Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 437 The Secret of Night Owl

Since the auction has just ended, most of the guests on Shengyun Mountain have not yet dispersed. They spent a hundred spirit stones to get to the floating island. Naturally, they cannot leave so easily. They have to play enough first. .

Unexpectedly, just as they were enjoying themselves, the entire Shengyun Mountain suddenly shook violently. For a moment, everyone was unstable and looked around for a fulcrum to rely on before they could barely stabilize themselves.

No one knew what had happened. Within the confines of Shengyun Mountain, they could not use Taoism and had no means of self-protection. Suddenly encountering such a situation, they couldn't help but feel panic in their hearts, wandering around. Fleeing west to find a way to survive, the entire Shengyun Mountain was in chaos.

The situation in the sea market under the floating island was not much better. The waves were raging again. All the ships were bumping up and down. The originally calm and peaceful store suddenly turned into the most dangerous sea area.

People opened their sails and drove their ships, preparing to escape from the unknown situation in Shengyun Mountain. However, under the turbulent waves, countless ships collided together, and the entire sea area was like a pot of messy porridge. Can you leave so easily?

Suddenly, there was chaos both on and off the island.

Everyone could not help but pray silently in their hearts, hoping that the elders of Shengyun Mountain would show up quickly to rescue them and help them get out of this dangerous situation.

But how could the elders of Shengyun Mountain have time to listen to everyone’s calls for help?

On the top floor of the attic of the Presbyterian Church, four primitive crystal nuclei were swirling and dancing on Lu Yu's fingertips. The huge pressure formed was like a black hole, constantly devouring the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the formation system.

It is precisely because of the existence of this huge pressure that it affects the entire floating island, making it extremely unstable and almost on the verge of collapse.

As the top leaders of Shengyun Mountain, the elders naturally have the means to control the barrier formation. Each of them has an elder token, which can directly use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the formation system to display power, which is equivalent to The backdoor left by the formation system.

In particular, the Great Elder has a Head Order that can directly connect to the core of the entire formation system. This Head Order has existed since the time when Shengyun Mountain was still a major sect and continues to this day.

At this moment, all the elders naturally activated their tokens, hoping to stabilize the entire formation system so that it would not be affected by the original crystal core in Lu Yu's hand.

But when everyone felt desperate, including the Great Elder, all their efforts had no effect. Not only could they not stop Lu Yu from stealing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth from within the formation, but even the tokens in their hands became useless. Too enlightened, Lu Yu cut off the connection between them and the formation system.

From the creation of the Shengyun Mountain Floating Island to the present, this has never happened before. Even when their ancestors were being frantically pursued by hostile forces and were in the most difficult situation, they never had such a dark and desperate moment.

The Lu Yu in front of him was simply a monster! Who could have imagined that with just the physical body, he could activate four original crystal nuclei at the same time, and also keep them under his control?

"Great Elder, haven't you thought about it yet? Is it worth it?"

As the black light surged wildly, Lu Yu's entire body was completely engulfed in darkness, leaving only one pair of eyes as bright as stars.

"If you haven't thought about it yet, then I will make the decision for you, because I will lose control soon!"

Lu Yu said with a tearful voice.

At this time, he is already at the limit of excitation. If it continues, the excitation of the original crystal nucleus will be completely out of control, and then everything will be irreversible.

"Stop it..."

The Great Elder finally stopped urging the leader of Shengyun and gave up his efforts to seize control of the formation system.

He understood that this time he had completely failed.

Although he didn't know whether what Lu Yu said about being unable to control was true, he knew that if this state continued, the entire Shengyun Mountain formation system would cause irreversible damage and everything would be destroyed. Once again, he had to compromise.

"I agree to your conditions!" the great elder said through gritted teeth.

The black light quickly faded, and Lu Yu's figure reappeared. The original crystal core on his fingertips gradually stopped rotating and slowly fell back into his palm.

The ground under his feet finally stopped shaking, the world became clear again, and everything returned to its original state, as if the horrific scene just now had never happened.

But the violent gasps of the dozen elders in the room, like cattle, fully demonstrated that the scene just now was not an illusion.

Lu Yu was also panting like an ox: "The Great Elder should have been like this! Why do you have to make everyone work so hard?"

Among the whole audience, the only calm person was Yang Chudie, because from the beginning to the end, she had been hiding behind Lu Yu and watching quietly without spending any extra effort.

At this time, she came up from behind Lu Yu and said, "Great Elder, please speak!"

The Great Elder snorted heavily: "Since you want to die so much, what's the harm in me telling you the identity of that person!" Then he turned to the other elders and ordered: "You go out first."

All the real people looked at each other, did not speak, and left the scene in silence.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie couldn't help but look at each other and secretly thought that the secret behind this was indeed not simple. The great elder actually wanted to get rid of his subordinates before he was willing to reveal the identity of that person.

There were only three people left in the room.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie sat back in their seats and waited for the great elder to say what was next.

"Have you ever heard of the name 'Night Owl'?" the great elder suddenly asked.

"Nite Owl?"

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie couldn't help but feel confused.

"You must have never heard of it!" The great elder continued: "This is an underground organization active outside the eight major sects. It specializes in assassination activities. It has sharp methods and is bold. Even real strong men are often theirs. Target!"

"Although undertaking assassination missions is their main business, if the main business is sluggish, they will join the ranks of plundering. As long as there is an opportunity, they will take action, killing people, grabbing treasures, destroying corpses and destroying traces. "

"Because their hands and feet are clean enough, no one has ever known of their existence. I only knew that such an organization existed because they occasionally came to me because they needed to sell stolen goods."

"So, I really don't know the identity of the person who sold the Xuanling Divine Weapon. I just know that he is from the 'Night Owl' organization!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel frightened when he heard this.

It turns out that Die Shuangfei ended up in exile like this!

No wonder the Great Elder refuses to tell the truth, because this will reveal the secret of Shengyun Mountain selling stolen goods for others. If the news is exposed, Shengyun Mountain will not only be discredited, but also annoy all parties and attract endless attention. A fatal disaster!

However, at this moment, Lu Yu couldn't care less about condemning Shengyun Mountain for these shady activities behind the scenes. Instead, another thing frightened him even more.

Now that Die Shuangfei has wandered here, could it be that the real Yudie fell into Ye Xiao's plot and suffered an accident?

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