Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 504 A born commander

Mawang Fort.

Until the meeting in the main hall ended and Tiger Lord bid farewell to everyone in the Tianhe clan and left, he still felt as if he was in a dream, everything seemed so unreal.

The deal actually came to fruition?

Did they really become part of the Tianhe clan?

From now on, the Huangshan Army will fight in the demon spirit world in the name of the Tianhe clan!

Even the second young king of the Tianhe clan personally promised that he would cooperate with the Huangshan Army in the future to take down Black Wind City as the base camp of the Huangshan Army!

This was something he never thought of when he promised to serve Ming Shuai and Miss Yang at the beginning of the Huangshan Army uprising.

Originally, he thought that this must be a difficult journey full of thorns, and he was already prepared for the hard work. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, all the difficulties were solved. The originally extremely bumpy thorns The road suddenly became clear!

Of course, even this does not mean that the future of the Huangshan Army will be smooth, but at least they will have no problem gaining a foothold in the demon spirit world.

Hu Zun was so excited that he didn't sleep a wink all night, but when he woke up the next morning, he was still full of energy, and his whole body was full of energy.

It wasn't until the third day, when Frost Wolf led a 5,000-strong Tianhe clan troop and settled into Mawang Fort as a military governor, that the enthusiasm in Tiger Lord's chest gradually subsided.

He couldn't help but think of what Ming Shuai once said. Regardless of whether he agreed or not, the future would be a long struggle, and it was far from time to sit back and relax.

As soon as Frost Wolf arrived at Mawang Castle, he immediately placed his demon spirits everywhere in the Huangshan Army, and assigned a supervisor to almost every mistress and demon general.

Tiger Lord was quite vigilant about this. Some people were worried that Frost Wolf's people would secretly do something to divide the strength of the Huangshan Army, so he immediately reported the matter to the Commander-in-Chief.

Unexpectedly, Mingshuai smiled faintly and said very generously: "Let them do whatever they want, we just have to do our part!"

Hearing what Marshal Ming said, Lord Tiger had no choice but to give up, but he still couldn't help but pay attention to the movements of these supervisors in the army.

The so-called internal affairs refer to training the demon soldiers under his command.

Since entering the demon spirit world, these little demons from the Great Wilderness Mountain have been more or less improved after breathing the demon mist, but they are still far from elites, so they can only make up for it by practicing.

So, in the next few days, Lord Tiger concentrated on training these newly promoted demon soldiers.

Unexpectedly, the "supervisory troops" sent by Lord Frostwolf were also very peaceful.

Not only did they not hinder the destruction, they even helped to supervise the training of the demon soldiers. Some of the supervisors saw the "Yang Family Boxing Technique" newly promoted by Ming Shuai. They were so happy that they started practicing together, and the atmosphere was It turned out to be quite harmonious.

It wasn't until the sixth day that the conflict between the two sides finally broke out.

However, the difference of opinion arose not on the issue of supervising the army, but on the issue of army food and fodder between the Commander-in-Chief and the Frostwolf Warlord.

"Lord Governor, according to our previous agreement, the Tianhe clan needs to provide us with food rations. Why has it been so many days and the first batch of food and grass has not arrived?"

Lu Yu asked Lord Frostwolf loudly.

Lord Frost Wolf replied slowly: "Please be patient, Commander. How can we neglect what Young Master promised? The food and grass are already on the way to be transported, but the journey is long, and delays are inevitable. I will urge you again soon!”


Lu Yu said dissatisfied: "There are now more than 200,000 mouths in Ma Wang's Castle, and they eat a huge amount of food every day. In the past few days, they have been able to survive only by relying on the food reserves left by Wang Mazi. If it is your If the food and grass are delayed for a few more days, the morale of the army will be unstable and a mutiny will occur. Can you bear the responsibility? "

"Mingshuai, please don't put any blame on me. I'm just a military governor, not a grain transport officer. What does it have to do with me whether the grain and fodder arrive?"

Lord Frostwolf was unmoved at all.

"However, if Mingshuai is really worried, I can show you a clear path..."

"From here, eight hundred miles north, you can enter the territory of the Hongchuan Plain. The Hongchuan Plain is rich in water and grass, with flocks of cattle and sheep, and there are several wealthy cities in it."

"Why doesn't the commander-in-chief order the army to move out immediately and enter the Hongchuan Plain area, imitate the method of laying down Mawang Fort before, and plunder the Hongchuan Plain?"

"Even if the robbery fails, it doesn't matter. It's closer to our Tianhe clan's supply line. It will be more convenient to replenish food and grass then. Commander Ming doesn't have to worry as much as he does now!"

As soon as Lord Frostwolf said these words, Lord Tiger on the side immediately realized the other party's evil intentions.

