Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2297 Levels at the same level

"What's wrong?" Huo Yunru soon noticed that Lu Yu looked different, and couldn't help asking, "Is there anything wrong?"

Lu Yu gently rubbed the sand in his hand, muttering to himself: "This thing seems to be very unusual..."

"Nonsense..." Huo Yunru rolled her eyes at him unhappily.

At this time, she also realized that the purpose of the other party leaving them here was to let them deposit the mud and sand here... Although their size is far less than that of the mammoth, in order to stabilize their bodies in the water, they must stimulate a strong force field to save their lives. Under the influence of this force field, the effects of the two should be similar.

So Shi Guangkai told them that as long as they survived, it would be fine, because as long as they survived here, they would naturally play a role in resisting.

"If this thing is not of extraordinary value, why would they mine it here so ostentatiously?"

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at her, and said slowly: "But what if I say that the value of this thing may be comparable to 'ether'?"

"What?" Huo Yunru was stunned, "The value of these sands is actually comparable to ether... How is this possible?"

According to her understanding, "ether" is the original substance in the heavens and the worlds, and its stock is extremely rare. The conditions for mining are extremely harsh. Only in the ether field of the Guantian World can a small amount be precipitated over the years... and at this time, although the process of silting the sand here is also full of dangers, its output far exceeds the ether field of the Guantian World.

Moreover, if Huo Yunru guessed correctly, the entire mine was designed in sections. They were now in the first section of the mine, facing the most severe impact. After they resolved part of the impact here, other sections would take similar measures to deposit the sand in the water flow, but the pressure they faced would undoubtedly be much smaller...

In other words, the actual sand production of the entire mine was far from what the two saw, and it was even more different from the output of the ether field in the Guantian World...If the value of these "sands" was comparable to that of "ether" matter, Huo Yunru felt that her whole world would be overturned.

"That may not be accurate enough..." Lu Yu said, "After all, I don't know what these things can be used for now. It's not rigorous to talk about value without using them... To be precise, it should be its rarity level. It should be at the same level as 'ether'." Huo Yunru was still very surprised: "At the same level as 'ether'... Do you know what level ether is?" Lu Yu said: "Although I haven't studied it carefully, I still know the general situation... Isn't it the original matter at the beginning of the universe, with the original power of the universe?" Huo Yunru said: "Then do you still insist on thinking so?" Lu Yu looked at the handful of sand in his hand again and nodded seriously: "Yes, I still insist on thinking so!" Huo Yunru was stunned and lowered her voice involuntarily, whispering: "What's so special about this thing..." Lu Yu's eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp light burst out of his eyes. In his vision, the sand in his hand is not just sand. Each grain of sand is a beautiful polyhedron. Each face has a beautiful and complex pattern. Countless dense patterns are interwoven together to form an incomparable magnificent landscape...

Even the brilliant galaxy in the universe will be eclipsed in front of this magnificent landscape!

All this is actually presented from a multi-dimensional perspective. Lu Yu can feel the magnificent landscape, but he doesn't know how to describe it to Huo Yunru...And these sands can be presented from a multi-dimensional perspective, which in itself shows that it is extraordinary. It is based on this that Lu Yu judged that it is at least at the same level of rarity as ether matter.

High-altitude clouds, turbid rivers, underground dark rivers, and the sands in front of him that hide magnificent landscapes comparable to brilliant galaxies...In the dark, Lu Yu seemed to feel a vein, but he could never really touch it. The whole person felt that his heart was empty and very uncomfortable...

"I want to go to the front to take a look." Lu Yu suddenly said.

"In front? In front of what?" Huo Yunru was shocked: "Are you crazy!"

If they continue to move forward, they will only reach the source of the underground river. The position they are in is already very dangerous. Although they have successfully withstood the first wave of impact, no one knows what the second wave of impact will be like... If they continue to move forward at this time, they will only be in a more dangerous situation.

"Don't worry." Lu Yu said, "I don't think we will encounter danger in front. Although it is difficult for me to explain the specific reasons to you, please believe me!"

Huo Yunru said: "I believe you are fine... But the problem is that if we leave here, what about the entire mine behind? They will definitely find out..."

The entire mine here is led by them. They withstood the first wave of the underground river impact, and then there was a series of subsequent mining... If they leave their posts without permission, the operation of the entire mine will be paralyzed, and that Jialuo Tiantong will definitely not let it go.

"What if he finds out?" Lu Yu asked back, "If he has the ability, he will come to trouble us directly!"

Huo Yunru was speechless for a moment.

She believed that with the ability of Jialuo Tiantong, he would not be unable to withstand the impact of the underground river here, but it would certainly not be easy. Otherwise, why would he use a mammoth to be responsible for the mining work in this section? Alien beasts like mammoths can obviously be used in many other places.

And if they continue to move forward, then even Garo Tendou will not dare to follow easily, right?

Thinking of this, Huo Yunru couldn't help but become more and more curious. She didn't know where Lu Yu got the confidence to think that he would not encounter danger at the source of the underground river deeper...

"Okay...since you insist on going to the front to have a look, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you!" Huo Yunru finally agreed.

The grudge that had arisen from feeling that Lu Yu had completely dominated both mother and daughter could not be ignored for the time being under the threat of unknown dangers.

So the two of them took steps, waded through the wet passage, and walked deeper to the source of the underground river...

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