Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2519 Deadline

"Senior Brother Feng, this is..." Li Xiaochuan said dumbfounded.

"Have you not seen the glazed jade bed before?" Lu Yu said.

"I know it's a glazed jade bed, but the question is why is it here?" Li Xiaochuan said.

"Obviously, this is to accommodate me, so I said that we may not be able to leave here for the time being..." Lu Yu said.


Li Xiaochuan was stunned for a long time without saying anything.

This is the legendary glazed cold jade bed, a famous divine object, but now it is actually moved to this darkest prison in the entire He On Road. What on earth is going on?

Is this a reward or a punishment?

"Why..." After holding it in for a long time, Li Xiaochuan asked this question.

"I also want to know why..." Lu Yu said, "I guess I can only ask them!"

However, the group of people said nothing and only focused on installing the glazed jade bed in the prison.

These people are actually just a group of elite disciples, and their strength is far inferior to Wen Caidi. However, they are very skilled in the whole process of installing the glazed jade bed, and their efficiency is obviously better than that of Wen Caidi. Lu Yu guessed that they should specialize in the study of formations. A disciple, that’s why he is so comfortable.

In a short while, the glazed jade bed had been installed.

"Is that Li Feng?" asked a disciple wearing gold gloves.

It can be seen that this person cherishes his hands very much, so he wears a pair of special gloves, even if it makes him look a little girly.

"I am." Lu Yu nodded in response.

"We have installed the glazed jade bed. Do you want to test it?" the man with gold gloves asked.

"No need." Lu Yu said, "I believe that you, fellow seniors, must be experts in this field."

The man with golden gloves nodded at him, said nothing more, and waved his hand to everyone: "Close the team!"

"Are you leaving now?" Lu Yu said in surprise, "No one can explain to us what is going on?"

The man with golden gloves said: "The order we received is to come here to install this glazed jade bed. As for explaining to you, I'm sorry, this is not within the scope of our mission."

Lu Yu said: "I understand your difficulties, but this senior brother, why should you be so rigid? It doesn't matter if you reveal a few words to me, right? Whenever I go out, I will definitely remember your good deeds, senior brother. Why not make a good relationship?"

But the man with golden gloves still shook his head: "Sorry, actually I have nothing to tell you... Frankly speaking, I am also very curious about this order, but I don't dare to inquire too much..."

After saying this, the man with golden gloves stopped staying and led a group of disciples away.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be full of doubts. It didn't look like the other party was lying.

So what exactly is going on? Why does Tian Fengling play such a riddle with herself? Or is Tian Fengling not behind all this?


Just when he was about to walk out of the door, the man with gold gloves suddenly stopped and turned back and said: "Although I don't know what exactly is going on, I suggest you not to get too entangled in this reason. , but you must hurry up and make good use of the Glazed Cold Jade Bed, because there is not much time left for you..."

"Time is running out?" Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and raised his head in surprise, "How do you say this?"

The man with golden gloves said: "Because the order we received, in addition to installing the glazed jade bed here immediately, there is another order, which will be in a month... to be precise, on the 27th Days later, I came here again to dismantle the Glazed Cold Jade Bed... So, no matter what the reason behind all this is, you only have these twenty-seven days to use the Glazed Cold Jade Bed. I suggest you not to use it too much. Think about nothing else and make the most of these twenty-seven days.”

After saying that, the man with golden gloves stopped staying and walked straight out.

This time I really left and never looked back.

"Twenty-seven days..." Lu Yu pondered for a moment and suddenly asked: "What day will be after twenty-seven days?"

"Um...are you asking me?" Li Xiaochuan said blankly.

"Nonsense, is there anyone else here besides you?" Lu Yu said.


Seeing that Li Xiaochuan couldn't answer for a while, Lu Yu asked another question: "When is the promotion competition for entry-level disciples?"

"On the sixteenth day of next month...ah, I know, twenty-seven days later will be the day of the promotion competition!" Li Xiaochuan exclaimed.

"I see..." Lu Yu showed a surprised expression.

"Um...Senior Brother Feng, have you figured it out?" Li Xiaochuan asked, "What on earth is going on?"

