Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2403 Three-Year Agreement

"As expected of the Lotus Seed, such a scene has not been heard for many years."

The voice of the Peacock King brought Lu Yu's thoughts back to reality.

From the moment the Golden Elixir was completed, the fiery red lotus began to bloom from his body. He didn't know how long this process lasted, nor did he know how long it had been since the moment of building today.

He only knew that it was a very long time.

The vast ocean had disappeared, and the surrounding landforms had returned to a wasteland. Judging from these changes alone, it seemed that an era had passed.

The Peacock King in front of him no longer had the elegance before, and became haggard and old, as if he was about to die.

Seeing him like this, Lu Yu was shocked, and the first thing he thought of was Fu Jing and her daughter who had been silently supporting him.

What did they look like?

"Jing'er! Yunru!"

Lu Yu exclaimed, turned around suddenly, and found two women behind him, but they had fainted and were lying on the ground. Although they did not change as obviously as the Peacock King in front of him, they were also very embarrassed, pale, and weak.

"The Di Xin clan is really worthy of its reputation. In fact, when your construction was only half completed, I felt that they had reached their limit, but they gritted their teeth and persisted, supporting you until the last moment. If it weren't for them, I'm afraid that this lotus would not have bloomed!" Peacock King praised again.

Lu Yu listened to his praise, but he didn't feel any joy in his heart. He smiled bitterly: "If possible, I would rather not have such a bloom." Peacock King said: "If there is no blooming of the lotus, you will never be able to master the real power. I can understand your feelings, but you can rest assured. It is said that the Di Xin clan has a very tenacious vitality. As long as they are nourished for a period of time, everything will recover." "Nourish?" Lu Yu asked, "How to nourish?" Peacock King glanced at him: "Men and women love, nourishing yin and replenishing yang, you have been with them for such a long time, don't you understand this?" Lu Yu couldn't help showing a strange look. Although he had a very close relationship with the two women, he had not yet broken through the last bottom line. Perhaps he had broken through psychologically, but he had not yet implemented it in action. Now is he going to take the last step? "What should I do next?" Lu Yu didn't continue to delve into it and changed the subject. Because compared to the two women, he found that the body of the Peacock King had begun to collapse, and it was obvious that he was going to die at any time. Although this was just a clone, if he didn't clarify the follow-up issues as soon as possible, he didn't know where to find the real Peacock King.

"You have three years next," the Peacock King said slowly.

"Three years?"

The Peacock King nodded: "I believe you have also noticed that although you have achieved the Golden Core, the internal basic structure is not absolutely stable. After all, those Immaculate Springs were copied by me using special means, and the laws I applied can only keep them stable for three years. Once the three years are up, they will return to their original form, which means that your order structure will also be returned to its original form, leaving only the last drop of Immaculate Spring."

Lu Yu was not too surprised by this. After all, there was only such a drop of Immaculate Spring at the beginning, and it was not easy to achieve this step now.

"That is to say, I must find a way to contact the origin core of the Immaculate Spring within three years and reshape the golden elixir in my body, otherwise I will be beaten back to my original form, right?"

"That's right."

Lu Yu sighed softly: "Three years is a bit tight, but there should be a good chance, at least much higher than the original chance. Now please point out a way for me, where should I explore the Immaculate Spring further?"

"No, you can't stay here any longer, but you must move as soon as possible and find a way to leave this star field." Peacock King said.

Lu Yu was surprised: "What did you say? You want me to leave here."

Peacock King said: "Just now your lotus blossomed, and the force field swept at least half of the star field, which means that many people will notice the changes here, not only people in this star field, but also other nearby star fields, and even those far away in the Central World. You have attracted the attention of many people. Even if you continue to stay here, you will not have the opportunity to continue to explore the Immaculate Spring in depth, but will completely expose the secrets here!"

Lu Yu was stunned.

