Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2402 Golden Elixir Completed

Lu Yu took the initiative to open his arms and face the surging water.

At this moment, he completely released the power of the lotus seed in his body and faced the Immaculate Spring in front of him. When the two faced each other, he clearly felt a sense of hunger and thirst from the depths of his blood.

At this moment, he was like a hungry buffalo, needing a lot of rich water grass to fill his stomach.

This corresponds to the situation of the construction of the golden elixir in his body. Jiujiu Liansheng's golden elixir blueprint has been completed long ago, but the actual completion part is less than one percent. He has always been able to temporarily activate the golden elixir scene by taking advantage of the power of Fu Jing and her daughter. At this moment, this golden elixir blueprint finally ushered in a real construction opportunity.

Every time the surging water loops, although it looks huge on the surface, in fact, only one drop actually falls into Lu Yu's body. This drop is the origin of the Immaculate Spring, representing extremely pure power. Lu Yu used this drop of Immaculate Spring as a construction material and placed it in his own Golden Pill blueprint. Suddenly, the completion of the entire Nine-Nine Lotus Golden Pill construction increased by one point.

However, this increase was very small, only about one ten-thousandth, which means that he needed at least 10,000 drops of such Immaculate Spring to truly complete the Golden Pill construction. His previous judgment of "a drop in the bucket" was not exaggerated at all.

However, there was only one drop of Immaculate Spring in total, and it took the Peacock King millions of years to collect it. How to complete the rest next?

When Lu Yu was thinking about this, the surging water rose again, forming a huge loop and sweeping towards him.

"What are you standing there for? Didn't I say that? Since such a plan has been proposed, I naturally have a solution. Just concentrate on completing the construction!" The Peacock King reminded loudly.

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly understood that this was the opponent's method. Although he didn't know how the opponent did it, he did copy the second drop of the Immaculate Spring. Perhaps this was the method of the gods.

Lu Yu didn't think about it anymore, and immediately calmed his mind, completed the second round of absorption, and successfully placed the second drop of the Immaculate Spring into his own golden elixir blueprint.

Then came the third and fourth rounds

The surging water was endless. Although the Immaculate Spring was only one drop at first, under the control of the Peacock King, it continued to cycle and sweep in.

Lu Yu didn't think about it anymore, and continued to absorb the Immaculate Spring with full concentration.

He naturally knew that this construction method would have a big problem. As the Peacock King said before, this would be a "pseudo-golden elixir", but it didn't matter. Anyway, his original order construction was less than 1%. If the effect of this "pseudo-golden elixir" was not satisfactory in the end, at worst, everything would be overturned. At least he also accumulated valuable experience in the process.

With this mentality, Lu Yu continued to build.

When it reached about the 30th round, the whole structure suddenly shook violently and was about to collapse. The situation was precarious. Lu Yu immediately understood that this was the shortcoming of the replica Immaculate Spring.

Since they were not real Immaculate Springs, they could not really blend with each other. Thirty rounds were their limit. Next, a new structure must be introduced to keep them stable again. This is exactly what the Peacock King mentioned before, and the cooperation of Fu Jing and her daughter was needed.

In fact, this is like building a high-rise building. Each drop of Immaculate Spring is a brick. Under normal circumstances, each brick would be bonded and fixed with mortar. Unfortunately, Lu Yu used the replica Immaculate Spring at this time. They lacked the natural attraction and fusion characteristics. This is equivalent to the bricks and stones without bonding mortar. Under such circumstances, it is impossible to complete a high-rise building.

The remedy is to introduce other forces and use a frame structure to temporarily fix these bricks and stones.

"Jing'er! Yunru! Give me a hand!"

Lu Yu shouted, and at the same time, he moved the red line that he had already held in his hand, and began to frantically absorb the power in the two people's bodies.

The mother and daughter had actually been on standby at any time, but they still couldn't help but groan, because this time was different from the past. It was no longer a temporary borrowing, but a real absorption. The power of the two women was like a steel nail, wedged into Lu Yu's golden elixir construction.

The whole process lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, and Lu Yu finally patched up this part of the golden elixir construction. Looking back at Fu Jing and her daughter who were connected to his red line, they were both sweating profusely.

"How are you?" Lu Yu asked.

"It's okay," Fu Jing said with a slight breath. "It's just the first time I use this method, so I'm not used to it." "Are you really okay?" Lu Yu's eyes showed concern. "If we continue, we will have to do this at least 330 times. If it doesn't work..." "It's okay!" Before Lu Yu finished speaking, Fu Jing interrupted and said, "We are just not used to this way of exerting force. Things will get better next time, right?"

When she said the last sentence, she had already turned her head to look at her mother.

Huo Yunru said: "We need some time to adjust. The situation in the next round should be slightly better. If it doesn't work, we will tell you!"

Seeing that both mother and daughter said so, Lu Yu continued to start the previous round of construction.

Once the bow is shot, there is no turning back. If you give up at this time, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

Not long after, the accumulation of the Immaculate Spring came to the 60th round, and the whole construction was shaky again.

So, Lu Yu once again absorbed the blood power in the bodies of the mother and daughter, and re-applied a new round of patches.

Sure enough, the situation was much better than before. The mother and daughter did not show as much effort as the first time, and Lu Yu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

So, the construction process continued.

A tower is made of sand, a river is made of water, and a towering building is built from the ground. It is nothing more than this.

As time went by, the completion of the golden elixir construction became higher and higher, and the blank areas on the blueprint became fewer and fewer. This is like a blank picture, which is gradually filled with various colors, and the whole picture gradually becomes lively and colorful.

The water loop controlled by the Peacock King has been continuous, and the mother and daughter have been asking for everything from Lu Yu, and silently supporting him as much as they can.

As the whole construction gradually came to an end, Lu Yu no longer cared about the situation of the mother and daughter, and all his attention was on the construction of the golden elixir in his body.

The more it is at this time, the more you can't take it lightly, just like using building blocks to build a high tower, the more careful you have to be with the last part.

Finally, Lu Yu filled the last blank on the blueprint with the Immaculate Spring, and at the same time used the power of the mother and daughter to fix this last part.

The whole golden elixir construction was finally completed.

In an instant, a red light burst out from Lu Yu's body.

At this moment, Lu Yu felt like a erupting volcano, with countless violent forces surging out, not only sweeping around and filling the entire world, but also rushing out of the universe.

At this moment, a huge red lotus bloomed in the starry sky, and its brilliant light almost swept across most of the star field.

At the beginning of the era, the Eternal Divine Lotus was born in the Central World. In that era when the stars were shining, similar situations often occurred.

But today, with the integration of power, the Immaculate Spring has gradually disappeared, and similar scenes have not appeared for hundreds of millions of years.

Lu Yu did not know this information that had long been hidden in the long river of time. He only knew that his power at this moment was enough to shake the starry sky.

Even if it was just the initial formation of the golden elixir, even if it was just a "pseudo-golden elixir", the power it possessed was already extremely


This is the power of the super-grade golden elixir

Even his golden elixir is no longer in the category of super-grade, because the original "Nine Stars Path" is considered a super-grade golden elixir, and "Nine Nine Lotuses" is many times the upgraded version of "Nine Stars Path", and its power is far above the super-grade.

From the third son of the Lu family in Ding'an City, to the true disciple of the Dali Sword Sect who dominated the wind and cloud, and then to the confrontation with the entire Bixiao Palace, he was defeated and fled in a hurry on the other side of the ark.

After wandering all the way, going through hardships, and twists and turns all the way until today, he finally achieved the golden elixir.

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