Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2061 Pill upgrade

As Lu Yu spoke, he turned back to look at Ning Wanxuan: "Where are you here? Is everything going well?"

Ning Wanxuan complained: "This is really a hard job, preparing so much material in such a short period of time. I was originally a dignified queen, but now I have become your big housekeeper..."

Lu Yu squinted and said, "Then do you want me to replace you with someone else? Anyway, there are so many talents in the Renaissance Alliance now. It shouldn't be difficult to find a new butler!"

"No!" Ning Wanxuan immediately raised her eyebrows, "I just said it casually. I have already been accused of having an affair with you... If you really dare to replace me, I will You’re not done yet!”

Lu Yu smiled and said: "It's just a joke, how can we really change it? You are a capable person, so you have to work hard! If it were someone else, not only would I not be able to believe it, but maybe the entire Ark on the other side would be in chaos!"

Ning Wanxuan smiled sweetly: "That's pretty much it..."

In fact, she just wanted to be coquettish with Lu Yu so that he could know how hard she worked. Although the job of a housekeeper was tiring, it represented supreme authority.

In fact, in the Fuxing Alliance at this time, besides Lu Yu and Fu Jing, she was considered the third most powerful person. With such power in her hands, how could she be willing to give up?

"Here, all the materials you requested are here, please check them out!"

Ning Wanxuan directly displayed various materials in front of Lu Yu. While she was doing this, she couldn't help but said curiously: "Why have the types of materials changed so much this time? They are so different from before. Aren't you refining the Red Flame Jade Dragon Taming Pill this time?"

"It's the Red Flame Controlling Dragon Pill!"

"Then why has it changed so much?"

Lu Yu laughed: "Because I plan to make adjustments. This is something I have planned to do for a long time. Unfortunately, I have been too busy recently and have never had time to think clearly. It was not until recently that I finally took advantage of my free time to do this. Things figured out!"

Ning Wanxuan suddenly became even more confused: "What kind of adjustment?"

Lu Yu said: "Don't you think the effectiveness of the Scarlet Flame Controlling Dragon Pill was too short before? It only lasted for a quarter of an hour, and many things couldn't be done, so I had to increase the quantity of course... If it can be done If its time limit is extended, will the loss of ammunition be saved a lot? "

Ning Wanxuan was surprised: "It's still possible?" Then she was overjoyed: "How long can it be extended?"

As the housekeeper, she knows the consumption of elixirs best. If the time limit can be extended, it will indeed save a lot of trouble, and even her work will become relatively easier.

Like when the Kuangsha Array was originally operated, although the last-minute offensive was the result of hundreds of giant dragon mimics erupting at the same time, the preparations before that were all carried out through relays by a large number of members of the Renaissance Alliance.

If the time limit of the elixir can be extended, then this alone can save a lot of manpower and material resources.

"According to my simulation, it will take about an hour!" Lu Yu replied.

"There are so many!" Ning Wanxuan was truly surprised this time.

From a quarter of an hour to an hour, this is indeed a huge improvement.

But then she had new doubts: "The duration has been extended so much, won't the effect be compromised?"

It is actually very simple for her to have such doubts... Although she is not proficient in alchemy techniques, she now knows the materials for alchemy very well. The total aura contained in the materials remains unchanged, although the specific types have been adjusted to some extent. However, the magnitude of this adjustment does not have a large impact on the total spiritual energy.

Since the time is extended, the effect may be greatly reduced.

Sure enough, Lu Yu nodded and said: "Yes, in terms of strength, the effect is indeed not as good as before... But this is not without remedial measures. The previous pill can only produce the flame dragon mimicry, which is actually the most basic A kind of dragon power... so I plan to upgrade it to make up for its lack of power!"

"Upgrade?" Ning Wanxuan was shocked, "Like... Xue Haigang?"

Xue Haigang is a very obvious example.

After others took the Red Flame Dragon Taming Pill, the dragon mimicry they inspired was in the form of flames, but he was very special. He inspired a dark green dragon mimicry with far beyond ordinary power. Among many members of the Renaissance Alliance, It is considered unique among them.

Lu Yu Xinran smiled and said: "Yes, you can indeed understand it this way. After taking this brand-new elixir, it will no longer stimulate the flame dragon mimicry, but other higher-level dragon mimicry with power attributes, but relatively The threshold for taking it will also increase accordingly. It is no longer a strong person who has just entered the realm of the Grand Duke, but needs to go through a period of experience here before he can take it!"

Ning Wanxuan couldn't help but feel itchy at what he said: "Then what will the dragon mimicry activated by this new pill look like?"


Lu Yu smacked his lips, but at this moment he suddenly became disloyal.

"You'll know then!"

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