He knew that the power of the lotus blossoming just now was indeed very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong that even the distant Central World would be alarmed. That was billions of galaxies away. Is this really possible? "Don't doubt the power of those people. They can sit in the fairy court and dominate a place. The ability they possess is beyond your imagination. Let's talk about other things. Just to mention one thing, have you heard of the name of the creation artifact Kunlun Mirror?" Lu Yu was speechless.

How could he not know the name of Kunlun Mirror? As the treasure of creation owned by Bixiao Palace, he knew it too well. In the past, Senior Tianjian kept castrating himself just to avoid its pursuit. From this point of view, nothing can be hidden from the eyes and ears of those big figures in the two immortal courts.

In the past, Lu Yu was too weak, so he was completely out of the other party's eyes, and it was impossible for the other party to use the artifact of creation to deal with him. But from this moment on, the situation has changed. If the other party can associate these two things together, then it is possible to use the artifact of creation.

"Then where should I run to?" Lu Yu asked.

Peacock King said: "You need to go to the Central World and then worship under the Six Paths Alliance."

Lu Yu was stunned: "What did you say?"

At this time, Peacock King's lower limbs had begun to collapse, and he fell to the ground with a crash. Lu Yu was startled and hurriedly wanted to go over to support him, but was stopped by Peacock King.

The Peacock King sat on the ground and continued, "Time is running out. Listen carefully. I need you to do one thing, which is to assassinate the Lord of Pantian. He is the god behind Pantian Dao. You have dealt with people from the Six Paths Alliance before, so I believe you should know this." "In the past, this was impossible, but now it may not be impossible. You just need to join the Six Paths Alliance. With your ability, I believe you will soon stand out and be appreciated by the top leaders. At that time, you just need to act according to the situation! This is what you have to do within three years!" This is really crazy. He just formed a golden elixir, but the Peacock King asked him to assassinate a god, and it was Pantian Dao. If I remember correctly, this is a transcendent and special existence in the Six Paths Alliance. "Why?" Lu Yu had many questions in his mind, and finally only gathered into one sentence. This should not be just for revenge. As a god, he has survived such a long time. The Peacock King cannot be so impatient. Besides, he has already said that the Six Paths Alliance is not his real mortal enemy.

"For survival." The Peacock King replied, "This time, it's not just you who is exposed, but also me. Next, the Six Paths Alliance will definitely hunt me down frantically. The others are not to be feared, except for the Lord of Pan Tian. I need someone to disturb him for me, so that I can sleep peacefully and regain my strength."

Lu Yu understood it immediately.

In fact, this is a kind of containment for the Six Paths Alliance. He doesn't know what kind of battle will take place between the Peacock King and the Six Paths Alliance, but it is obvious that the opponent's Lord of Pan Tian will play a very critical role. If he can disturb him, then the Peacock King will undoubtedly have a chance of winning.

"So, my

mission is just to cause trouble for him, not really to kill him." Lu Yu couldn't help but feel relieved.

In comparison, this task is indeed much easier, but it is only relatively speaking.

"Yes, but if possible, you'd better kill him. In that case, you can get one of his personal treasures, which will be of great help to you in entering the origin core of the Immaculate Spring."

"What treasure?"

Peacock King opened his mouth and was about to answer, but found that the traces of collapse had spread to his chest and abdomen. His lower body had completely fallen apart, leaving only the upper body.

"There is no time to explain more. When you contact the Lord of Pantian, everything will become clear. Now I have only this little power, so let me send you off for the last time!"

As he said, Peacock King raised his hand and pointed, and a ball of light appeared, wrapping up Lu Yu and Fu Jing at the same time.

"After you leave, this place will be completely destroyed. Don't worry about my real body. He is in a very safe place now. Within three years, as long as you can complete this task, I will naturally try to get in touch with you again!"

After saying that, he flicked his finger, and a ball of light shot out, heading towards the starry sky, far away from this desolate world

Above the starry sky, the last scene Lu Yu saw was the upper body of the Peacock King, which was destroyed along with the entire desolate world.

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