Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2566: A Great Transformation

"Could we have met someone in the same industry?" Lu Yuwan said, looking at the lotus petals in his hand.

Although he was a fake old man, he did not forget the order given by the Dusk God. He kept throwing fake lotus petals along the way, and the lotus petals falling in front looked exactly the same as the ones in his hand.

"I'm afraid." Song Daiting also observed carefully, but as soon as he opened his mouth to say two words, Lu Yu pressed the Sky Demon Pearl back and put it back on his arm.

He no longer needed Song Daiting's opinion, because he had seen a stumbling figure running. The person was wearing a gorgeous long skirt and a golden butterfly-style hairpin on her head. It was Mrs. Golden Butterfly.

If the lotus petals in front were also baits left by the Dusk God, Mrs. Golden Butterfly would definitely not look like this. Moreover, Lu Yu figured out another point. If it was really bait, there was no need to put so many baits at once. Like he threw one piece from a long distance along the way.

So, there was only one possibility, that the one in front was the real Lotus Lord.

"No way, so unlucky?" Lu Yu couldn't help but complain.

When he pretended to be Song Daiting, he ran into the Dusk God. Now he pretended to be a white-headed old man and happened to hit the gun of the Lotus Master. This luck is really unmatched!

At such a close distance, it is too late to run. The only way now is to use the same trick and turn himself into a piece of star rubble to avoid the eyes and ears of the Lotus Master.

I hope that the Lotus Master is at the same level as the Dusk God, otherwise I will be in trouble.

However, this is probably a bit difficult. The Lotus Master is known as the chief of the Shen Ce Mansion and must be one of the top bosses in the Shen Ce Mansion.

And the Dusk God may have been one of the top bosses in the Qiu Tong Palace, but after the incident in the Wolf Smoke Land, his strength must have been much worse than before, otherwise he would not need to bow his head to the Bi Xiao Saint.

While thinking, Lu Yu had already hidden behind a piece of star rubble, just like when he faced the Dusk God before. As for helping the opposite side, it was impossible. Not to mention that he was just a fake, even if it was a real old man, it was impossible to risk his life at this time.

"Hmph! Do you think you can get away with such a trick?"

A cold male voice sounded.

The next second, a lotus shuttled over, as fast as lightning, leaving only a trace of petals falling, and fell heavily on the back of Mrs. Jindie.

This scene was very similar to the scene when Ouyang Xiao attacked Song Daiting, but this time it was no longer a sneak attack, but a fair and aboveboard flying lotus from the sky.


Mrs. Jindie screamed, and the whole person turned into a ball of light and shadow, and flew out at an accelerated speed, and countless colorful butterfly phantoms fell along the track.

When she left the light and shadow state, the whole person was already ragged, with disheveled hair, and the golden butterfly hairpin on her head had been completely lost.

"Fuck!" Lu Yu couldn't help but curse.

It wasn't that he felt sorry for Mrs. Jindie's experience, but Mrs. Jindie was knocked away and crashed towards him, and just happened to collide with the star fragments where he was hiding.

You should know that his hiding method is actually just a perceptual deception, and there is no complete hiding form. If the other party doesn't look here, it's okay. Once the line of sight is focused, he has been hiding behind the star fragments before, but Mrs. Jindie's collision will definitely make him nowhere to hide.

At the critical moment, Lu Yu made up his mind, and at the moment when Mrs. Jindie hit him, he suddenly threw all the fake petals in his hand.

The sky was full of flying petals.

But the time was only a short moment.

So Lu Yu grabbed Madam Jindie, and under the cover of the collision and fragmentation of the star fragments, he quickly moved to another piece of star fragments, and activated the star mystery to make the surrounding small fragments quickly gather, covering himself and Madam Jindie at the same time.

This scene was like a magician performing a trick on the stage.

And he really wanted to play a trick on the other party because only by making Lian Zun unable to find Madam Jindie's trace would he trigger his transitional association and mislead him to other directions.