Lu Yu said: "Obviously, twenty-seven days later will be the day of the promotion competition, and this glazed jade bed will also be placed here for twenty-seven days. This shows that there is a big shot behind the scenes who wants to help us. , so that we can practice hard in these twenty-seven days and improve our strength as soon as possible... So, brother Ogawa, you can rest assured now, we will definitely be able to leave here in twenty-seven days. "

"Is that so?" Li Xiaochuan's face was full of astonishment, "But why do I always feel like something is wrong... Is this a bit unnecessary?"

"Don't worry about these details..." Lu Yu waved his hand and said, "Anyway, we are about to participate in the promotion competition. Isn't this enough? Shouldn't you focus on this matter?"

"Uh... that's true." Li Xiaochuan said: "But, Senior Brother Feng, I can't concentrate my energy in this state... The 27-day time limit is probably only for you. I probably don't have such luck!"

At this time, Li Xiaochuan was still tied to the huge stone pillar. When the man with golden gloves and others came to install the Liuli Hanyu Bed, they didn't say to help him untie the seal shackles on his body. At this time, his whole body strength was firmly locked, and he couldn't move freely at all, let alone practice.

"Let me see..."

Lu Yu walked in front of him and studied the iron chain shackles on his body and the huge pillar behind him.

"Brother Xiaochuan, don't be so pessimistic. Although these iron chains have not been untied, there is no power to continue to bless them. They will fall off naturally after a period of time." Lu Yu said.

"Ah? Really?" Li Xiaochuan raised his head again, and his eyes were filled with anticipation.

"But..." Lu Yu suddenly changed his tone, "This natural shedding cycle is estimated to be a bit long..."

"Uh... How long will it take?"

"I'm afraid it will be much longer than 27 days..."

"How long will it be?"

"If I estimate conservatively, it will take more than ten years."

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Li Xiaochuan almost fainted.

What's the difference between this and imprisoning him directly? He is far from being able to fast for ten years without eating or drinking. In ten years, he would have starved to death. It would be better to just give him a knife.

"Don't worry, don't worry..." Lu Yu hurriedly comforted, "Ten years, this is only when there is no external intervention. If there is external intervention, the result will be different... Since I'm here, how can I watch you being trapped alive for ten years?"

"You... have a way?" Li Xiaochuan was in doubt.

Lu Yu nodded gently: "I guess this is the first problem left for me. As for the problem after 27 days, it can only be regarded as the second one..."

Li Xiaochuan was full of astonishment, "What is the first and second problem... Senior Brother Feng, what are you talking about?"

"Nothing..." Lu Yu shook his head: "The good news is that I have a way to untie the chains on you in advance. The bad news is that I can't do it now. As for when I can do it, it depends on the effect of this glazed cold jade bed!"

"So, what do you mean?"

"I mean, we should follow the advice of the senior brother just now and hurry up to this glazed cold jade bed. There is... Brother Xiaochuan, I'm going to lie on the bed first. As for you, you have to hold on a little longer. I promise it won't be too long..."

After saying this, Lu Yu retreated from Li Xiaochuan and walked towards the glazed cold jade bed.

Li Xiaochuan didn't say anything, but just watched Lu Yu's movements silently, his eyes full of expectation.

Although what Lu Yu said just now was groundless, he still chose to believe it. After all, Lu Yu's previous performance had left a deep impression on him.

Even though his words sounded incredible at the moment, the final result proved that he was right. He always did what he said.

Besides, he had no other choice, right?

Lu Yu walked to the front of the Liuli Hanyu bed, looking at the glittering and beautiful bed in front of him, he couldn't help but reach out and touch it gently. He felt a very cold touch directly from his fingertips, and it seemed that the whole person became transparent all of a sudden.

"It's really a divine object..." Lu Yu said softly, "Originally, I thought you were of no great use to me, and at most it could only be regarded as icing on the cake. I didn't expect that I would still use you in the end..."

"However, they took the trouble to send you here specifically. What is their purpose?"

Lu Yu frowned slightly.

Although he asked Li Xiaochuan not to care about these details, he knew very well in his heart that there was something behind all this.

I don't know what kind of game those high-level people in He'an Dao are using him to play...

The promotion competition in twenty-seven days may be just a competition for others, but it will never be so simple for him.

"Well, let's see what you are up to!"

Lu Yu took a deep breath and lay on the glazed cold jade bed.

In an instant, clouds and mist filled the air.

Lu Yu seemed to be in a sea of ​​clouds, and there was no cold and hard touch on the bed board.

At the same time, a cold current rose for no reason and rushed straight to his head.

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