situation more dangerous, it also gave them an opportunity. Once the situation allowed, I am afraid that these two people would not hesitate to join the battle group in the air and launch an offensive against Thousand Eyes Lord.

Otherwise, why did they both look at the Galaxy Sword beside them when they were talking?

Mrs. Ru did not doubt the abilities of the two of them. The previous joint effort at the center of the altar, which caused the chief palace master of the Hades Temple to suffer defeat, had fully proved their strength... But such a move was too risky. Forget about Afeng, this guy has always been bold, but when did his daughter become like this? Mrs. Ru suddenly felt that Lu Yu's influence on her daughter was far more profound than she imagined...

It's a pity that both of them have already made up their minds, and she has no choice. Even if she wants to evacuate in advance, she doesn't have such ability.

After a while, the meteorite fire rain became sparse, and the situation in the sky was no longer chaotic, but gradually became clearer.

A bird-shaped character mark appeared in the void.

The three people watching the battle on the ground couldn't help but widen their eyes. They all understood that this character mark represented Kong.

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