Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2370 Small scene

As it rose into the sky, the field of vision immediately broadened.

The scene that was hidden among the crowd was finally clearly revealed.

The scene in front of him couldn't help but make Manager Chen take a breath again.

It turns out that there are not just crowds ahead. In an area of ​​several miles around among the crowds, all the buildings have disappeared and turned into a puddle of powder, like a barren desert.

Naturally, this cannot be the original appearance of this place. It can only be said that there is an extremely terrifying force that has turned the originally densely populated neighborhood into what it is now.

In the middle of the "desert", a fiery red lotus flower suddenly appeared. The three figures of Lu Yu and Fu Jing, mother and daughter, happened to be under the cover of the red lotus... And not far away from the three people, there was A group of powerful men with extremely tyrannical auras. Judging from their posture and the aura emanating from their bodies, needless to say, they must be the top members of the parliament in Black Liang City.

At this time, one of the senior members of the parliament was spreading his own domain. The laws appeared like meteors, and in the blink of an eye they turned into fierce tongues of fire, spreading towards the red lotus in the center. Seeing Lu Yu and others were Devoured by a sea of ​​fire.

"Oh haha! As expected of Brother Lu! It's actually caused such a big scene again!" Shenmu Wangding shouted excitedly, his body was trembling slightly, and many magic weapons and magic weapons hidden in his body were disappearing and appearing, as if he couldn't wait to see them. It was as if he was about to charge up and join the battle group.

But Manager Chen and others were not as relaxed as him. Seeing the scene in front of them, they became more and more upset, because they knew that the senior member of the parliament who was taking action at this time was not an ordinary person, but The leader of Tongxin Chamber of Commerce, the second-ranked chamber of commerce in the city, is basically equivalent to the number two figure in the entire Black Liang City.

Even if his personal status is put aside, this person's strength is already among the top. He is known as the Divine Crane Master. It is said that he is about to reach the divine level. If he takes action with all his strength, he will be powerful enough to destroy the world.

"Lord Shending..." Manager Chen tentatively said, "Master Lu and the others seem to be in a very dangerous situation. Do you want to support them again?"

"I want to too!" Shenmu Wangding said in a very regretful tone, "But Brother Lu didn't summon me. If I intervene rashly, I might ruin his plan... So, let's forget it. I don’t want to be complained by Brother Lu!”

"But, is this really okay?" Manager Chen asked again.

It's not because of how much he cares about Lu Yu, or how loyal he is to Lu Yu, but whether he wants it or not, he has now boarded Lu Yu's pirate ship. If Lu Yu breaks down here and sinks into the sand. , he will definitely not end well next.

Several other stewards around him felt the same way. They didn't necessarily support Lu Yu that much, but if this guy was unlucky here, they would also be unlucky. After all, they were all against the Jinghai Caravan. The name comes in.

"Haha! Don't worry!" Shenmu Wangding stretched out an arm and gently patted Manager Chen on the head, "Brother Lu is far more powerful than you think. Even I don't know where his limits are. It’s just a small scene for him, nothing will happen!”

Small scene...

After hearing the words of Shenmu Wangding, several stewards could not help but curse in their hearts.

If this is just a small scene, then what exactly is a big scene?

Could it be that the previous rumors about the Black Dragon Demon King were all true?

If the Black Dragon Demon King destroying the entire Northern Xuan District fleet in one fell swoop is considered a big scene, then in comparison, this can only be regarded as a small scene... But unless the Black Dragon Demon King comes in person, who dares to say that he can survive in such a situation? A sure shot at victory?

Based on the knowledge of Manager Chen and others, they could not think of any way to turn Lu Yu's defeat into victory. In their view, Lu Yu was already at an absolute disadvantage at this time and had no room to fight back. Under such circumstances, who can withstand the attack of a powerful quasi-god?

"You're really just getting beaten while standing..." Manager Chen sighed with emotion.

However, since Shenmu Wangding was so confident in Lu Yu, he had no choice but to wait patiently and hope that Lu Yu would come up with shocking means to turn defeat into victory.

The other stewards also had ordinary thoughts.

In the scene, tongues of fire kept spraying out and raging, gradually becoming a sea of ​​​​fire.

I don’t know which senior person this Lord Shenhe is who wants to surrender to Lu Yu. He has also fully learned the lessons of the previous losers. Without any pretensions, he slowly and calmly arranged the arrangements in order to defeat the other party. Defeated in one fell swoop.

Suddenly, the Vulcan danced wildly, constantly entangled with each other.

Everyone around them couldn't help but be shocked. They didn't expect that there would be such a change just when the offensive was about to be launched.

In the end, the tongues of flames filled the sky intertwined into the image of a divine bird.

It is also the concretization of the law, but the degree of concretization of this law is more powerful than that of the previous Elder Zhong or Xue Longtou.

The flame bird roared and crazily hit the red lotus flower on Lu Yu's body!

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