Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 505 Frost Wolf’s Plot

Lord Frost Wolf quickly completed the marching plan.

The content of the plan included the marching route, the speed of marching, the place to set up camp, and other details, all of which were clearly planned and arranged.

When he handed over the plan, Lu Yu immediately felt like he had found a treasure and couldn't help but praise him.

At this time, Lord Frost Wolf, looking at the other party's happy expression, had a burst of disdainful sneers in his heart.

Such a plan can only be regarded as child's play for a general like him who has fought for the Tianhe clan for many years. But unexpectedly, for a wild way like Lu Yu who changed his career halfway, it was like a revelation.

Yes, such a detailed and thorough arrangement, how could anyone think of it?

What's even more ridiculous is that the other party is still grateful for such a plan, but he doesn't know that he has already quietly fallen into his calculations!

Lord Frost Wolf couldn't help but be complacent.

Sure enough, a guard is a guard after all!

What the other party relies on is just a reckless ruthlessness!

It is also because of their strong personal strength and the huge amount of money they have spent to open the way that they have achieved such a scale today. Otherwise, they would have been eaten up long ago!

However, having said that, the personal strength of these two humans is really too strong!

Whether it was the sudden throw that directly blasted Wang Mazi on the training ground that day; or the teleportation array that broke through Mawang Fort before; or the stunning glimpse of Miss Yang during the talks in the fort; or even the Yang family boxing promoted by the Wild Mountain Army...

These things, one by one, made the Frost Wolf Commander feel extremely amazed!

Therefore, he could more or less understand why Ying Qiu Shaojun wanted to subdue the Wild Mountain Army...

What these two people have is exactly what the entire demon spirit world lacks - the inheritance of Taoism.

There is no shortage of powerful individuals in the demon spirit world, but the biggest reason why they have been confined to the Great Wild World and cannot dominate the world is that their Taoism foundation is too weak and cannot compete with the powerful practitioners in the outside world.

Although the three major clans of Tianhe, Juling and Wuluo have certain ancient heritages that enable them to stand at the top of the demon spirit world, they are still not good enough compared with the eight most powerful immortal sects in the legend.

It can be imagined that if the Tianhe clan can tame these two humans and take them in, it will undoubtedly make the Tianhe clan even more powerful, and even in the battle for resources in Dakong Mountain, it can gain an absolute advantage!

What's more, in addition to this, Ying Qiu Shaojun has a deeper personal reason...

In the current Tianhe clan, the three Tianyao marshals all clearly support the first Shaojun Yingchen, but Ying Qiu Shaojun is not a person who is willing to be lonely, so if he has any thoughts about the position of the great monarch, he can only cultivate his own strength in secret.

It is precisely because of this reason that the Tianhe clan and the Huangshan Army are cooperating at this time.

However, no matter which reason it is, the Tianhe clan does not need too many powerful Huangshan troops.

What they really need is an obedient army!

The number of 200,000 soldiers sounds too huge. Such a Barren Mountain Army may be difficult to control.

Therefore, the best way is to let the Barren Mountain Army fight to support the war and hone itself on the Hongchuan Plain for a while!

In this way, it not only hits the Giant Spirit Clan, but also hits the Barren Mountain Army, and at the same time reduces the number of mouths to eat... This is simply killing two birds with one stone!

Therefore, the plan prepared by Lord Frost Wolf for Marshal Ming is actually two copies. In addition to the one submitted, the other is a detailed battle plan on the Hongchuan Plain.

He plans to wait until he arrives at the Hongchuan Plain, when the Barren Mountain Army is in a dilemma, and then throw out another plan.

At that time, the opponent will have no choice at all. He will decide where to fight and whether to flatten their Barren Mountain Army!

Lord Frost Wolf was fascinated by his own talent and strategy, and immersed in his own wisdom for a while, and couldn't extricate himself.

Under such a background, the Barren Mountain Army set out on the expedition as scheduled, leaving Mawangbao, the place where they won the first battle.

Everything went very smoothly in the next few days. Every step of the Wild Mountain Army was perfectly achieved in accordance with the plan made by Lord Frost Wolf.

In just four days, a full 200,000-man army passed through the 800-mile dangerous pass and reached the border of the Hongchuan Plain. Just a few steps forward, it would be the flat Hongchuan Plain.

Until then, the first change finally occurred...

Unexpectedly, when the mission was about to be accomplished, the commander of the Wild Mountain Army looked at the endless Hongchuan Plain and suddenly became timid and ordered the garrison not to move forward.

Lord Frost Wolf was shocked and hurried to the commander's tent.

"Marshal Ming, why did you suddenly stop?"

He said angrily: "The Hongchuan Plain is right in front of us, and the rich food is within reach. If you stop at this time and let the other party be on guard, it will be too late!"

Lu Yu said with a serious face: "General, you don't know, my lady observed the stars last night and felt that the Hongchuan Plain was a dangerous omen. It is not appropriate to attack rashly at this time!"

Sir Frost Wolf's face changed, and his eyes gradually became stern: "What does Marshal Ming mean? We spent so much effort and finally came here. Do you want to back down?"

"Mingshuai, you have to think carefully. We have come all the way in a hurry, and we have very little food left. If we stop here, without access to villages or shops, our Tianhe clan's supply line will not be able to get through for a while. , if the lack of food causes a mutiny in the army, don’t say it’s my responsibility!”

"Only by penetrating these small cities in the west of the Hongchuan Plain and connecting them to the sphere of influence of our Tianhe clan, can our supplies arrive in time!"

With that said, Lord Frostwolf took out the second plan he had prepared a long time ago and threw it in front of Lu Yu.

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