Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2331 Reasons that cannot be said

Next, Lu Yu performed the process of breaking into slag, turning into dust, and finally gathering into shape twice.

And in order for Yudie to fully understand, he also deliberately slowed down his speed, and the whole person gradually decomposed bit by bit like a sand painting, and finally turned into dust again.

This process can be said to be extremely strange...

However, even so, Yudie still has not been able to gain face, and has never been able to understand the true meaning of multi-dimensionality.

"No, this is too difficult..." Yudie shook her head and said, "I can't feel the changes in the laws, and I don't have any clue at all..."

"Take your time." Lu Yu comforted, "It is true that the understanding of the law cannot be achieved overnight. You don't have to be impatient... Anyway, you are not in a hurry. You don't know when you will find the right entrance to the Fountain of Innocents. Time There are plenty, just take your time..."

Yudie still shook her head dissatisfied: "But you said before that when you were in the Dayuan Mine, Mrs. Huo had followed you into the multi-dimensional system..."

Lu Yu said: "What? You still want to keep trying with her... First of all, her cultivation level does not come from herself, most of it is the result of being forcibly improved by Huo Siyu, so you can't regard her as Mrs. Huo. To a certain extent, she can be regarded as a part of Huo Siyu... Secondly, she is from the Guanlan clan after all. Her own bloodline power originally contains multi-dimensional components and has natural bloodline advantages... So, you and There’s no point comparing her.”

Yudie said: "I don't just want to compare with her... As the saying goes, 'stones from other mountains can attack jade.' Since she can understand the true meaning of multi-dimensionality and successfully enter the multi-dimensional system, then on her There must be something I can learn from and it is worth studying and studying..."

Lu Yu said: "If you insist on saying that, you can't be wrong... There is a huge difference in blood between you. Besides, if you want to draw lessons from me, don't I have more things to learn from?"

Yudie curled her lips and said: "You are a monster. If I can learn from you, wouldn't I become a monster myself?"

"Forget it, you'd better stop performing for me. We've been delayed outside for so long, and it's time to go back!"

Lu Yu followed the good and followed the flow.

Although he keeps changing and changing, it seems that it takes no effort, but in fact this is also a process that consumes a lot of energy... If he persists in it, it will be difficult for him to survive.

"Since Mrs. Huo has successfully understood the true meaning of multi-dimensionality, I can't compare with her, but Fu Jing shouldn't be much worse than her, right? What's more, she is also from the Guanlan clan... Why didn't you choose her? As your anchor?”

On the way back to the Ark on the other side, Yudie used her colorful sword to open the way and asked seemingly casually.

Lu Yu glanced at her and did not answer directly, but gave a meaningful look: "What do you think?"

Yudie said: "Yang Chudie...she really has such a heavy weight in your heart? That even if you are lost in another dimension, you will never forget her?"

Lu Yu was silent for a moment and said softly: "She... is irreplaceable."

Although the voice was soft, it was filled with an unquestionable firmness.

Yudie also fell silent, and after a moment asked again: "If she is irreplaceable, then why would you choose me...haven't I become his substitute now?"

"Uh... this..." Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, "How are these the same... you and her are twin sisters, you were born from the same mother's womb. Not only do you look exactly the same, but your thoughts are also highly consistent... "

"You can follow her and directly enter the fantasy world of my mind. This is just another angle of entry, but it is not just a simple substitution! Yes, that's it!"

Yudie refused to let him go, and then asked: "Another angle of entry? How did you do it? In fact, I am really curious. I didn't do anything just now, how did you let me Playing an anchoring role?”

"This, this..." Now Lu Yu could no longer pretend and looked obviously embarrassed.

Yudie became even more suspicious: "Speak, what is going on? If you don't explain this problem clearly, how can I help you then?"

"You, wait a minute..." Lu Yu was embarrassed, "I haven't thought about this problem yet..."

"You haven't thought about it?" Yudie's eyes widened.

This is obviously lying with open eyes. He had already thought about it a long time ago, so he specifically asked himself to come out to help him. The purpose was just to let himself play an anchoring role... Now he actually said that he hadn't thought about it yet?

"Yes, what's so strange about this..." Lu Yu said, "The thoughts in my mind are too chaotic. All my energy is focused on the multi-dimensional system. It's normal that I haven't figured out these issues for a while... Wait for me I’ll tell you after I clear my mind!”

"Okay, okay, then you should clear up your thoughts!" Yudie looked helpless, but this guy had made it clear and was acting rogue, so she had no choice, "But you'd better hurry up, if you don't figure this problem out If so, I can’t take the next step!”

"Don't worry, I'll tell you as soon as I have my thoughts straightened out!" Lu Yu replied with all his heart.

But until he returned to the Ark, he never mentioned this topic again.

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