Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 2567: Earth Turns Upside Down

Lu Yu moved forward slowly under the guidance of Madam Jindee.

"Madam seems to be very familiar with the situation here..." Lu Yu said.

Mrs. Jindee snuggled next to Lu Yu and smiled to herself: "I simulated the scene thousands of times in the illusion of Shence Mansion, and later simulated the same scene thousands of times in the illusion of Bixiao Palace. In total, I have walked back and forth here more than two thousand times, how could I not be familiar with it?”

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart. He had heard a similar description from Ouyang Xiao, but he didn't know who was it that created the illusion?

It's a pity that he didn't dare to ask more questions, otherwise he would risk being exposed. What if Jindee had already said these things before?

"So it was more than two thousand simulation experiences that allowed you to make arrangements in advance?" Lu Yu said, changing the topic.

Mrs. Jindee said: "Old Bai, you should also know that I am a traitor to the Shence Mansion. If this operation fails, they may let you go, but they will never let me go... Cunning Rabbit has three Of course I have to make plans in advance!"

Lu Yu praised: "Be prepared! Your idea is correct. Now don't we just have to rely on your secret base to get through the current difficulties?"

It turned out that the destination guided by Mrs. Golden Butterfly to Lu Yu was a hiding place she had prepared in advance.

Nowadays, when the powerful divine kings are rampant and it is difficult to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, it would be a good choice to have a hiding place where they can wait until the situation is clear before coming out.

After walking for a while, Madam Jindee's face suddenly became increasingly ugly.

"Lao Bai, I'm about to die..." Mrs. Jindee said weakly.

Lu Yu clasped her wrist, checked the situation inside her body, and said: "Ma'am, please insist, your hiding place should have healing elixirs, right? After taking the elixirs, I will help you adjust your breathing. , it shouldn’t be a big problem..."

In fact, Lu Yu could treat his injuries now, but since then he would have to use the power of red lotus. How could he reveal his true identity in front of this woman.

"Actually..." Mrs. Jindee hesitated, "I have the healing elixir now..."

"Then why don't you take it?" As soon as he said the words, looking at Mrs. Jindee's embarrassed expression, Lu Yu suddenly knew something: "Tell me, where is it placed? I will help you take it out so that you can take it!"

"In, in...the underwear on my chest..." Mrs. Jindee's voice was as thin as a mosquito.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at the spectacular curves on her chest and said, "Madam, we are all descendants of the world, why should we stick to trivial matters? We must obey the authority in a hurry, which is offensive!"

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and groped over it.

Mrs. Jindee's clothes were already in tatters, so they were untied by Lu Yu without any effort, revealing a piece of silk underwear.

This silk clothing was not made of any material. It had been burned in the sea of ​​​​fire before and was still not affected at all. It must not be a mortal thing. Unlike her coat, Lu Yu knew that he had already changed.

"Uh, madam, where are you?" Lu Yu asked again.

He observed it carefully but only saw the wonderful lines of expansion, and no trace of any elixir.

"Inside..." Mrs. Jindee turned her head.

Lu Yu said "offended", held down his hands, and pushed up the silk underwear.

Suddenly, his breathing couldn't help but stagnate.

Faced with this situation, he felt that he should say something, otherwise it would not fit the character of a white-headed man with a group of wives and concubines.

"Madam, you are really rich!"

Mrs. Jindee bit her lips lightly, and a blush appeared on her originally pale face. From the looks of it, it seemed that her injuries had recovered a lot without using the elixir.

"The clothes are in there!"

"Understood." Lu Yu said.

In fact, this is very similar to Lu Yu's Canglan Orb, except that the design is more exquisite, but its internal storage space is very limited, far less than the Canglan Orb.

A pill with a tree crown pattern shining in it was held in Lu Yu's hand, and he clearly felt the powerful medicinal power contained in it.

This was Lu Yu's first time coming into contact with such an elixir. He felt that this elixir should have surpassed the level of a divine product. He actually wanted to pick it up and observe it carefully.

But as a white-headed man, he should have come into contact with a lot of similar elixirs. It would be a bit rude to pick it up and read it like this... So, in order to maintain his personality, he still resisted the urge and fed the elixirs to Jindee. The lady obeyed.

Mrs. Jindee's face quickly turned rosy. Complexion and recovery speed visible to the naked eye.

However, after experiencing the scene just now, the two of them couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed about each other.

Just as he was thinking about how to break the awkward atmosphere, a sudden violent shock came.

Although there are tremors here all the time, this tremor was particularly obvious, as if the whole world suddenly shook.

"Is this...could it be that they have turned against each other?" Lu Yu looked at Mrs. Jindie and said, "Okay."

They naturally refer to Lord Lotus and Lord Dusk... According to the guidance of those fake petals, Lord Lotus will definitely find Lord Lord Twilight. I am afraid Lord Lord Twilight himself would not have thought that the bait he set would actually catch such a big one. fish.

"It should be." Mrs. Jindee confirmed.

Lu Yu looked up and looked around. Due to the shock just now, all the star fragments deviated from their original orbits. The established rules that had gradually formed over millions of years were about to be completely messed up.

This is a precarious world. Any change may cause a disaster, not to mention such a drastic change as the fight between two powerful gods.

"It looks like this place is about to turn upside down..." Lu Yu said, "Can your hiding place withstand it?"

Mrs. Jindie sighed depressedly: "I don't know..."

Lu Yu said: "Even if it can't withstand it, we don't have any better place to go... So, let's hurry up!"

"Yeah!" Mrs. Jindie nodded and took the initiative to approach.

Even if he had taken the elixir, he still didn't have the ability to move freely.

Lu Yu was not polite. He just picked her up and flew forward at an accelerated speed.

Anyway, he had already done such an excessive move just now. Now it's just a hug, which is nothing.

This time Lu Yu used all his strength. In order to reach the destination as soon as possible, he even used part of his star control ability.

"Hey, Bai Lao, you have the ability to control the stars?" Mrs. Jindie immediately noticed something unusual, "Why have I never seen you use it before?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "It's just the basics. I just learned it not long ago. I have been staying with the founder of the Star-Destroying Dao these days. It is hard not to learn a few tricks from what I have seen and heard. It's not worth mentioning at all..."

Mrs. Jindie said, "Bai Lao, you have wisdom. It seems that I didn't know you well enough before..."

Lu Yu said, "Madam, can you keep these compliments? When you escape this disaster, you can say a few more words. I love to hear..."

After a while, the two finally arrived at their destination.

This is also an elliptical star fragment. It has formed its own fixed orbit over the long years. At this time, it has been reinforced by Mrs. Jindie with a special formation device, becoming a shelter for living.

As soon as the two entered this small shelter, a violent shock was heard again.

The earth-shaking event finally officially began.

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