The Hongchuan Plain is the territory of the Giant Spirit Clan. Like the Tianhe Monster Clan, the Giant Spirit Monster Clan is a well-known and huge force in the demon spirit world. Together with another huge force, the Wuluo Clan, the three of them are classified as monsters. The three strongest forces in the spiritual world.

In Dakong Mountain, the three major clans compete most fiercely for resources.

It is true that the water and grass there are lush, but it is also the heartland of the Giant Spirit Clan's main business, and it is heavily guarded by the Giant Spirit Clan's troops.

That place is like a tiger's butt, impossible to touch...

Hu Zun could see now that although the two parties had reached an agreement before, the Tianhe clan had no intention of just giving out food and grass.

They are forcing the Huangshan Army to go to war with the giant spirits head-on. Only if they can become their tool puppets are they willing to provide material support to the Huangshan Army.

It's even possible that they didn't even want to take out the supplies and just threw the Huangshan Army into the Hongchuan Plain to fend for themselves...

For a moment, Hu Zun's heart couldn't help but rise to his throat. He was afraid that Ming Shuai didn't know the inside story, so he agreed immediately.

Fortunately, Mingshuai did not agree immediately. Instead, he touched his chin and considered it: "Hongchuan Plain? Is there really enough food there to meet the needs of our 200,000 troops?"

"That's natural. The Hongchuan Plain can be said to be the richest place in the entire demon spirit world. It is covered with divine mist. Under the influence of the divine mist, fruits and rice can mature in one month, and cattle, sheep, and horses can grow in two months. There is probably no more fertile granary in the world than that!" Lord Frostwolf said confidently.

"How are the troops deployed there? Will it be difficult to defeat them?" Lu Yu asked again.

Lord Frost Wolf did not answer directly, but said noncommittally: "Such a rich land naturally has heavy military control, but Mingshuai now has more than 200,000 men, and Mingshuai and Miss Yang are invincible commanders. , in my opinion, no matter what kind of defensive arrangement, it is difficult to stop the barren mountain army’s military force!”

After Lu Yu heard this, he hesitated for a while: "In that case, please ask the Governor to make a marching plan immediately and clear the passes and obstacles along the way. We, the Huangshan Army, will start heading north tomorrow!"

Lord Frost Wolf suddenly felt secretly happy and said with a smile: "You are so handsome and wise, I will do it now!"

As soon as he left, Lord Tiger immediately stepped forward with a look of eagerness on his face.

But before he could speak, Lu Yu took the lead and ordered: "General Tiger, go and prepare immediately. The army will set off early tomorrow morning!"

Hu Zun was immediately shocked: "Mingshuai, do we really want to go north to fight the Hongchuan Plain?"

"Any questions?"

"This must never be done!"

Tiger Lord was so anxious that he stamped his feet: "The Hongchuan Plain is a place heavily guarded by the Giant Spirit Clan. Lord Frost Wolf's move is clearly out of good intentions!"

Lu Yu smiled here: "Do you think I don't know that the Hongchuan Plain is a dangerous place?"

"The Hongchuan Plain is the territory of the Giant Spirit Clan. It is heavily guarded by the Giant Spirit Clan. With the combat power of our Huangshan Army at this time, we simply cannot gain a foothold there."

"Mingshuai actually knows this?"

Hu Zun was stunned and suddenly became confused: "Then... why do you insist on going north?"

The smile on Lu Yu's face became stronger and stronger, revealing a bit of cunning.

"I just said to go north. When did I say that we must go to the Hongchuan Plain?"

"If you don't say this, will Frost Wolf clear the passes along the way for us to facilitate our march? Without his dredging, the obstacles along the way alone would be enough for our Barren Mountain Army to drink from! "

"But once we cross the 800-mile pass, it won't be up to him where we want to fight!"

Hu Zun was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but be deeply impressed by Lu Yu's courage and courage.

He asked tentatively: "I wonder where Ming Shuai's real goal is after crossing these eight hundred miles of danger?"

Lu Yu didn't answer, he spread out a map on the table and pointed to one of the places.

When Hu Zun saw the map, he was startled at first. He didn't know from what channel Ming Shuai obtained such a detailed and clear map of the demon spirit world...

After seeing the direction pointed on the map clearly, he felt his heart shrinking suddenly.

Fang City?

If Hu Zun remembers it correctly, that place should be Feng Shuai’s hometown, a city that has a very close relationship with the Tianhe clan!

In this way, wouldn't Mingshuai have offended the two Celestial Demon Marshals in his clan to death?

How many days have it been since you joined the Tianhe clan?

For a moment, the expression on Hu Zun's face was completely dull, and he was completely speechless in shock.

Sure enough, Mingshuai is Mingshuai!

No wonder he was able to create the Huangshan Army in a few days, but after struggling for most of his life, he could only create a Hong Kong Governor's Office, and it was also a puppet regime...

His courage and strategy are beyond his imagination!

Only a person like him is a natural commander!

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