Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2332 Separate Actions

Lu Yu and Yudie returned to the Ark on the other side.

Everyone was already waiting eagerly. After all, except for the leader of the other side, all the enemies had been wiped out. The only reason why Ark on the Other Side stayed here was because this was Lu Yu's request.

"Sir, where are we going next? Are we going to return?"

The person who asked Lu Yu was Guo Kun, a leader in the world of Guantian who showed extraordinary potential after entering the heavens. In the beginning, he and Fu Jing jointly guarded the Hall of Valor Fantasy, but now the Hall of Valor Fantasy can no longer continue to improve his cultivation, and he also has faint signs of comprehending the true meaning of high dimensions.

In total, he is very likely to be the first person among the many members of the Renaissance Alliance to comprehend the true meaning of high dimensions, except Fu Jing and his daughter. This will be of extraordinary significance to the current situation of the Ark on the Other Side... If more members of the Renaissance Alliance can understand the true meaning of high-dimensionality, then after they enter the high-dimensional world in the future, they will have more manpower to call on, and they will not have to rely on the hundred or so people from the Skyfire Legion...

In view of this, Lu Yu reassigned his work. Now he is no longer responsible for guarding the illusion of the Hall of Heroes, but exclusively serves as a mobile dispatcher on the other side of the Ark, with the Skyfire Legion, the descendants of the Guanlan tribe, and the Dongxu Tribe Dragon Clan. The purpose of dealing with various forces within is to allow him to understand more of the multi-dimensional truth.

Hearing his inquiry at this time, Lu Yu glanced at Jade Butterfly beside him, and then replied: "You guys should return home first!"

Yudie couldn't help but be stunned: "What do you mean? Aren't you going to return with us?"

Lu Yu said: "This time, the leader of the other party slipped through the net. Although this is not in line with our original plan, it also has the advantage that the person who escaped this time will definitely go to the Masonic headquarters, and even Go directly to the Dayan God King. This place provides us with a good opportunity to follow him. As long as we follow him, we will not worry about finding any clues about the Dayan God King..."

Yudie was stunned: "Are you planning to act alone? Isn't it too dangerous? Why not let Bian Ark follow us?"

Lu Yu said: "I also think that if I can control the Ark on the other side to sweep all the way, I will certainly not be polite, but the problem is that this is simply impossible... If I am not wrong, the resources of the Ark on the other side should be at the bottom soon. At most, we can activate the last Kuangsha Array. If we don’t want to fall into the dilemma of being at the end of our rope, we must find opportunities to replenish resources as soon as possible..."

Yudie asked with some confusion: "So, your purpose is to find additional resources for the Ark on the Other Side?"

"This is what you have to do." Lu Yu said, "Now that Su Qinghe has verified the value of the Dayuan Mine, then we have the capital to trade with others. How to open up trade routes and what types of resources to carry out? Trade, you all know these..."

"I will leave all my manpower to you. If it doesn't work, I will use this last Kuang Sha attack. I think for the sake of the Kuang Sha attack, you will definitely find someone in this star field. A platform for 'free trade'..."

He emphasized the pronunciation of "free trade". Obviously, the so-called free trade is only for themselves.

"As for my side..." Lu Yu continued: "As I said just now, my goal is to find the whereabouts of God King Dayan. If not, I will meet with the senior officials of the Freemasonry and have a chat. Regarding the Innocent Fountain... Regarding the Innocent Fountain, I think we should each express our demands, and perhaps we can find a balance between each other instead of blindly confronting each other..."

"You want to cooperate with the other party?" Yudie asked in surprise.

Lu Yu spread his hands: "If we can talk, why not? At least they have been working in this star field for so many years. They must have more comprehensive information about the Fountain of Innocents than we do... Just For this reason, I will have to deal with them sooner or later.”

"But... this is really too dangerous!"

Lu Yu said: "On the surface, this is indeed the case, but if you look at it from another angle, it is not the case... First of all, I will definitely not run up to them with great fanfare and say that I took over your Dayuan Mine and destroyed it. Your entire fleet, in fact, is within the opponent's field of vision. The Dongxu Tribe Dragon Clan and this Ark on the Other Side are responsible for doing these things. As long as you don't appear with me, they will definitely not think of me. This way I will still be safe..."

"Besides, I'm not acting alone... I will bring Fu Jing and Huo Yunru with me. I have told you before that I have figured out the method of growing lotus from outside the lotus. As long as the two of them are there for me, If I provide strength support, this lotus-exogenetic lotus move can guard against extremely powerful forces, even if it is used against the Dayan God King..."

Hearing this, Yudie's tone changed slightly: "You want to bring Fu Jing and Mrs. Huo... just the three of you together?"

Lu Yu forced himself to calm down and said: "Of course it's not just the three of us... I will also take Brother Ding with me to keep in touch with you at any time. You should pay more attention to the messages received on the Magic Dragon 2."

Yudie stopped talking and stared at Lu Yu with a pair of bright, watery eyes.

Lu Yu felt a little frightened by her sight, and felt flustered for no reason.

"Then let's decide! Without further ado, the traces of the other leader's escape will disappear later... I'll go see if Fu Jing and Huo Yunru are ready first. We'll discuss it directly later. Let’s set off on Sub-ship No. 1!”

Lu Yu said and turned to leave.

"Wait a moment." Yudie said suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Lu Yu paused again.

Jade Die stepped forward and looked into Lu Yu's eyes. The majestic and undulating peaks were almost touching Lu Yu's chest.

"Honestly, did you leave in such a hurry to escape the question I just asked?"

"What's the problem?" Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, you mean that could it be? Didn't I tell you that I would tell you when I clear my mind? I don't have time to think about it now. As for this matter... don’t worry, I’ll tell you when I come back next time!”

After saying that, flying flowers flashed across his body, and he flew out with a kick.

"Hey, wait a minute! Speak clearly first!" Yudie thought.

But now Lu Yu's flying flower escape has become more and more proficient, and there is no trace in the blink of an eye.

"Why are you are weird, there must be something wrong in your heart!"

Yudie looked at the direction where Lu Yu's figure disappeared, and her eyes became more and more annoyed: "When you come back next time, see how I deal with you!"

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