Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2060 Know Your Own Limits

As the figure in the light column disappeared, the three women also stopped forming the formation.

In the Magic Dragon No. 2 field, the four people looked at each other in silence.

After a while, Huo Siyu stepped forward and broke the silence first: "Do you think he will really take the bait? Why do I feel that he is more likely to run away... Don't you think that his attitude has changed after hearing the name of the Thousand Eyes God?"

Lu Yu spread his hands: "I don't know... But even if he really ran away, it doesn't matter. Isn't this just a solution to our current troubles?"

Huo Siyu was speechless: "So this is what you are thinking..."

Lu Yu said: "Facing a strong man close to the God, who dares to guarantee that he can be fooled? This is just an attempt... No matter what the final result is, it won't be a loss anyway, right?"

Huo Siyu couldn't help but support his forehead: "What are you going to do next?"

"Next, continue as planned!" Lu Yu said, "We didn't plan to count on the help of ten thousand people to deal with the Thousand Eyes God. Now this Tianwei God is willing to go up. It would be best if you hook him, but if he doesn't want to take the bait, there's no need to force him... You continue to analyze your star coordinates, and I'll continue to arm the Ark of the Other Shore!"

"But... what if this God of Heavenly Power attacks directly?"

"If that's the case... I'll be very surprised!" Lu Yu chuckled, "This shows that this God of Heavenly Power has no brains at all. Knowing that there are powerful enemies around, and he hasn't figured out how his subordinates died, he still dares to take advantage of the situation. I guess he will only die faster..."

Huo Siyu was not surprised. She realized that Lu Yu's real purpose was just to use this matter to contain God of Heavenly Power. Just like he said, this is a sure-win business...

"Okay, let's do it this way first! I have to go to the Magic Dragon No. 1 first. If I delay any longer, I'll be out of money here!"

As he said, he glanced at Fu Jing on the side, and the two left together.


Watching the two people leaving, Huo Yunru quietly approached, looking like she wanted to say something but stopped.

Huo Siyu said: "What do you want to say?"

Huo Yunru lowered her head and said: "If we continue to implement Afeng's plan, it won't be long before the Ark of the Other Shore will break through the restrictions of the law and enter the outer space... Do we really have to follow him and leave this world?"

Huo Siyu turned around and looked at her, and said lightly: "In fact, what you really want to ask is, do we also want to get involved in controlling his Ark of the Other Shore? Do we?"

"I, I didn't..." Huo Yunru quickly explained.

Huo Siyu smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and gently lifted her chin, looking into her eyes: "It's not surprising that you have such thoughts. After all, I sent so many people to sneak into this Ark of the Other Shore this time, and asked you to try to participate in the affairs here... I believe that even he has the same doubts. It seems that you really still have some feelings for him. Are you worried that it will be difficult to do it?"

"No, no..." Huo Yunru hurriedly explained: "If this is the case, I am afraid that Jing'er will really turn against us completely in the future..."

Huo Siyu fell silent, and his eyes became deep: "Don't worry, I have my own sense of propriety, you don't have to worry! At least before the key is obtained, our cooperative relationship will continue like this!"


On the other side, Lu Yu was also asking Fu Jing about her feelings.

In fact, the superstring state when the three women formed a formation together is very necessary to discuss, but the two have not said a few words before they have arrived at Dragon No. 1. Compared with the refining of the elixir, this matter can only be put aside for the time being.

Fu Jing said softly: "I cannot deny that the feeling of the most core power in the depths of my blood being stimulated when I am in formation with the two of them is indeed very attractive to me... But this is not enough to change my mind. On the contrary, I think it would be more beneficial to discuss it with you. At least you see that the state of the three of us together is a superstring body, isn't it?"

After a pause, he continued: "Okay, you should take care of your things first. I also need to settle down. When you are free, we will discuss this matter again..."

After saying this, the two of them just arrived at the door of Dragon No. 1. Ning Wanxuan had been waiting here for a long time. She was waiting here with the materials prepared in advance according to Lu Yu's instructions.

The two women simply said hello, and then Fu Jing walked towards the Hall of Heroes. It seems that even if she wants to "settle down", she has not forgotten her duties.

"Why does she seem to be worried...Isn't the matter at Dragon No. 2 going well?" Ning Wanxuan asked in confusion.

"It's hard to say whether it will go smoothly or not... But Fu Jing has her own things to do, so you don't need to bother with her. I believe she can handle it..."

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