Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2330 Anchor

Lu Yu's eyes showed a confident and excited light, but Yudie did not follow his joy, but quickly calmed down.

"You said you had a similar experience in the Great Abyss Mine before, but the multi-dimensional system in the mine probably originated from the Immaculate Spring, which is a completely different system from here?" Yudie asked softly.

"Of course." Lu Yu replied, "Although this Red Side Blazing Sun Dayan God King has also mastered the secret of multi-dimensionality and can use multi-dimensional paths to achieve long-distance power activation, this is different from the multi-dimensional system derived from the Immaculate Spring. He has not yet completely integrated the two completely different multi-dimensional systems, otherwise, there would probably be nothing for us here..."

"That's not what I'm talking about." Yudie looked at Lu Yu with a gradually sharp look, "The problem is that you knew that these were two completely different systems, but you dared to take risks like this... Although I know that now, I still don't understand what the real multi-dimensionality is, but from the situation just now, it is obviously full of dangers..."

"Your family "This guy is too much of a mess! Do you even want your own life? I can understand your eagerness to find the Immaculate Spring and want to close the order as soon as possible to improve your strength, but have you ever thought about what would happen to the hundreds of people on the Ark of the Other Shore if something happened to you, if you could never come back? What about those people who are still waiting for you in the Great World of Emperor Heaven? What about Yang Chudie..."

"You messed around when you were on Dragon No. 2 before, and now it's the same. Can't you think a little more before doing things? You really, really disappoint me!"

Yudie became more and more indignant as she spoke, and at the same time, she felt a little aggrieved... Just now, when Lu Yu turned into dust and didn't respond for a long time, no one knew how helpless she was in her heart.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she had to accept a reality that this guy had actually been the hope of countless people...

"Why don't you speak?"

Seeing that Lu Yu didn't respond for a long time, but just looked at herself steadily, as if a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, Yudie suddenly became even more angry.

Lu Yu spread his hands: "What do you want me to say..."

"You...shouldn't you express something?"

"Express what? Never take risks again? But you should know that everything we have done along the way is risky, and what we are going to do next also requires risk... If we don't want to take risks, let's just surrender to the Holy Maiden of Dabixiao. Maybe she can give me some preferential treatment and let you go because of the relationship with me..."


Yudie was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Lu Yu looked at the chaotic dust cloud around him, and then continued: "I know what you are worried about. In fact, I also cherish my life. I cherish my life not because I am afraid of death, but because I am afraid that I will never see the people I want to see after I die, and I am afraid that those friends who care about me will be isolated and helpless from now on, and I am afraid that the billions of lives in the Huangtian world will fall into the abyss from now on... Before these problems are solved, I will not easily give up my life."

"Then you still..." Yudie didn't say anything else, but her eyes were full of the word "reckless".

Lu Yu said: "My actions today may seem a bit reckless to you, but in fact, this is the result of my careful consideration... First of all, I saw the clues here when I was in the Magic Dragon No. 2, and I secretly evaluated that the multi-dimensional system of this Great Yan God King is no match for the Immaculate Spring. After the experience of the Immaculate Spring, it is unlikely that I will be trapped here..."

"Of course, even if the possibility is not great, there is still a certain possibility, so I specifically called you..."

"Specially called me?" Yudie was stunned, "What's the use of this? I don't understand this, and I can't help at all..."

"You don't need to understand..." Lu Yu turned his head and looked at her, "As long as you stand here, you have helped me a lot, because... you are my anchor point."

"Anchor point..." Yudie silently recited this term.

At first, her eyes were full of confusion, but soon her heart moved, as if she thought of something...

"Could it be... you regard me as a substitute for Yang Chudie?" Yudie's face became a little weird.

Although she didn't know what kind of world the so-called multi-dimensional system was, from the scene where Lu Yu turned into dust and debris just now, it must be a very complex and chaotic world. If you want to ensure that you don't get lost in such a world, the best way is to set an anchor point in advance... just like the anchor thrown in advance when the ship docks, so that no matter how strong the wind and waves are, the ship will not be carried away by the waves.

The only one who can provide anchoring for Lu Yu is naturally his spiritual partner Yang Chudie... Yudie didn't know how Lu Yu did it, but it was obvious that to some extent, she did become a substitute for Yang Chudie.

"From the situation just now, this is indeed feasible. I can let you be my anchor in the future... You shouldn't mind, right?" Lu Yu said.

A very strange feeling suddenly surged in Yudie's heart, and she couldn't tell what kind of feeling it was... Although she often pretended to be Chudie in the past and used it to tease Lu Yu, but At this time, she truly became Chudie's substitute, and also provided an anchoring role for Lu Yu. This was a completely new and novel feeling for her.

"What you just said was...the future?" Yudie asked.

Lu Yu nodded: "Actually, we have verified three things just now... The first is the origin of the god king's power, which is actually a multi-dimensional system; the second is that I The power can intervene in his multi-dimensional system; third, you can become my anchor and provide me with an anchoring effect... Judging from the current situation, the first and second points are very useful. But in the long run, the third point is the most important.”


"In order to get the Fountain of Innocents," Lu Yu said, "To do this, we must explore more deeply the multi-dimensional system derived from the Fountain of Innocents, but it is a very complex and huge alien system. Our current understanding of the world is only a little superficial... If the multi-dimensional system derived from the Fountain of Immortality is compared to a sea, then what I just experienced is just a small piece of water at best. It’s just a depression, so you should understand what I mean, right?”

Jade Butterfly said: "You mean, when you truly explore the Innocent Spring in depth, you need me to be your anchor?"

Lu Yu corrected: "Not by the side, but follow me into it... Now this is just a way to play in a small puddle. Since I want to dive into the deep sea, it is naturally a different way to play. Only in this way can I ensure that I will not get lost. In a complicated alien world."

" can I follow you in?" Yudie was surprised, "I can't do anything like you say..."

"So, you need to practice more..." Lu Yu looked at her and smiled slightly, "Next, how about letting me practice with you?"

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