Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2371 Scored twice

With the impact of the flame bird, countless flames exploded, as if thousands of fireworks were ignited at the same time. The blazing fire not only engulfed the red lotus flowers in the field, but also tended to spread around.




The crowd screamed in surprise.

They never expected that when Lord Shenhe finally took action, the attack would cover such a large area.

Originally, as a high-ranking member of the parliament in Black Liang City, Venerable Shenhe should take into account the surrounding influence when taking action. But now that such a situation occurs, it only means that he himself can no longer hold back.

This was an attack by the top powerhouses in Heiliang City. Even if the attack was not directed at them, but was only affected by the remaining waves, it would be unbearable for most people.

So people retreated in panic. Given the scale of the scene, which is "ten floors inside and ten floors outside," where could they retreat?

The only way to escape was in the sky above their heads... So everyone took off and flew up again, like a group of frightened wild ducks, and suddenly the sky was densely packed with human figures... At this critical moment of life and death, no one could care about Hei Liangchen's prohibition. Flying order.

But even so, the efficiency of the retreat was still horribly low. In a hurry, an unknown number of people collided with each other and fell down at the same time, hitting an unknown number of people...

The situation at the scene was almost a mess and could only be described as horrific.


Suddenly a loud shout came, but it was other high-level council officials in Heiliang City who took action at the same time.

They opened up a series of barriers, each responsible for an area, forming a circle of protective cover on the battlefield, intercepting all the flame explosion attacks in the barrier.

"Don't panic, I'm waiting here to protect you and I won't hurt you!"

The voice also used the technique of long-air amplification, which instantly suppressed the mournful sounds in the scene.

People gradually stopped panicking. When they looked back, they found that all the overflowing flame offensives had been blocked by the high-level members of the parliament. Except for the damage caused by the chaotic formation, the offensive of Lord Shenhe had no effect. Any harm caused to any onlooker is just a false alarm.

"Huh... I'm scared to death!"

"These dragon heads are really awesome! Why didn't you tell me earlier? I broke three of my ribs!"

"Okay, you just broke a few ribs, but I'm even lame!"

"I guess none of the leading leaders thought that Lord Shenhe would be unable to hold back..."

"Now that person should be so horny!"

"Still dead? I guess even the ashes are gone!"

"That's too cruel... I have no problem with that arrogant boy dying, but the two women behind him should be spared their lives..."

Amid everyone's discussion, the exploding flames gradually subsided, as if the climax of the fireworks had passed.

Everyone was eager to see the final outcome of the battle, but the domain force field of Lord Shenhe changed again. The tongues of fire rolled wildly again, and the divine bird rose up from the fire again.

"Huh? This..."

"What is He Longtou doing?"

"Do it again?"

"He Longtou is really powerful! With such a powerful offensive, he was able to score twice!"

"It's so strong!"

"But is this necessary..."

"Could it be that that arrogant boy is not dead?"

"Are you kidding? How is this possible?"

"But other than that, how can we explain He Longtou's current behavior?"

Amid the suspicion, the Flame God Bird has launched another offensive.

There are not many new tricks in the whole process, it is completely a repetition of the previous round.

Such behavior undoubtedly illustrates the determination of Lord Shenhe, and at the same time, it also reveals some clues about the frontal battlefield.

As the controller of the domain, Lord Shenhe is undoubtedly the person who knows the situation best. It is naturally impossible for him to repeat the same offensive again for no reason. This can only mean that his opponent successfully withstood the previous round of offensive.

This is really an exaggeration... Not to mention how powerful the last round of offensive by Lord Shenhe was. Before that, the guy named Lu A Feng had already withstood several waves of offensives from other high-level members of the parliament. Logically speaking, it should have been earlier. I was already at the end of my strength, but I didn’t expect that I could persist until now.

When it comes to staying power, obviously this arrogant guy named Lu Afeng is even better!

Several senior members of the parliament who were watching from the side obviously did not expect such a situation. Originally, they had already removed the barriers on the scene, but now faced with the two goals scored by the Lord Shenhe, they had to rush again. Reopen the barrier.

The scene once again experienced an explosion of flames.

This time everyone had predicted in advance that the senior members of the parliament would take action to protect the field, so no one retreated. Therefore, they also saw the process of this offensive outbreak very clearly, and they were even more shocked by the power of Lord Shenhe.

Everyone is waiting with bated breath for the final result.

The flames gradually dissipated, but the scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, and the final result was still not revealed.

Finally, someone could no longer contain their curiosity and spoke to break the silence.

"There should be no problem now, right? Can that arrogant boy survive?"

"If this doesn't kill him, unless he is already a god!"

"I don't know whether he will die or not, but at least He Longtou didn't take action again!"

"This shows that the overall situation has been decided!"

"Well, I'm not saying that I'm frustrated... but is there a possibility that Crane Dragon Head has no remaining strength?"

"What a joke! If He Longtou has no strength left, will the arrogant boy still have any strength left?"

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