Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2520: Sit and Become Enlightened

The chill was invading, boundless.

However, this chill was not aggressive, but made Lu Yu's thoughts clearer.

In an instant, Lu Yu's intuition was clear, and his mind was clear to an unprecedented degree.

"So that's it..."

Lu Yu said with emotion.

It is said that this glazed cold jade bed is a magical object to assist cultivation, but its real effect is not to replenish vitality and condense cultivation, but to make people's mind enter an unprecedented ethereal state.

This is the real ethereal state, no need to add quotation marks.

Lu Yu traveled all over the heavens and experienced hardships. So far, he can be regarded as rich in experience and knowledge. Even so, he has never had such an experience. At this time, he felt that his mind and consciousness had reached an unprecedented level.

This does not mean that his mind and consciousness suddenly became stronger, but that the efficiency of utilization became more efficient.

To give the simplest example, if he used to need an hour to deduce a certain thing, now the efficiency has at least doubled.

Although this improvement in deduction ability will not be directly reflected in strength, its benefits are obvious. It will multiply Lu Yu's ability to learn and comprehend, which is exactly what Lu Yu needs now.

"It is worthy of the Glazed Cold Jade Bed..."

Lu Yu praised softly again.

Originally, he thought that the effect of this item was just average. He asked for it from Tian Fengling purely because it was valuable. In fact, he did not have too high expectations for it.

Now it seems that his previous thoughts were simply wrong. This divine item was simply tailor-made for him!

The reason is very simple. His thoughts and consciousness are far more huge than ordinary. Even some gods only have a stronger consciousness than him, but the total amount cannot compare with him... The most intuitive example is Huo Siyu. Her strength is beyond doubt. It is no problem to tear gods apart with her hands. However, her total consciousness is still not as good as Lu Yu.

From this, we can see how huge Lu Yu's potential is...

However, no matter how great the potential is, it takes time to transform into strength, and it may even take a long time...and the appearance of this magical object is equivalent to shortening such time in a short period of time.

Assuming that this glazed cold jade bed can increase the efficiency of the use of thoughts and consciousness by 20%, for other people, it may just make their thoughts more accessible and their thoughts more agile.

For Lu Yu, since the total amount of his thoughts and consciousness is larger, the same 20% increase in efficiency can reach an extremely terrifying level for his improvement.

Because of this, the improvement effect of this glazed cold jade bed on him will far exceed that of others, even Tian Fengling, who has achieved great success with this thing, will not be able to match it... Lu Yu is very confident about this.

In an instant, Lu Yu entered a state of efficient cultivation.

Not long ago, he saw the other side of the He'an Avenue through the battle with Lu Chenfeng. If he was allowed to deduce it by himself, I don't know how much time it would take to truly comprehend the advanced use of the He'an Avenue.

But at this moment, under the blessing of the high-efficiency state of the Glazed Cold Jade Bed, he can be said to have achieved enlightenment while sitting and become a Buddha on the spot, and this strength improved by high-efficiency deduction will be more stable and solid, without the risk of going astray or catching the backlash of power.

Because he truly realized the truth, rather than a sudden powerful force imposed on him.

Gradually, more and more clouds and mist rose up and surrounded the Glazed Cold Jade Bed, turning the entire Glazed Cold Jade Bed into the center of a vortex of air waves.

Li Xiaochuan was watching this scene from the side and was already stunned.

At this time, he could no longer see Lu Yu's figure. He could only feel a powerful force field being born on the glazed cold jade bed, attracting the surrounding vitality to surge here like a rolling tide...

This scene was too exaggerated. Not to mention that he had never seen it before, he had never even heard of it... Even the legendary Green Snake Jutian Grandmaster did not seem to have such a scene...

It was not only him who was surprised. Other places in Youquan Pass were also shrouded by the rolling vitality. There were even water stains on the floor, and the temperature rose sharply, as if in an instant, the entire Youquan Pass entered the weather of the return of the south.

However, it should be noted that Youquan Pass has never returned to the south. Although it has always been dark, damp and cold, it is not affected by the external climate at all.

The disciples on duty here could not help but talk about it.

"What's going on..."

"How could this happen?"

"These water stains... Why do I feel like the water from the underground spring?"

"What a joke, the spring here has long been bound by the magic circle, how could it appear here again? Besides, have you ever seen the water from the underground spring?"

