Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2518: Furious

"Senior Brother Feng, this..." Li Xiaochuan was shocked.

For him, this whole thing has really turned around. Originally, they came here to find Chen Taizhou, but unexpectedly, Chen Taizhou was released now, and they were left imprisoned here instead.

Things are ever-changing, nothing more so than this...

"Don't worry, it's okay, Brother Xiaochuan, everything is under control..." Lu Yu comforted with a smile.

Everything is under control again...

Li Xiaochuan couldn't help but sneered.

He heard clearly what Wen Caidi said just now on behalf of Grandmaster Tian. No matter how he heard it, it sounded like Tanaka had given up on him completely and was just using a slow-down strategy to appease him... The situation seemed to have become worse. Too bad.

But Lu Yu didn't care at all. Instead, he became concerned about his situation and asked, "Brother Xiaochuan, I saw that you were focused and meditating just now. Have you realized something?"

Li Xiaochuan nodded lightly: "I think I have some experience, but I have no way to verify this situation now, and I don't know whether my idea is correct or not, and whether I have really realized the power of He'an Avenue..."

Lu Yu smiled and said: "That's probably close. You have witnessed the previous rounds of battles with your own eyes. Whether it was me or Lu Chenfeng, all they used were the power of He'an Avenue... What you saw was Is it possible to comprehend other things from He'an Avenue?"

Li Xiaochuan forced a smile and said, "I hope so!"

Lu Yu said happily again: "I really did not misjudge the person. Brother Xiaochuan, your understanding is amazing. My hard work is not in vain... In this way, you can catch up with the promotion competition next month!"

Li Xiaochuan's expression suddenly froze, and his eyes quickly dimmed: "Senior Brother Feng, are you kidding? The promotion competition... do we really have a chance to participate?"

Wen Caidi has made it clear just now that she only knows Lu Yu, but not herself, and she doesn't know herself... So Lu Yu may still have hope of leaving here, but he no longer sees any hope. For the upcoming promotion competition Than, naturally there is no chance to participate.

"How come there is no chance?" However, Lu Yu was very optimistic about this, "Don't worry, if I guess correctly, the situation will change soon!"

Sure enough, not long after, the door to the prison within a prison opened again, and this time it was Lu Chenfeng who walked in.

"Hey, Senior Brother Lu? Are you finally willing to show up?" Lu Yu said in surprise, "Stop pretending to be mysterious?"

Without saying a word, Lu Chenfeng walked directly in front of Lu Yu, looking straight at him like a blade.

A depressing atmosphere instantly filled the entire prison, and Li Xiaochuan on the side did not even dare to take a breath.

If he were in Lu Yu's position, he would have been unable to withstand the huge mental pressure at this time and passed out completely. Then Lu Yu had a calm look on his face and said with a smile: "Senior Brother Lu, what are you doing?" Which one is it? I'm already like this. If you want to kill me, I'll leave you to death. Isn't it unnecessary for you to do this? "

Lu Chenfeng stretched out his hand and struck out with one palm. The wind in the palm was cold and the powerful force was raging in the prison like a thunderstorm.

Li Xiaochuan on the side was shocked, his heart was in his throat, and then he realized that the palm did not actually hit Lu Yu's body, but hit the huge pillar behind him.

Suddenly, countless law characters flew up, and the strong pressure on Lu Yu instantly collapsed and disappeared, just like the situation when Wen Caidi released Chen Taizhou before.

But Wen Caidie was Chen Daizhou who was released through the order document, but he was able to break the seal here on his own.

Li Xiaochuan was astonished and was thinking about what was going on. Why did it take another turn?

But at this moment, Lu Chenfeng suddenly looked back and strangled Lu Yu's neck as easily as he was squeezing a grasshopper.

Lu Yu's face instantly distorted, and his complexion gradually turned into the color of pig liver.

"Senior Brother Lu, what are you doing? Let go of Senior Brother Feng!" Li Xiaochuan roared loudly.

However, Lu Chenfeng was completely indifferent. With the continuous increasing force on his hand, Lu Yu's breath gradually became weaker, like a candle in the wind, which seemed to be extinguished at any time.

"Someone, come quickly!"

"Senior Brother Lu, you are from the Law Enforcement Hall! Even if Senior Brother Feng breaks the rules, you cannot abuse lynching!"

"Are you...really going to kill people here?"

After hearing this last sentence, Lu Chenfeng finally reacted, but instead of responding to Li Xiaochuan, he said to Lu Yu's cyanotic face:

"Smile, why don't you laugh?"

"I thought you were so capable, but it turns out that's all you have!"

"Don't think you are so great. The reason why I spared you a small life is because your life still has a certain use value. If you lose even the use value here, then killing you is the same as killing a bird. Bedbugs aren’t much different…”

"I hope you remember the feeling of this moment. I will always keep an eye on you. You must never fall into my hands again in the future. Otherwise, I will let you experience what true despair is!"

After saying the last sentence, he finally let go of his hand.

