Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2325 The God King Reappears

The Ark on the Other Side.

Although the main body of the battleship is still very far away from the enemy troops, under the auspices of Lu Yu, the light and shadow of the Magic Dragon II still clearly show the real-time dynamics of the frontal battlefield.

Everyone could clearly see how the huge fleet in the distance gradually disintegrated under the attack of Kuangsha.

Although Ark from the Other Side has had the experience of launching a killing blow several times, this is the first time that every detail is presented so intuitively.

There was no way, not to mention that there was no Magic Dragon 2 on the original Ark of the Other Side. Even if the construction of Magic Dragon 2 was completed from the beginning, Lu Yu would not be able to achieve this level of display at the time. That is to say, he got it this time. Only with a new multi-dimensional understanding can he achieve this level.

The benefits of this are obvious...

First of all, it allows them to more intuitively understand the process of launching the Kuangsha strike, so that they can more clearly and comprehensively grasp the effect of the Kuangsha strike in the future, so as to achieve more precise and perfect strikes... instead of just having to Seeing a bunch of grand scenes, it can be said that from this moment on, the Kuangsha attack became more controllable, and they could truly control this terrifying kill.

In addition, it also allows the people on the other side of the Ark to grasp the battlefield information more clearly and comprehensively, so as to make targeted adjustments... For example, when Gray Dragon and others surrounded the Evergreen Bone Lord, it was actually It was completed by Lu Yu and others using remote control on the Ark on the Other Side...

This process is not complicated. Although Lu Yu cannot communicate with Gray Dragon's people in real time, he can send starlight signals to the distant battlefield through the sacred wood king tripod. It is under the guidance of the starlight signals that Gray Dragon and others Completed the siege of Evergreen Bone Lord.

As the battleships continued to be annihilated under the raging force of the madness, the situation on the battlefield no longer had any suspense. Lu Yubinjiang's focus shifted to the opponent's leader.

At this time, what was displayed on the formation light and shadow of the Demonic Dragon II was the scene of Gray Dragon and others surrounding Evergreen Bone Lord.

"It seems that this should be the powerful person on the other side!" Lu Yu said.

Yudie glanced at him and said, "Does this give you a sense of accomplishment? Planning a strategy and winning a victory thousands of miles away..."

"This is not just thousands of miles away..." Lu Yu said with a smile, "To say that there is a little sense of accomplishment, but not much. It should not be as accomplished as commanding hundreds of giant dragons to launch a killing blow. feel……"

Yudie curled her lips and did not answer the question.

At this time, the Evergreen Bone Lord on the screen suddenly began to chant a spell...

Yudie and Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

Although they couldn't hear the specific content of what Evergreen Bone Lord was reciting at all, the look on his face was very familiar to the two of them. When Jialuo Tiantong recited "The Name of the God King" under the questioning of the two, , also has the same attitude.

The two quickly exchanged looks.

"This is……"

"Could it be that...he is also 'inviting God'?"

The real-time picture quickly answered the two of them.

A ball of flame appeared in the sky and exploded instantly. In the blink of an eye, the universe was filled with hot and dazzling flames. When displayed on the formation of Magic Dragon II, the screen was also filled with flames...


Lu Yu immediately let out a painful groan.

Obviously, the scorching and dazzling firelight at the scene caused a great backlash to him, a spy on the other side of the starry sky.

Yudie was startled and rushed over to help him: "How are you?"

"I'm fine..." Lu Yu waved his hand, his face a little pale, but his eyes were extremely sharp, and he murmured: "Red Square Blazing Sun Dayan God King..."

Yudie nodded subconsciously: "Yes, it seems that his power has appeared again... It is still the same as last time, coming and going without a trace, and it is even more powerful than last time... Have you discovered anything? A clue?”

Lu Yu shook his head, said nothing, and then slowly closed his eyes again... As his eyes closed, the formation screen of Magic Dragon II changed drastically again.

Compared to the beginning, the distance between the Ark on the Other Side and the frontal battlefield has shrunk a lot at this time. Although he has clearly shown the details of the battlefield just now, this person is not his limit, and he can still go further.

In this way, we may be able to see more clues...

"What are you doing!"

Yudie came back to her senses and became very nervous when she saw Lu Yu's actions, "You don't want to die? You still want to pry into his true identity at this time?"

Lu Yu still closed his eyes and said: "Don't worry, I am measured... I was just unprepared this time. He couldn't hurt me yet..."

Although he sounded extremely confident, it was obviously not the case. His body soon began to tremble violently, and his whole body seemed to be experiencing extremely huge pressure...

Yudie opened her mouth and wanted to persuade her again, but she had to give up after seeing this situation... This guy was really messing around, but it was best not to disturb him at this time...

After a while, the scene of the battlefield ahead appeared clearly again...

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