Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 438 Sending the God of Plague Away

Yang Chudie obviously thought of this possibility, but the worried expression only appeared on her face for a moment, and then immediately returned to normal.

"Since the stolen goods are going to be sold through you, how will you pay the money? Can you use the opportunity of payment to let us find them?"

The great elder shook his head: "Every time they deliver goods to your door, they will directly set a rough price, then take the money from me and leave. When they come back next time, they will conduct the previous reconciliation and refund the excess." Don’t make up for it… Unless they come to me, I can’t contact them.”

Yang Chudie frowned upon hearing this. Can we just wait and see? If they don't come to the door again, it's hard to get a clue about the whereabouts of Jade Butterfly. Is it necessary to end it like this?

Lu Yu thought for a while and said, "The Great Elder seemed to have said just now that they would undertake the task of hiring assassins for assassination?"

The great elder glanced at him approvingly: "You want to find out their whereabouts through hiring? This is a good idea, but it's a pity that it can't be implemented... They all automatically come to solicit business and only provide services to a few specific large customers. There is no way to hire them, and I can only infer their behavior from their words.”

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, then looked at Yang Chudie: "In this case, it seems that we only have one option left to lure the snake out of the hole."

Yang Chudie said: "There are many worlds in the world, and there are huge seas of people. If you want to lure them out with your body as bait without any clue, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack!"

Lu Yu looked at the Great Elder again and smiled: "The Great Elder has cooperated with the Ye Xiao organization many times. Since we can infer so much useful information from their few words, we can naturally infer that they The most likely area, I’m not sure if I’m right?”

"Are you really planning to use your body as bait?"

The great elder looked at the two people in surprise.

"You are looking for death! I don't know how many strong real people have been destroyed in their hands. I think that although the two of you are strong, they are not strong enough to be stronger than real people. Do you still want to play like this? Can’t you blow yourself up?”

"It's a pity that without the formation system of our Shengyun Mountain, without the support of underground spiritual veins, you won't be able to use such methods! At that time, you can only be captured without mercy, and you will die!"

Lu Yu said nonchalantly: "Whether it's a dead end or not, the Great Elder doesn't need to worry about this. The Great Elder only needs to tell us your guess!"

The great elder suddenly fell silent, his eyes uncertain.

He was not worried that Lu Yu and Yang Chudie would die. Their lives had nothing to do with him. He was just worried that if they leaked the information they got from him before they died, they would cause huge trouble for themselves. . After all, he knew the abilities of Ye Xiao very well. The deeper he got in contact with them, the more he felt that they were unfathomable.

"Does this issue need to be considered for so long?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and raised the hand with the ring on it: "Or do you think the Great Elder needs me to help you think about it?"

The great elder surrendered again.

Compared with the unspeakable trouble, the immediate threat is obviously more difficult. Even though this Lu Yu's cultivation level is not high, he can activate the ability of the original crystal core at will, which is the life gate of the entire Shengyun Mountain!

"Oracle World!"

The great elder finally said the name of the place he had inferred.

"I think if you go to the oracle world and implement the plan to lure the snake out of its hole, the probability of success will be higher..."

"Oracle World?"

Lu Yu's eyes lit up and he looked at Yang Chudie beside him.

Originally, he had already made up his mind that the first stop after the auction was to go to the Oracle King's Court to make Pei Ziju deeply regret what he had done. Unexpectedly, the two things collided together.

"Then...this is such a coincidence!"

Yang Chudie's eyes became dark and she asked again: "Is this Night Owl organization related to the Oracle Royal Court?"

The great elder replied: "I don't know about this... I just based on some information I heard afterwards and compared it with the stolen treasures I received, I inferred that they should be more active in the oracle world. As for whether there is a connection between the two, I have no such clues.”

Lu Yuxin said: You don’t know, maybe another person knows...

However, he did not say this to his face. After all, Pei Ziju had a deep relationship with Shengyun Mountain. It would be bad if the great elder revealed the news to him to alert the enemy.

"Thank you, Great Elder! Now, we only have one last thing left, which is the lack of a bait to attract the fish..."

Lu Yu smiled, moved his hands, and immediately took the hot golden elixir of death in his hand.

"I wonder if we can be like the Night Owl Organization and use this elixir to withdraw 50 million spirit stones from the Great Elder first, and then reconcile the accounts when we come next time. The excess will be refunded and the less will be replenished?"

A group of elders from Shengyun Mountain were waiting anxiously under the attic.

Although after the recent incident, they were needed everywhere on Shengyun Mountain to command and comfort them, but none of the dozen elders left, gathering under the attic to be ready at any time.

Not long after, the elder suddenly walked down with Lu and Yang.

Before anyone had time to ask, the Great Elder immediately asked everyone to collect 50 million spiritual stones immediately and hand them over to Lu and Yang. He then handed the Golden Pill of Death into the hands of Elder Zhang and told him to keep it sealed.

Everyone was shocked, not knowing what the three people had talked about before, and they had reached such a big deal at once, but they did not dare to ask more questions, and they dispersed according to the instructions of the great elder.

The cash of 50 million spirit stones is not a small amount, and even with the strength of Shengyun Mountain, it cannot be taken out in a short while.

The elders directed people to gather around and count the spirit stones. After working all night, they finally collected 50 million spirit stones.

So in the early morning mist of the next day, the great elder personally handed over the Qiankun bag containing 50 million coins to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu took the Qiankun bag, glanced at it casually, put it in his arms, and then boarded the floating ship off the island with Yang Chudie.

"Thank you all elders for your cooperation. I've been disturbed a lot these days, so let's just say goodbye!"

Lu Yu stood on the floating ship with a bright smile and waved goodbye to the elders of Shengyun Mountain.

The elders were silent, recalling the negotiation process between the two parties. The whole process was really not a pleasant one.

At this time, the great elder couldn't help but ask: "I don't know something. Why do you two insist on finding out the identity of that person?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "With the great elder's intelligence, he should have already made a guess in his mind, right?"

The Great Elder fell silent for a moment, but it became clear in his heart. It seemed that the matter was indeed related to the shining Jade Butterfly Master...

The floating ship gradually disappeared into the sea of ​​clouds, disappearing without a trace.

"This guy is really rich! We worked all night long to count the fifty million spirit stones, but he was lucky enough to just leave without even counting them!"

Behind the great elder, one of the elders couldn't help but complain.

"It's better to leave. This guy is simply a god of plague. It took a lot of effort to send this god of plague away!"

"Of course he dares not to count. Even if he doesn't count, do we dare to give him one less piece of money? This god of plague is determined to win and we don't dare to give him less!"

"How did this god of plague do it? It can directly stimulate the original crystal core and affect our formation system from the inside..."

"I hope this god of plague will not come again in the future. Our Shengyun Mountain cannot bear such a blow again..."

"Is this possible? Not to mention that he still has the original crystal core with us. Even the transaction of the golden elixir of death still needs to be verified again..."

"Could it be that we can only be careful with him?"

The great elder suddenly turned around and interrupted everyone's discussion.

"From now on, the entrance to the island will be closed for one month, and all visitors will be refused! Use this time to immediately inspect, adjust, and transform our formation system..."

The Great Elder scanned the people in front of him one by one, with a look of helplessness and sadness and anger hidden on his face.

"You are right, this guy is indeed a plague god. Next time, we must not be so passive!"

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