Lu Yu was thrown heavily to the ground with a bang. He didn't care to get up from the ground and covered his neck with both hands. He coughed desperately. It seemed that there was still a pair of invisible hands pinching his neck. He was still He has not recovered from the near-death feeling just now.

Lu Chenfeng looked at Lu Yu on the ground, smiled coldly, turned around and left without saying anything more.

However, just as he was about to walk out of the door, Lu Yu's voice sounded from behind: "You're panicking..."

Lu Chenfeng was startled and stopped for a moment.

"What did you say?"

"You're panicked... aren't you?" Although Lu Yu's face was still cyanotic, he laughed again: "If you weren't afraid, why would you use such a method on me and deliberately find out what I'm like? "

Lu Chenfeng was shocked. This Li Feng was so sharp, both in his words and in his eyes... However, he couldn't show his timidity in front of the other party, and said with disdain: "It's ridiculous..."

Lu Yu said: "In the final analysis, you still lost this round... Although I don't know what kind of competition you and Qing Sheju had, it is obvious that you are still at a disadvantage, so you must not do anything now. Give in, right?”

Lu Chenfeng sneered: "That's right, my original plan didn't work, and I didn't expect that Tian Fengling would use this method to protect you... But do you think this will be a good thing? Maybe, then, This is the real beginning of your eternal salvation!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart. It seemed that there was a story behind this... Unfortunately, looking at Lu Chenfeng's current state, he would definitely not explain it to him.

"It doesn't matter..." Lu Yu said with a smile: "The path we are taking now is going against the will of heaven. We have to go through many hardships. What does it mean to be in danger of being destroyed?"

Lu Chenfeng was slightly stunned. He did not expect that Lu Yu would actually say such profound words. This was not only an excellent understanding, but also meant that the other party's Taoist heart was far more firm than he expected.

"I will give you the same words..." Lu Yu continued: "Senior Brother Lu, I hope you will remember the feeling of this moment, because when we meet next time, you will probably regret it..."

The veins on Lu Chenfeng's forehead visibly twitched.

He didn't expect this guy to be so talented. His actions just now were, firstly, to find out Lu Yu's true strength and see how much he weighed. Secondly, he wanted to beat him hard. The so-called "loser" Not losing the battle, he was indeed at a disadvantage in this round of confrontation with Qingshe Juzhi, so he wanted to use this method to regain his position, but he did not expect that this guy would dare to speak harshly to him in turn.

This is simply going against Tiangang...

"Very good..." Lu Chenfeng couldn't help but laughed angrily, "Since you said so, I will look forward to our next meeting to see who will regret it! Now... you still Let’s get up from the ground first!”

After saying this, he strode out of the prison without stopping, and walked away.

The prison within the prison fell silent again.

After Lu Yu was sure that the opponent was completely gone, he climbed up from the ground, using his hands and feet together with quick movements. He didn't look like he was about to die at all, and the cyanosis on his face quickly faded.

"Senior Brother Feng, you..." Li Xiaochuan stared at all this with his mouth agape.

Originally, he thought that Lu Yu had lost half of his life even if he did not die, but now it seems that everything was just a false alarm?

"Get up, it's not that difficult!" Lu Yu said, patting the dust on his hands.

It stands to reason that he has done a complete job in acting. Even if Li Xiaochuan is the only "audience" now, he should not expose his true strength... But one moment after another, after this series of hardships, he felt that Li Xiaochuan was A person worth getting to know might be helpful to his plan.

Although with his strength, it is impossible to help in the battle against the Lord of Pantian, but as long as a screw is used in this position, it can provide far more help than the screw itself. Who knows what will happen in the future? How can it be said accurately?

"Senior Brother Feng, what on earth is going on?" Li Xiaoqiang looked at Lu Yu in confusion for a while before reacting.

Lu Yu said: "Obviously, Senior Brother Lu has given up on pursuing us. Although he is not willing, there are some things that he cannot control, so he is so angry..."

"In other words, we are fine now?" Li Xiaochuan asked in surprise.

"It will probably take some time..." Lu Yu said, "Although he has released me, he has not yet released you. I guess he has to wait for the transfer order to see if your family will release you... Haha, Brother Ogawa, this Do you believe it? I have already said that everything is under control and we will leave here soon!"

Li Xiaochuan was completely convinced now.

At the same time, my heart is full of expectations.

After a while, the door to the prison within the prison opened again, but this time it was neither Wen Caidi nor Lu Chenfeng who came in, but a group of strange disciples, even Lu Yu didn't know their identities.

However, Lu Yu was very familiar with what they brought in. It was obvious that it was a huge thing, with only overflowing colors and dazzling brilliance.

As soon as he saw that thing, Lu Yu's face suddenly fell and he said: "Brother Xiaochuan, I take back what I just said... It seems that I am not leaving so quickly, but will be kept here for a long time..."

It turned out that that huge thing was the glazed cold jade bed given to him by Tian Fengling. This thing was originally placed in Qingquan House, but now it has been moved here.

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