"Really! If you don't believe me, just look for yourself! Although I have never seen the water from the spring here, I have read the relevant records and books, and the state of these waters is exactly the same as what is recorded in the books!"

"It seems... these water stains are all flowing in the same direction..."

"Yes... It should be the direction of the Ash Prison."

"Ash Prison? How could this happen?"

"Let's report it quickly!"

"Who to report it to? Master Ye is not here..."

"No matter who he is, if Grandmaster Ye is not here, there will naturally be other people in charge... If we know and don't report it, then it will be our responsibility!"

Having said that, a group of disciples were caught in a tangle, not knowing who to report to.

Because this is different from when someone made trouble before. If someone made trouble, they could go to the Law Enforcement Hall. However, now it is not a matter of making trouble. You can't just invite people from the Law Enforcement Hall to enforce the law on the water stains running all over the floor, right?

Besides, the people from the Law Enforcement Hall have just left, so if you call them here, they may not be able to accept the case...

However, just when these Youquanguan disciples were struggling, strange phenomena also appeared outside. In fact, there was no need for them to report it. The senior officials of He'an Road had already investigated the abnormality.

The green snake is in the middle. Tian Fengling is wearing a rose-red dress, standing on the top floor of a building and leaning on the railing. The rose-red dress vividly shows her graceful figure.

The building she was in was so tall that it had no cover and had an excellent line of sight, and the direction she was looking at was exactly the direction of Youquan Pass.

Countless air waves are gathering in the direction of Youquan Pass, so that a large white cloud appears directly above Youquan Pass, slowly circling, forming a faint whirlpool.

"Uncle Kui, did you see it?" Tian Fengling suddenly asked.

Standing behind her was Uncle Kui of the Tian family. He had escorted Lu Yu all the way here, and he has not left until now.

Uncle Kui nodded, with a complicated look in his eyes: "I saw it."

Tian Fengling said: "I have had the Liuli Cold Jade Bed in my hands for so many years, but there has never been any sign of this. What do you think is going on?"

Uncle Kui said: "The Glazed Cold Jade Bed does not gather the energy of heaven and earth. There is no doubt about this. The reason for this situation is because there are other law fields that have reunited..."

Tian Fengling said: "What kind of law force field do you think it will be?"

Uncle Kui narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a sharp edge, as if he was carefully examining him. After a while, he said: "It feels like the power of He'an Avenue, but it's not quite the same... Miss, please forgive me. I am too old to see it..."

"It doesn't matter, I can't see it either." Tian Fengling said: "It seems that he has comprehended a new form of power of He'an Avenue. This person should not be underestimated!"

"A brand new form of He'an Avenue power?" Uncle Kui was slightly surprised, "Is this really possible?"

You must know that Lu Yu has only been here for three or two days. Even including his journey on the Moonlight Ferry, he has not had much time in total. During this period, he has not really come into contact with the master's teachings and core of He'an Tao. Classics... If you want to count them all, he is simply self-taught. Is there really such a genius in the world?

Forget it before, whether he was fighting Hua Tiannan or Lu Chenfeng, all he had understood was the basic power of He'an Avenue, but what was shown now was obviously the high power of He'an Avenue. Usage...How could someone defy heaven to such an extent?

"What is the origin of this person?" Tian Fengling asked in a low voice.

"We have contacted people from the Qilin Association, and they have confirmed the identity of the person at this time. This person is indeed sent by the Qilin Association... But, I'm afraid their purpose is not simple..." Uncle Kui replied .

"Then what do you think their purpose will be?" Tian Fengling asked again.

"Um...Miss, please don't embarrass me anymore, I really don't know..." Uncle Kui sighed helplessly.

Tian Fengling said: "No matter what his purpose is, it is unlikely that he came for me, nor for the Tian family, right?"

"Yes..." Uncle Kui responded.

No matter what purpose this Li Feng has, with the extraordinary abilities displayed by the other party, the forces behind him will be even stronger. It will be an easy task to deal with the Tian family or Tian Fengling, and there is no need to spend so much effort at all. .

"I have decided!" Tian Fengling suddenly said again, with a firm look in her eyes, "I want to take him to meet the Taoist Master! Maybe he has hope to do that!"

Uncle Kui was immediately surprised: "Miss, isn't this too hasty?"

Tian Fenglin smiled: "Of course not now, at least until he has passed the difficulties before him!"

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