Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2324 The moment of terror

Suddenly, Evergreen Bone Lord seemed to be struck by lightning.

He felt that he had lost an extremely important piece of himself in an instant, his heart felt empty, and his whole person became incomplete.

Turning his head to look back hastily, he discovered that the flagship of the entire fleet, the "Big Bone", which was his vehicle and had been deeply integrated with his power, was constantly falling apart.

All this happened without any warning, as if an invisible and terrifying interstellar beast suddenly appeared around the fleet, and then opened its bloody mouth towards the fleet headed by the "Big Bone" , cannibalizing and annihilating everything in it

What is going on?

Evergreen Bone Lord was astonished.

If the rumored interstellar behemoth from the prehistoric era really appeared, then it shouldn't be so quiet. At least he should be able to see its form. But in fact, he couldn't see any shadow of the prehistoric behemoth. The entire fleet is constantly falling apart and being annihilated in the dark background of deep space.

In an instant, silent fear completely enveloped him.

In Evergreen Bone Lord's military career, he has never experienced such a strange and terrifying moment. At that moment, he no longer cared about any flaws or traps. He directly raised the bone spur blade in his hand, and a bright flash of light burst out in an instant. The cold light thrust toward the area ahead where annihilation was spreading.

"Who are you?"

As the bone spurs pierced out, Evergreen Bone Lord let out an angry roar, which was not only his cry of fear of the unknown, but also the biggest question in his heart.

Of course, this "roar" is not a real sound

Wave transmission is a kind of intensity at the level of spiritual thoughts, which is similar to the mental fluctuations that Huo Siyu carried through the entire star field of Guantian World.

Soon, Evergreen Ancient Bones received a response.

The moment the bone spur blade in his hand came into contact with the "Power of Annihilation", it suddenly seemed as if a mirror was shattered in front of him, and the whole world finally revealed its true colors.

Evil spirit

Looking around, there are endless evil spirits everywhere. These evil spirits are extremely powerful and violent. Evergreen Bone Lord has never seen such a powerful evil force. All disintegration, annihilation, and disintegration are caused by this. The huge fleet and skeletal armor that he was proud of were unable to resist this force and could only continue to disintegrate silently.

Evergreen Bone Lord’s heart sank.

He has never seen such a terrifying force. Not to mention his entire fleet, even a main sequence star cannot resist such a force.

Even in the body of the "God King", he has never felt such a terrifying power. Who did he provoke this time? Could it be that Yongle or the Immortal King Shenhua came to trigger such a terrifying and powerful blow?

The Evergreen Bone Lord was extremely frightened, but driven by his huge curiosity, he couldn't help but investigate further. As his vision stretched infinitely, the terrifying evil spirit took on the shape of a giant dragon in his eyes. The original head of this giant dragon-shaped evil spirit cannot be seen at a glance, but judging from the extended trend, its trajectory finally overlaps with the original white light band.


At this moment, Lord Changqing Gu finally realized that this was the real "making an attack in the east and attacking in the west". Originally, he thought he had seen through the opponent's falsehood, but it was not until this moment that he realized how wrong he was. The move was still hidden in the original white strip of light. On the contrary, it was the side he was guarding against, but it was just a cover used by the other party to confuse him.

Evergreen Bone Lord felt that he had been completely seen through by the other party. His confident strategy was actually just a ridiculous child's play in the eyes of the other party. At this moment, he no longer had any luck, and hurriedly turned around and fled, his body turning into a rolling ball. Black energy burst out.

As for the fleet behind him and the subordinates who had been following him for many years, they no longer cared about the fact that at this moment, his self-preservation was in question. He did not even think that he could escape unscathed. He just wanted to get rid of this place as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'm afraid the entire Cancer Star Territory will change drastically!

"Longhong Longxine!"

Suddenly a huge voice came.

Evergreen Bone Lord couldn't understand the specific meaning at all, and could only tell that it seemed to be a dragon language.

Immediately afterwards, the figures of giant dragons appeared in the space around him. They kept flying and quickly dispersed, blocking all possible escape paths for him in advance.

It turned out that the other white light belt was not just a cover, it was also a very important ambush. However, unlike what he expected, this ambush was not aimed at the entire fleet, but specifically against his opponent. appears just to

Make sure that nothing will slip through the net, and judging from this posture, the opponent seems to want to capture you alive.

"Let's capture him without mercy!"

A gray dragon spoke again, this time in a common language that Evergreen Bone Master could understand.

As soon as the other party's words came out, Evergreen Bone Lord instantly understood that this gray dragon was the opponent he had played with in a distance game before. He was an extremely important figure, even if he ignored the terrifying evil aura behind the other giant dragon feathers around him. The other party alone is already extremely difficult to deal with.

Evergreen Bone Lord’s heart was completely cold.

The current situation was a desperate situation that he had never faced before. He could not cope with it with his own strength. He could only pray to the God King for help.

"God King Red Square Blazing Sun Dayan, with a pious heart, I call for your power!"

Evergreen Bone Lord held his breath and concentrated, and once again sent out a wave of thoughts.

Along with this fluctuation of thoughts, an unknown mysterious force quietly descended

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