A man with his feet on a lotus flew over, and when he saw the petals flying all over the sky, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

This person's face was exactly the same as the powerful god who appeared before, the only difference was that the previous one was a fake, and this was the real one.

"Dusk, are you here too?" Lian Zun saw at a glance that this was the disguise of Dusk God.

The scene was quiet.

"I heard that you knelt down to Saint Meng? Why? Are you afraid that I will laugh at you, so you don't even have the courage to face me?" Lian Zun asked again.

It was still quiet, without a single voice.

Lian Zun waited silently for a moment, and finally lost his patience and snorted coldly: "I want to see what tricks you are playing!"

After that, he chased in one direction.

It was exactly the direction marked on those fake petals, and everything was exactly the same as Lu Yu imagined.

Until the Lian Zun completely disappeared, the piece of star fragments that had been reassembled suddenly cracked, revealing the bodies of Lu Yu and Madam Jindie.


Lu Yu couldn't help but let out a long breath of turbid air, and then he realized that his back was already wet.

At the same time, this short experience just now also made him sure of another thing, that is, the strength of the God-Blessed Chief is definitely more powerful than the Twilight Lord, because there is a clear difference in the pressure caused by the two in close contact.

Of course, the premise is that Twilight God Lord does not hide his strength

All of these guys are so cunning, and now Lu Yu can no longer easily believe what he sees with his own eyes.

"Really, these big guys don't fight each other alone, but instead come one by one to target us little shrimps. What's going on?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but complain.

"I hope that the guidance just now can bring these things to an end as soon as possible."

Lu Yu looked at the direction where Lord Lian was leaving, and couldn't help but feel worried in his heart. After walking far from the ruins, he had already met two divine monarchs in succession. If he continued to move forward, no one knew what he would encounter.

It would be fine if you meet someone from the Bixiao Shrine, but it would be terrible if you meet someone from the Shence Mansion. After all, the chief of the Shence Mansion has already been dispatched. It is hard to say that there will not be others from the Shence Mansion. The boss of the gods.

All of a sudden, he didn't know where to go.


While she was thinking about it, Madam Jindee suddenly let out a painful groan and woke up slowly.

Lu Yu was also surprised. He didn't expect that she would wake up so quickly after receiving such a heavy blow from Lian Zun.

It seems that Mrs. Golden Butterfly is worthy of being a character who can enjoy herself on both sides. It’s really not easy.

"Why is it you, Mr. Bai?" Mrs. Jindee's pale face showed a hint of surprise.

Lu Yu made a concerned expression: "Madam, how do you feel?"

Madam Jindee did not answer, but looked to the left and right with vigilance: "Where is Lord Lotus?"

"Ma'am, please don't worry, he has left."

"Leaved?" Mrs. Jindee suddenly turned around in surprise, "How did you do it?"

Lu Yu said: "Madam, you overestimate me. This is actually the trick of Lord Dusk."

Then, he briefly explained what happened just now, except that he concealed the part where he used mysteries to control the stars and gravel.

"I see," Mrs. Jindie said suddenly, "Then this is only possible because of your wisdom and bravery, Mr. Bai. Thank you for Mr. Bai's heroic action, otherwise the Lotus Lord will not let me go this time."

Lu Yu said: "Madam, you're welcome. We are our own people. Didn't you also save me at that ancient ruins? I, Bai, am also a person who knows how to repay kindness. How can I not save me even if I die?"

Mrs. Jindee gave him a smile: "Old Bai, you are such a good person. Anyway, you are so kind to me. I, Jindee, will never forget to trouble you to take me out of here."

Lu Yu said: "Of course I won't leave my wife alone, but you can't care less. Now even Lotus Master is here, and we don't know what the situation is outside. Where do you think we should go?"

"Well," Mrs. Jindie rolled her eyes slightly, "I do have a place to go."

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