Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2298 My Ether

If you want to go deeper into the underground and explore the secrets of the source of the underground river, the first step is to solve the problem of continuous loss of power.

Otherwise, just by walking a few steps, the true energy in the two people's bodies will have been lost, and it will be difficult to move in the dark underground river bed, let alone explore the secret of the source.

Fortunately, Lu Yu has figured out the mystery at this time. In the final analysis, the rapid loss of power is caused by the sand here... After the multi-dimensional perspective is unfolded, these sands form a very spectacular landscape, which means that they are actually If the multiple dimensions connected to the sand are in direct contact with the sand without knowing what is going on, they will produce a siphon effect, like a water pump, frantically absorbing the power from the body of the contactor. It is for this reason that the The rapid passage of power.

After knowing the specific reason, Lu Yu could prescribe targeted medicine. Although he could not directly block the multi-dimensional siphon of these sands, the real scene of the Nine-Nine Lotus Golden Pill he activated was itself a kind of multi-dimensional medicine. According to the law structure, as long as some corresponding adjustments are made, it is not too difficult to block this siphon effect.

Lu Yu did what he said and quickly completed this part of the adjustment. The lotus-shaped golden elixir was slightly shrunk, and its color became darker... In this way, although its defensive power was not as good as Before going up, but the multi-dimensional siphon of "sand" was completely isolated.

Huo Yunru felt the effect of this adjustment immediately. She seemed to become more energetic in an instant. She couldn't help but asked in surprise: "What on earth did you do?"

Lu Yu didn't explain too much... Even though his whole adjustment process seemed easy, the theories involved were extremely complicated. He didn't know where to start, so he simply didn't talk about it.

"From now on, as long as you don't leave the scope of this lotus flower scene, you won't be affected by the laws here." Lu Yu explained.

Huo Yunru said: "Don't worry about this, I don't want to die here yet..."

This underground river is full of dangers. The golden elixir activated by Lu Yu is the two's biggest support. Naturally, it is impossible for her to take risks.

Anyway, not long after walking, suddenly the rumbling sound sounded again, as if a dam had burst.

Huo Yunru's expression suddenly changed: "What should we do now?"

"What else can we do? Just carry on like before!" Lu Yu said.

Huo Yunru opened her mouth and wanted to say something else, but the raging water was already rushing towards her face, and the sound of rushing water covered up all the sounds.

Huo Yunru felt like a lonely branch in the storm. Under the terrible force, her whole body was shaking violently, as if she was not really alone. Lu Yu beside her was like a strong tree trunk, always supporting firmly. Looking at her, even though her whole body was shaking violently, she was not completely overwhelmed after all.

To be fair, the impact this time is far greater than before. No wonder Garo Tendo and others chose the previous section as the first section of the mine. If the design of the entire mine starts from here, I am afraid that even the mammoths will not be able to withstand this. The impact...

However, the two miraculously managed to hold on and remained in place. When the water receded, their feet did not move at all.

This is really unbelievable. Huo Yunru wanted to ask Lu Yu how he did it and whether he had learned some new experiences...

But before she could speak, Lu Yu said calmly: "Let's go, continue!"

Huo Yunru was stunned. His reaction was so calm... Huo Yunru was now 100% sure that Lu Yu had definitely discovered something again and gained a new understanding.

However, in order not to interrupt his thoughts, Huo Yunru finally suppressed his words and followed Lu Yu silently.

Next, the two of them encountered the impact of the water flow of the underground river several times in succession... It could be clearly felt that they were getting closer to the source of the underground river, so the impact of the water flow became more severe each time.

However, Lu Yu's performance became more and more stable. The stronger the impact of the water flow, the less affected they were. It seemed that the real scene of the golden elixir activated by Lu Yu was also affected by the waves of water flow. Constantly transforming and evolving, becoming more powerful.

When they encountered the impact of the water flow for the last time, not only were the two unaffected by the powerful impact of the water flow, they even went upstream amidst the violent impact. As if they were walking on flat ground, it seemed that the powerful water potential here was no longer enough for the two of them. Any impact is general.

Huo Yunru was beyond surprised. At this moment, she finally couldn't hold it back any longer and asked in shock: "Is it my imagination? Your cultivation seems to be improving all the time?"

"It depends on how you define it..." Lu Yu replied, "This golden elixir has indeed made some progress, but after all, it was achieved with the help of your power. If it takes away your power, it will It will no longer exist... I can only say that my understanding of it has become more profound, and my use of it has become more mature. As for whether it can be regarded as progress in cultivation, it is hard to say..."

Huo Yunru said in shock: " did you do it? What on earth is going on!"

Lu Yu held up a handful of sand again and said, "Do you remember what I just told you? These sands are the same level of material as ether... The blood power of the Guanlan clan will be greatly enhanced with the help of ether material. Great strengthening, and now, I think I have also found my 'ether'..."

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